General Kayani Archive

Who is Supreme – Parliament or The Supreme Court? – by Farhad Jarral: It’s been a trend in Pakistani media to make headlines and breaking news on television that the Government is unstable and rumors of the imminent military coup are always floating around. The headlines and breaking news syndrome gained further

Who will ask the negotiators and designers of NRO?: ہمارے ہاں قانون کی حکمرانی، کرپشن کے خاتمہ، اور جمہوریت کی مضبوطی کے لیۓ جب بھی احتساب کا عمل شروع کیا جاتا ہے، تو اس کا دائرہ پیپیلز پارٹی تک محدود رہتا ہے۔ اور عموما” فوجی ڈکٹیٹر اور ان

The more things change -by Nadeem F. Paracha: The Pakistan army as an institution is a curious creature. A self-absorbed bulky white elephant, it can suddenly transform into becoming a raging bull in a china shop every time it feels the vast political and economic space it

What in the Lord’s name: update: There has been alterations and additions made to accommodate few other articles on the same issue The Supreme Court has stated that under the Article 184-3, they have jurisdiction to hear the petition on alleged memo, because fundamental rights

Musharraf’s friends good, elected representatives bad – by Rauf Klasra: میمو کیس: مشرف کے ساتھی سچے، عوامی نمائندے جھوٹے (تبصرہ : رؤف کلاسرا )حسین حقانی کی وکیل عاصمہ جہانگیر کا میمو سکینڈل کیس پر سپریم کورٹ کی طرف سے آنے والے متوقع فیصلے پر یہ کہنا کہ یہ پاکستانی

Fauj se takar: Gillani aur Zardari ko aab intizar fauji tarkion ka -by Rauf Klasra: فوج سے ٹکر: گیلانی اور زرداری کو اب انتظار فوجی ٹرکوں کا (تبصرہ: رؤف کلاسرا) پاکستان کی برطانیہ میں سابق ہائی کمشنر ملحیہ لودھی وزیراعظم یوسف رضا گیلانی کو ان کے دھیمے مزاج کی وجہ سے مذاق میں “ملتانی

General Kayani and CJ Iftikhar Chaudhry agree on Judicial Coup in January 2012: There are some clear signs that Pakistan’s military establishment and its allies (commonly known as Teen Jeem (3 Js), i.e., “Jenerals” and their loyalist judges and journalists) have decided to derail the fragile democratic set up in Pakistan. According

‘Crimes’ of Asif Zardari – by Shiraz Paracha: The military eliminated all Bhuttos because Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, Benazir Bhutto, Murtaza and Shah Nawaz Bhutto did not accept dictation but Asif Zardari, a non-Bhutto, is no different than Bhuttos and this is the reason of generals’ annoyance with Zardari.

Full text of replies submitted by General Kayani, General Pasha and Federation in Memo case: Reply of Army chief Gen Ashfaq Kayani Supreme Court of Pakistan (Original jurisdiction) In CP 78/2011 Muhammad Tariq Asad, Advocate Supreme Court Versus Federation Pakistan etc Reply on behalf of Respondent (General Ashfaq Parvez Kayai, COAS) in Compliance with

Rinse and Repeat – by Sindhyar Talpur: Once a director of popular films was asked in a casual meeting- why his last three films seemed similar to another. His candid reply: if public is willing to pay money to watch same film over and over, who am

Husain Haqqani’s resignation letter – by Hakim Hazik: Source To, President Asif Ali Zardari President of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan And, Field Martial Avatar P Kayani The Supreme Leader, In-charge S Wing Father of the Nation Through the Good Offices of, Mr Mansoor Ijaz, Interlocutor to

Secret Pakistan: BBC documentary on how Pakistan’s ISI trains and arms Taliban: Related posts: On BBC’s Secret Pakistan and Ejaz Haider: Their denials and propagandists – by Abbas Daiyar A comment on Bruce Riedel’s proposed accountability of Pakistan army Appeal to international community: Impose travel restrictions on all senior officers of

