Cyril Almeida Archive

مسلم لیگ نواز کے حامی لبرل قلم کاروں کی چیتھڑا صحافت کا جائزہ – عامر حسینی: نوٹ: اس مضمون کا بنیادی خیال سید ریاض الملک حجاجی کا ہے جس کے لئے میں ان کا شکر گزار ہوں مسلم لیگ نواز اور اس کی لیڈر شپ نے اپنے دائیں بازو کی انتہائی رجعت پرستانہ طاقتوں

Cyril Almeida and NFP continue with their Chumcha giri for the PML N: Cyril Almeida and Nadeem Farooq Paracha (NFP) are some of the sorriest PML N courtiers around pretending to be journalists and “social critics”. With Cyril, it is understandable as he was a pretty compromised, pro establishment hack from

National Interest – by Shiraz Paracha: I have publicly shared my reservation on Cyril Almedia’s story. In my professional opinion, the story was a piece of clumsy journalism. Till date, the Dawn newspaper has not shared any evidence of the claims made in its

Prime Minister of Pakistan and his other civilian comrades are not in mood to resist military establishment: It is not unusual to see how activism in Pakistan has been reduced to an opportunistic chorus, a parroting of the populist line. 4 Shia Hazara women are singled out and shot dead in a bus by Deobandi

Balanced report on Pakistan’s war against Takfiri Deobandi militants: Sameer Lalwani’s recent report on Pakistan’s slow (and as yet incomplete) turn away from radical Deobandi militancy for Foreign Policy (FP) is reasonably balanced. However, much more needs to be done. It seems that the PML N government opposes some

Imran Khan: the man who sold Pakistan to Taliban – by Cyril Almeida: Editor’s note: The problem with Cyril Almeida’s analysis is that he has placed the entire blame on the right-wing (Deobandi hate clerics) and politicians (Nawaz Sharif etc, but Imran Khan in particular) but has completely wiped out another two

Why was #TahirulQadri launched? – by Cyril Almeida: NOW that that’s over, let’s try and figure out what it meant. First, the soft option. Qadri was launched to achieve several things. One: activate the non-Wahabis/Deobandis. Battered and bruised by the Wahabi-Deobandi combine, the establishment is looking for

General Kayani has surrendered Pakistan to Deobandi militants – by Cyril Almeida and Saleem Safi: Related posts: General Kayani’s role in #ShiaGenocide in Pakistan General Kayani’s ostrich policy about Deobandi militants of Sipah Sahaba Taliban -by Saleem Safi General Kayani’s dilemma: Taliban are Pakistan’s assets or liability? – by Saleem Safi Adapted from a

On Cyril Almeida’s superficial analysis of PPP’s dominance in Sindh: I came across this comment on Cyril Almeida’s recent column Bhutto legacy and lack of alternatives equal PPP dominance (Dawn, 5 April 2012). The comment, written by Morial Shah (publicly available on Twitter), is worth sharing with a larger

Name and Remind: Cyril Almeida’s silence on Shia massacres in Pakistan – by Mustafa: [poll id=”9″] Cyril Almeida is a famous columnist, reporter and assistant editor at Dawn newspaper. Cyril after having begun impressively seems to have fallen in line with the dominant pro-establishment discourse in the mainstream media! In the last year

Cyril Almeida’s story on Balochistan is attributable to…?: Cyril Almeida’s column on Balochistan (Balochistan, the unattributable story, Dawn, 26 Feb 2012) is an example of how Pakistan’s military establishment manufactures confusion and obfuscation through friendly journalists. The column is an example of how false neutrality and contrarian

Cyril Almeida’s invitation to army to save Pakistan from Zardari: Cross-posted from Pakistan Blogzine According to Cyril Almeida writing in Dawn, 16 Sep 2011: Army must consider that “the costs of non-intervention [i.e. not removing Zardari from presidency] are higher than the benefits of the status quo.” Critical readers

