Aamir Liaquat Hussain Archive

The Civil Society that selectively condemns Aamir Liaquat but stays silent, obfuscate the role of the Hamid Mir, Najam Sethi: Very selective outrage. While Aamir Liaquat’s role in tolerating and promoting anti-Ahmadi hate speech is utterly condemnable, what about his employers who have provided him with the actual platform? What about fellow GEO stars like Hamid Mir’s whose hate

Ahmadiyya killings: Call for action against Aamir Liaquat Hussain and Geo TV – by Abdul Nishapuri: In the aftermath of blatant incitement to violence in a recent TV programme hosted by Aamir Liaquat Hussain, aired on Jang Group’s Geo TV, an Ahmadi have been target killed in Pakistan by fanatic Sunni and Deobandi Muslims. On

عامر لیاقت کی لیاقت – از ظفر محمد خان: Source: http://www.zemtv.com/2014/08/06/%D8%B9%D8%A7%D9%85%D8%B1-%D9%84%DB%8C%D8%A7%D9%82%D8%AA-%DA%A9%DB%8C-%D9%84%DB%8C%D8%A7%D9%82%D8%AA/

Mir Shakil strikes back through fake-doctor Aamir Liaquat: Cheap tactics of Jang Group against Mubasher Lucman: As one could expect from people of low caliber and upbringing, instead of responding logically and with facts to the allegations levelled against the Jang Group, Mir Shakil ur Rehman and Jahangir Siddiqui by Mubashar Lucman in his series

In Pakistan, TV show gives away babies to win Ramadan ratings war – by David Woode: Editor’s note: The most unethical and bizarre TV show in history airs on Jang Media Group’s Geo TV. The argument that Geo and Amir Jihalat are not at fault since the program gets major ratings is absurd. If Geo

Taher Shah, respect. Aamir Liaquat, shame on you! – by Farwa Zehra: Last night (26 July 2013), a seven minute video clip went viral on social media in Pakistan. Many of you probably saw the video in question; it was the latest transmission of Geo TV’s Ramazan show Amaan Ramzan: Iftar Aamir

Stupidity and dishonesty of Aamir Liaqat, the fake PhD – by Mahpara Qalandar: Geo TV’s top religious show boy Aamir Liaqat Hussain (Ramzaan Hi Dukaan fame) earned his BA, MA, and PhD from a fake Spanish university in record 18 months. Yes, all three of those qualifications. But despite fakery and illegality

رمضان اور پاکستانی ٹی وی چینلز – از وسیم الطاف: ماہ رمضان کی فیوض و برکات سمیٹنے کیلیے پرائویٹ ٹی وی چینلز میں خصوصی مقابلے کا رجحان دیکھنے میں آ رہا ہے اب چونکہ آخری عشرہ شروع ہونے میں چند روز ہی باقی ہیں لہٰذا اس سلسلے میں مقابلے کی

Do Shia Muslims have to convert to Sunni Muslims to earn the right to life?: Jang Group’s Geo TV’s Islamo-evangelical anchor Aamir Liaquat Hussain has proposed that Pakistan’s Shia Muslims should participate in the Yom-e-Farooq (celebration of the birthday of second Caliph Hazrat Umar Farooq) in order to escape the ongoing Shia genocide and

شیعہ اپنی وجہ سے ہی قتل ہو رہے ہیں: عامر لیاقت کی شیعہ نسل کشی کو جواز فراہم کرنے کی مذموم سازش: حامد میر کے معروف پروگرام “کیپیٹل ٹاک” میں بدنامِ زمانہ عامر لیاقت کو بھی مدعو کیا گیا تاکہ وہ بھی فرقہ واریت کا حل پیش کرے۔ اس نے کہا کہ میں یہ نہیں مانتا کہ پاکستان میں فرقہ واریت

پا کستانی مسلمانوں کا کاروباری مہینہ ختم: By Javeria Siddique پا کستانی مسلمانوں کا کاروباری مہینہ ختم اورمذہب فروشی،ذخیرہاندوزی ،بے ایمانی کے تمام سابقہ ریکارڈ ٹوٹ گے۔ مداری علماء کا روپ دھار کر ٹی وی سکرین پر وضع دیتے رہے زرق برق لباس لہک لہک کر