Nadeem Afzal Gondal Chan’s brave stance against generals and judges: Cross-posted from Pakistan Blogzine Related posts: On General Musharraf’s betrayal by General Kayani – by pejamistri PML-N’s NRO with Musharraf and secret meetings with General Kayani Critical analysts of Pakistani politics have always insisted that the restoration of CJP

Military must surrender control of foreign policy – by Shiraz Paracha: Recent arbitration by the Saudi intelligence agency in the ongoing ‘CIA-ISI war’ is yet another proof that Pakistan is in a dangerous mess created by the military’s illegitimate control over the country’s foreign policy. Before it is too late,

Pakistan’s future: Of misleading reports and false prophets (Part II) – by Rusty Walker: My illustration is merely a depiction of the absurdity of the Pakistan military inserting itself into Afghan affairs at this crucial point of NATO draw-down of forces. I mean no disrespect to General Ashfaq Kayani. In fact, our own

Of False Prophets and their recipe for Disaster (Part I) – by Rusty Walker: Even a basic understanding of the Jinnah Institute (JI) report and the related testimony to Congress by Moeed Yusuf of the U.S. Institute of Peace (USIP) should make certain things very obvious to Pakistanis, Americans and the global

Wikileaks about Kayani’s unprofessional approach & ISI backed media’s twisted headlines: September 3, 2011. Wikileaks has revealed that the in-charge of Pakistan’s ideological borders, faith and two nation theory the honorable chief Ashfaq Pervez Kayani told privately & confidentially to the ex-US ambassador Anne Patterson that he was very unhappy

Nusrat Javeed on Zaid Hamid: lal topi wala maskhara: Source: Daily Express ——– PS: Apparently General Kayani was a bit generous with the truth. He too seems to have good relations with Zaid Hamid who was specially invited to PMA, Kakul, Osamaabad Abbottabad – in 2010

Going ‘Dutt’ against America -by Khaled Ahmed: Today, most leaders say they would have stood up defiantly (dutt jata) in the face of the American request to join its war on terror. Former president Pervez Musharraf is being abominated for kowtowing to the Americans; and General

Dysfunctional, incapable or extra clever?: The Pakistani Army and it’s leadership is facing worst sort of credibility crises and increasing criticism of poor administrative and defense practices, and right now practically it finds itself in the midst of a inferno, particularly after Osama Bin

WikiLeaks: The Truth and Learning from our Mistakes: By Hamza Usman Locally published for the first time, courtesy an MoU between Julian Assange and the Dawn Media Group, the WikiLeaks documents reveal classified details about Pakistan and its relations with the United States. This new front in

WikiLeaks: General Kayani wanted more US drone strikes in Pakistan: The cable states that Anne Patterson remarks that “Kayani is often direct, frank, and thoughtful. .. is an avid golfer, he is President of the Pakistan Golf Association. He smokes heavily and can be difficult to understand as he

Pakistan: Dying Declaration – by Inam R Sehri: 16th May 2011’s imperative news was that US Special Forces have been asked by the Pakistan’s GHQ to wind up and go. Some sources reported that most of the US troops have already left the country. These troops were

On the USA-Pakistan army alliance: Sleeping with the enemy? – by Rashid Aurakzai: Like a rabbit popping out of a magician’s empty hat, Osama bin Laden (OBL) was not ‘smoked out’ of any cave in Afghanistan but right from under CIA’s 63 year old strategic partner’s Sandhurst, Abbottabad. Capitol hill and Pentagon

Clean Bowled: Deep State and Osama bin Laden – by Kamran Shafi: “BY golly some of our great anchors are something to behold after the springing of Master Raymond Davis from jail … foaming at the mouth; trembling with white rage …” — yours truly in this same space in March,

Politicians united to defend the mighty army and spy masters – by Haris Ubaid: Pakistan’s political elite after due consultation with his highness COAS Kayani and his highness Chief Spy Pasha have come to the defense of the military establishment. This reminds me the following words of Urdu poet John Eliah: Nahi dunya