Marvi Sirmed takes apart Zaid Hamid and his hypocrisy in Shahid Nama: Marvi boldly confronts Zaid Hamid and his double standards and lies on the genocide of the Baloch, Hazara, Turis and the mistreatment of Hindus in Pakistan on Shahid Nama (talk show by Dr. Shahid Masood, 25 August 2011, Express News TV). Zaid

Deconstructing Pakistani liberals: A response to Shashi Tharoor and Raza Rumi: Related posts: Recommending Aatish Taseer How to identify liberal proxies of GHQ in Pakistani media and blogs Taseer’s murder and the call for a ‘broad-based alliance’ between PPP and the ‘civil society’ – by Ahmad Nadeem Gehla Recently I

A rebuttal to Mosharraf Zaidi and other apologists of the military state of Pakistan – by Sumantra Maitra: Related post: Fake criticism of Pakistan army by FCS proxies First published in: The Washington Examiner (My reply to two articles of Mosharraf Zaidi in Times of India and Foreign Policy Magazine.) The dust settled. The answer is known. Pakistan had

“The blaming the victim brigade” and Shahbaz Bhatti’s murder: Related posts: Three musketeers and the “PPP abandoned Salmaan Taseer” narrative An open letter to President Zardari — by Shahid Saeed “Civil” Society must stop blaming the PPP: A rebuttal to Naveen Naqvi and the ‘Twitter Opportunists Club’ Here

On Declan Walsh’s latest scoop: ‘Raymond Davis is a CIA spy’: Related articles: LUBP archive on Declan Walsh On the so called ISI-CIA rift on the Raymond Davis issue Foreign journalists in Pakistan: Embedded in the narratives of military establishment Yesterday, Declan Walsh published two stories in the Guardian (20

Three musketeers and the “PPP abandoned Salmaan Taseer” narrative: Related posts: The blaming the victim brigade and Shahbaz Bhatti’s murder An open letter to President Zardari — by Shahid Saeed “Civil” Society must stop blaming the PPP: A rebuttal to Naveen Naqvi and the ‘Twitter Opportunists Club’ The

Salman Taseer’s murder and the footsoldiers of media – by Qudsia Siddiqui: Related posts: Three musketeers and the “PPP abandoned Salmaan Taseer” narrative “The blaming the victim brigade” and Shahbaz Bhatti’s murder An open letter to President Zardari — by Shahid Saeed “Civil” Society must stop blaming the PPP: A rebuttal

Babar Awan’s appearance in the Supreme Court and the silence of the Hizb ut-Tahrir lambs: We provide below an extensive report on Babar Awan’s appearance in the Supreme Court in the NRO case, providing a snapshot (from pkpolitics) of the mood (of the Ansar Abbasi led Hizbut-Tahrir mafia) before and after Awan’s appearance in

Congratulations, General Kayani, on defeating ‘bad’ Taliban and ‘bad’ politicians at the same time – by Cyril Almeida: Coming full circle Friday, 12 Feb, 2010 OUR boys in uniform have a spring in their step again. Domestically, they have taken on two enemies and appear to be winning: the civilian government has been reduced to parroting the

Why is President Zardari sticking to the 17th amendment? Analysis by Cyril Almeida: A circus with a purpose By Cyril Almeida Friday, 04 Sep, 2009 ‘Zardari’s woes actually began when he became president. It was a clever move tactically, but flawed strategically.’ – (File Photo) IF you had any doubt before, you

President Zardari: By accident or design? – by Cyril Almeida: MUCH has been said about the Zardari presidency thus far and almost all of it is negative. From anyone other than his acolytes a familiar litany of complaints pours out: he’s too weak; he’s never here; he’s autocratic; he

Cyril Almeida: An assessment of Asif Ali Zardari’s performance: End of the red, black and green? By Cyril AlmeidaFriday, 03 Apr, 2009 Looking back over his term in office, there is much for Zardari to smile about – File photo. CONVENTIONAL wisdom has it that Asif Zardari will