Dr. A.Q. Khan should stay away from hate speech against Ahmadis: On 14 August 2012, Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan said the following words on Geo TV (part of Jang Media Group) which can be legitimately described as hate speech against Ahmadiyya Muslims, Pakistan’s most persecuted minority sect. Sitting on a

Cafe Jhangvi and Lashkar-e-Jang: Pakistan’s “Principled” and “Independent” Media Now that Pakistan’s notorious televangelist, anti-Ahmadi bigot has returned to (the equally notorious) Jang group, one should re-evaluate Café Pyala’s defense and hero-ization of those Jang Group journalists who were upset at the return of

State apathy: Growing social bigotry & violence against minorities – by Zeeba Hashmi: A perception exists that laws, no matter how discriminatory they may be in Pakistan for minorities, are exercised in general at the behest of some law practitioners who try to keep the victims away from mob-troubles. Those publically accused

Exposing Real Faces – by Imran Khan: Cross Posted from: IOpyne On this 14th of August, most Pakistanis did two things on facebook; first they wished everyone a happy independence day, and after that, they shared a video titled: “The real face of Dr. Amir Liaquat”.

The great equaliser: Death by 140 characters —BY Dr Mohammad Taqi: Related Article: The horrors of media capitalism and the orthodox televangelist whores -By Zeeba Hashmi The man, who claims to be imbued with love for Prophet Mohammad (PBUH), is seen and heard uttering profanities while getting ready to recite

The horrors of media capitalism and the orthodox televangelist whores -By Zeeba Hashmi: It’s all about hunger for control. It’s all about hitting the right audience. Amir Liaqat’s exposure came at a time when there was a general perception of godliness about him, and this perception becomes much more stronger among his

Priest wanted for BBB – by Junaid Noor: The government of Pakistan is desperately looking for a Christian priest to perform the funeral rites of the slain minorities minister, the late Mr. Shahbaz Bhatti. The government has requested several bishops, cardinals, fathers and even the pope,

What’s on Pakistan TV talk shows? Extremists.: We thank our reader, Humayun, for sharing the article with us. What’s on Pakistan TV talk shows? Extremists. Source: Christian Science Monitor Pakistan TV talk-show hosts like Zaid Hamid and Amir Liaquat Hussain peddle anti-American conspiracy theories and bash

Anti Minorities Campaign in Punjab -by Junaid Qaiser: On May 28, 2010 Taliban extremists killed at least 93 members of the Ahmadi religious sect and injured around 100 others in attacks on two Ahmadi’s mosques during Friday prayer services in Lahore. According to local police, more than

Lahore terrorist attacks, military actions and future prospects – by Dr Omar Ali: Terrorists (Punjabi Taliban) simultaneously attacked two Ahmedi sect mosques in Lahore during Friday prayers and killed over 80 people. First thoughts on this evil attack: 1. The choice of target is easy to understand. Ahmedis are a persecuted and

Nadeem F. Paracha vs Aamir Liaquat Hussain: Source: Pakistan Media Watch VS Though we typically focus on news talk shows and newspapers, it is not beyond the boundaries to also include some religious television shows. Obviously, this is not a blog about Religion Watch, and I

Pakistani Fatwa Against Suicide Bombing: Amir Mir is a brother of the renowned TV anchor Hamid Mir.………. By Amir Mir (2005) A group of 58 religious scholars from Pakistan representing all major schools of Islamic thought issued a Fatwa (edict) on May 19, 2005

Fatwa by Mufti Rafi Usmani and Mufti Muneeb-ul-Rehman in support of Aamir Liaquat Hussain: We believe that the current dirty, sectarian propaganda against Aamir Liaquat Hussain is a reaction by the pro-Taliban groups, the extremists of Sipah-e-Sahaba, the Gustakhan-e-Rasool elements within the Pakistani society, who have become hostile to Aamir Liaquat Hussain because

Selective morality against Aamir Liaquat Hussain: 02 October 2008 Selective morality, as we all know, is a typical characteristic of Pakistan’s right-wing Islamofascists and (fake) liberal urban elite. The aim of this post is to highlight the recent sectarian propaganda campaign against a Barelvi Muslim