al-Nusrah Archive

Composition of takfiri terrorists groups in Syria: Jabhat al Nusra: Al Qaeda’s official Syrian affiliate, Jabhat al Nusra, is one of the most powerful Salafi Wahhabi groups in Syria. Jaish al-Fateh: A coalition of seven rebel groups, dominated by Jabhat al-Nusra (Al Qaeda) and Ahrar

Henry Kissinger: Realpolitik and Kurdish Genocide – Dr M. Koohzad: “Our movement and people are being destroyed in an unbelievable way, with silence from everyone. We feel, your Excellency, that the United States has a moral and political responsibility towards our people, who have committed themselves to your country’s

Saudi Arabia, a primary supporter of the “Moderate” Al Qaeda/ISIS rebels in Syria – Riaz Malik Hajjaji: Saudi Arabia, a primary supporter of the “Moderate” Al Qaeda/ISIS rebels in Syria wants “secular” Great Britain, another supporter of the “Moderate” Al Qaeda, to support Sharia! Saudi Arabia wants Great Britain to bow down even further. “The furious

The shared history of Saudi Arabia and ISIS: The participation of young Saudis in the Syrian and Iraqi conflicts is neither surprising nor an historical accident, writes Madawi Al-Rasheed. The Saudi regime has imprisoned its moderate Islamists and allowed its radicals to cause mayhem in the

Silent massacres of Christians, Sunni Sufis and Shias by Boko Haram: From Indonesia to Nigeria, there is a transnational Wahhabi and Deobandi trend to kill the Shias, Sufi, Sunnis, and Christians. Th latest in the series of wholesale assassinations is attack on the central Sunni Sufi mosque of Kano in Nigeria where

Global Terrorism Index 2014: 4 Wahhabi Deobandi groups responsible for 66% of global terror killings in 2013: Editor’s note: Our readers should note two very key findings of the GTI vindicate the LUBP narrative and prove the fake liberal media and for hire think tankers and University Professors wrong. First, Four Wahhabi Deobandi groups with connections

Russia Today’s report on how Hamas, Al-Nusra and ISIS dragged Palestinians into Syria’s conflict – by Sharmine Narwani: Palestinians didn’t jump into the fray in Syria. They were dragged into it – violently and reluctantly. Here is the story of how and why Palestinians and their 14 refugee camps became strategic targets in the Battle for

On the CIA estimate of number of fighters in the Islamic State – by Bill Roggio: US officials are shocked at the “Islamic State’s rapid growth.” Now, the CIA estimates that the Islamic State has somewhere between 20,000 to 31,500 Salafi Wahhabi and Deobandi fighters within its ranks. That number may include “some 15,000 foreign fighters in

العربیہ ٹی وی : سعودی سلفی جہادی کی بیوہ نے بغیر طلاق کے داعش دہشت گرد سے شادی رچا لی: سعودی عرب میں القاعدہ کے انتہائی مطلوب کمانڈر کریم المجاطی کی مراکشی بیوہ فتیحہ المجاطی داعش کے خلیفہ ابو بکر البغدادی کے معاون خصوصی سے نکاح کرنے عراق جا پہنچیں۔ العربیہ ڈاٹ نیٹ کی رپورٹ کے مطابق فتیحہ کا

Deobandis in Pakistan divided on ISIL terrorist Abu Bakar’s Caliphate: Eminent figures of Deobandi sect of Pakistan divided on the self-proclaimed Caliph Abu Bakar Baghdadi of notorious terrorist outfit ISIL. Pro-Bakar graffiti was daubed in Bannu and a Deobandi cleric thinks Taliban ringleader Mulla Omar will decide

مخالفت یہود و مخالفت صہیونیت میں فرق کیا ہے ؟ – از عامر حسینی: ایک صاحب ہیں ایلن ہارٹ جوکہ کبهی انڈی پینڈنٹ ٹیلی ویژن نیٹ ورک برطانیہ اور بی بی سی سے وابستہ رہے اور مڈل ایسٹ پر ان کو خاصی مہارت حاصل ہے اور اسرائیلی و فلسطینی قیادتوں کو بہت قریب

Lebanese Sunni cleric Sheikh Maher Hammoud exposes Salafi hypocrisy: Arabs will fight Israel if it’s a Shia entity: Sunni Imam of Al-Quds Mosque in Sidon (Lebanon), Sheikh Maher Hammoud, has claimed that “if you want Arabs to fight Israel, tell them Israel converted to Shi’ism”. Hammoud said: “اذا اردتم للعرب ان يقاتلوا اسرئيل قولوا لهم ان إسرائيل

Leaked audio features Al Nusrah Front emir discussing creation of an Islamic emirate – by Thomas Joc: A leaked recording of Abu Muhammad al Julani, the emir of the Al Nusrah Front, giving an impassioned speech to his fighters surfaced online late yesterday. While the audio appears to be a real recording of Julani, The Long War

Dirty Al-Qaeda business in the name of ‘Syrian Observatory for Human Rights’: This so called human rights activist, an affiliate of @syriahr (Syrian Observatory of Human Rights SOHR) in Aleppo who was killed recently was, in fact, a Wahhabi sectarian monster affiliated with Al-Qaeda: See this article on Syrian Observatory

Al Qaeda incites Shia genocide in Indian-administered Kashmir: On 13 July 2013, Syria’s notorious Al Nusra Front (a branch of Al Qaeda in Iraq) incited Wahhabi and Deobandi Jihadists to kill Shia Muslmis in Badgam area of Indian-administered Kashmir. Soon after the inctiement by Saudi-backed Al Qaeda,

Syrian Observatory for Human Rights: A one-man propaganda cell for FSA-Nusra terrorists: The following two articles published in the Guardian and LD tell us about Rami Abdelrahman and his UK-based propaganda organisation, a one man group known as ‘Syrian Observatory for Human Rights’ (SOHR). Rami Abdelrahman’s ‘Syrian Observatory for Human Rights’

Jamaat-e-Islami, Taliban and ASWJ-D militants leave Pakistan to massacre Shias, Sunni Sufis and Christians in Syria: Hundreds of Deobandi and Wahhabi militants from Pakistan belonging to banned terrorist groups Sipah-e-Sahaba (currently freely operating as Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat Deobandi ASWJ-D) and Taliban (TTP) are leaving Pakistan to join the Al Nusra Front in Syria. Some

Syria’s War, Another Tragedy on Euphrates: Who is Looking for What? by A Z: It has been over two years since the Syrian opposition, propelled by long-held and varying grievances, rose against Bashar al Assad. With Assad’s long autocratic reign under serious threat, the regime responded with force, arresting protesters and torturing some

Qatar, Stoking up the Fires in Syrian Inferno – by A Z: In Syria Bashar al-Assad obstinately clings on to power as the number of dead continues to rise and the atrocities by the rebels and the government multiply. In the midst of all this it is startling to note how