Can anyone define “Saniha” for me?: It is unfortunate but true, everyone wants to get some publicity by calling what happened on the early morning of 2nd May as a “Saniha”. The Urdu word “Saniha” has the closest English translation of “Tragedy”. The word Tragedy

Writers needed for “Friends, Not Masters II”: Related article: Fake criticism of Pakistan army by FCS proxies A reputed inter-services public relations firm is looking for senior writers to author a book titled as “Friends not Masters Part II” Background The Pakistan army has a long

A Lasting Solution for Balochistan – By Malik Siraj Akbar: While the Chief of Army Staff General Parvez Ashfaq Kayani’s announcement to replace PA soldiers with the paramilitary Frontier Corps (FC) in Balochistan’s gas-rich town of Sui indicates a significant policy change on part of the military, it would

LUBP must stop defending Zardari League (ZPPP) – by Laibaah: As things stand now, your defense of the Zardari league that PPP has become is very disappointing. I have been following your blog for some time and and have even emailed and DMed my views to your editors and

Another Black September by Pakistan Army? – by H.A. Khan: Related articles: The role of General Zia-ul-Haq in the events of Black September (1970) in Jordan LUBP Archive on Bahrain There is no future without the past. These words were written by our Mentor Dr. Lal Khan in his

The military should apologize for Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto’s judicial murder – by Shiraz Paracha: Related posts: LUBP archive on Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto Parrot writers and journalists in Pakistan always praise the position of a serving Army Chief. Those who have sold their souls tell us how great the military’s top brass is. It

Thank you, General Kayani. Your good Taliban kill 18 Shia, abduct 45 in Hangu: Related articles: LUBP Archive on Shia genocide At least eighteen persons were killed and several others wounded in armed persons’ firing on passenger vehicles besides 45 persons were also abducted along with the vehicle. Unknown armed persons opened fires

Love You George:ISI Chief – by Anas Abbas: Dearest George Washington: I am writing this letter to personally congratulate you on your heroic efforts for working towards the independence of the country that has vastly benefited us over the past 60 years. By the way, your country

Raymond Davis sahib aur qiblah Hamid Gul – by Danial Lakhnavi: کل رات اپنے ناسٹلجیا کے تحت امجد خان مرحوم، آنجہانی سنجیو کمار، دھر میندر اور امیتابھ جی کی شاہکار فلم “شعلے” دیکھ رہا تھا، اس دوران بارہا نیوز چینل بھی دیکھتا رھتا جس میں ریمنڈ ڈیوس کی سلطنت سعودیہ

saffaak masiha – by Sana Bucha: سفاک مسیحا ثناء بچہ جس دن شہباز بھٹی کو ابدی نیند سلایا گیا، اس دن میرے پروگرام میں مسیحی برادری سے بے شمار ایس ایم ایس موصول ہوئے۔ کسی نے لکھا ”ہم کرسچن بعد میں، پہلے پاکستانی ہیں!“ دوسرے

ISI Chief’s extension: Another bad decision in offing?: Related articles: General Kayani’s extension as army chief: A bad decision Mohsin Baig’s Online-International News Network: A news ‘agency’ you can trust! A glaring example of how ISI dictates Pakistani newspapers: The case of a missing WikiLeak cable According

Justice rushed for PCO judges, delayed for army generals: Related articles: Will Pakistan’s FREE judiciary try army generals for treason? Justice Jehanzeb Rahim of Peshawar High Court challenges contempt notice by the Supreme Court Adalat ho gi ma kay jaisi – by Honest People ‘Generals can be served

General Kayani explains his position on WikiLeaks via Haroon-ur-Rashid: Related article: Kayani dictates talking points to “free media” A number of key writers in Pakistan’s Urdu and English press have been recently ‘tasked’ to repair the image of the GHQ and General Kayani. The notable amongst them are: