Monthly Archive:: March 2011

Breaking News: Pakistan army exports new mercenaries to kill Bahraini protesters: Related articles: LUBP Archive on Bahrain Recruitment of Bahrain National Guards in Lahore to kill Shia protesters in Bahrain Pakistani Soldiers and Bahraini Mogambo – by Danial Lakhnavi Overseas Employment Services: Fauji Foundation headhunts for Bahrain’s security units By

Message of Condolence to the Pakistani Community by Hon. Jason Kenney: Here is an audio link to a impressive speech given by the Hon. Jason Kenney, PC, MP Minister of Citizenship, Immigration, and Multiculturalism at PORTICO Church on Sunday March 6, arranged by Canadain Christian Association (CCA). The Honourable Jason

Views on Muddiness in Punjab – by Hassnain Jamil and Hukam Singh Siasi: Courtesy Daily Aajkal and Awami Jamhori Forum

The Pakistan conundrum – by Dr Syed Sarosh: Benighted sentiments must not be used as an excuse by the Pakistani state to shy away from its human rights responsibilities including the protection of religious minorities . The government must make a clear distinction between raw and unruly

Supreme League of Pakistan (Chaudhry wing) – by HB Mallah: The government of civilians released an under house-arrest employee of the government and restored him to his position of chief justice. That restoration through an executive order is credited to the pressure exerted by the Mulla-Media-Military Alliance and

Report on reviewing the decade long counter-terrorism struggle: 2001-2010: Throughout the decade the greatest apprehension for the citizens, government and other concerned authorities remained security. During the year 2009, when 11704 people lost their lives among which 2324 were civilians, 991 were security personnel and 8389 were terrorists.

Paying your way: Corruption, a necessary evil? by Ali Wahab: Published: Express Tribune, February 28, 2011 From the very outset, let me be very clear that corruption, kickbacks, facilitation money etc are not condonable; however, being realistic, it cannot be done away so easily through either a law or

Shahbaz Sharif’s invitation to judiciary and army: To call the PML-N and its leadership as confused and to a certain extent mindless would be an understatement. Pakistan’s real revolutionary, Khadim-e-Aala Punjab, Mian Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif on Monday demanded that all stakeholders including Chief of Army Staff

Thanks but no thanks, LHCBA – by Saad Mansoor: The Lahore High Court Bar Association has passed a resolution condemning the killing of Governor Punjab Salman Taseer and Minister Shahbaz Bhatti. The ever so enthusiastic lawyers community of Lahore have condemned the murder with a carefully worded resolution

An agenda for Pakhtuns in Pakistan – by Baryal Utmanzai: Pakhtun Leadership (both politicians and civil society) should stand with any one who helps them achieve for Pakhtunkhwa a complete and unadulterated regional autonomy. Without such an autonomy, Pakhtuns are doomed to social, cultural and economic slavery. Centralized State

Pakistan Educational Task Force – A Public Service Message: The Pakistan Education Task Force has launched the Education Emergency Pakistan booklet that shows a truer and newer picture of the long standing education crisis that affects this country. Education Presentation Part 1 Education Presentation Part 2 The

Who can be a Mu’min? – by Shiraz Paracha: From mullahs to poets such as Dr. Muhammad Iqbal everyone describes ‘shan and aan’ (glory and prestige) and great qualities of a Mu’min. To be a Mu’min is the dream of a true Muslim. However, according to the Qur’anic

Response To President Zardari’s Washington Post Article – By D. Asghar: Editor’s Note: We welcome the following critical post from our valued contributor. While we realize that the current PPP government is caught between the pincer of the military establishment and its media, judiciary and jihadi allies, its current inability

Salmaan Taseer, Shahbaz Bhatti and Fake Civil Society – by Shakeel Arain: Related post: PPP is on the same left-liberal footing even today. FCS, Please take note Pakistan’s urban chatterers (also known as Fake Civil Society FCS) deliberately refused to accept Mumtaz Qadri (assassin of Salmaan Taseer) as a product of

Anti Americanism, Cola Boycotts and Islamic banking – by Danial Lakhnavi: پاکستان اور امریکہ کے مابین تعلقات کا معاملہ بھی عجیب ہے، جس ملک میں ہر دوسرا شخص امریکہ میں جا کر بسنے کا متمنّی ہے جہاں امریکہ مردہ باد نعرے کے نام پر اپنی دکان چلانے والے بقول ڈاکٹر

Pakistan Christian minister Shahbaz Bhatti ‘a martyr’: The Archbishop of Canterbury has called on the government of Pakistan to do more to protect its minorities. Dr Rowan Williams said the murder of Pakistan’s only Christian cabinet minister, Shahbaz Bhatti, could not be “managed or tolerated”. Writing

Anthem For Woman – Tu Hi Tu: This year, March 8, celebrated as International Women’s Day marks 100 years of the declaration and observation of the first International Women’s day. The first official celebration of Women’s Day happened on March 19 in 1911 in Austria, Denmark,

Najam Sethi’s ongoing campaign against politicians and democracy: Related posts: Najam Sethi against Najam Sethi Geo TV gets censored…by Geo TV: Najam Sethi’s show and the out of bound topics LUBP Archive on Najam Sethi While not unlike other liberal Pakistanis, I too appreciate Najam Sethi’s (carefully

saffaak masiha – by Sana Bucha: سفاک مسیحا ثناء بچہ جس دن شہباز بھٹی کو ابدی نیند سلایا گیا، اس دن میرے پروگرام میں مسیحی برادری سے بے شمار ایس ایم ایس موصول ہوئے۔ کسی نے لکھا ”ہم کرسچن بعد میں، پہلے پاکستانی ہیں!“ دوسرے

Why do private and state-owned campuses in Pakistan remain ideologically polarised? – by Nadeem F. Paracha: Divided they preach A lot of young people wonder why last year Zaid Hamid was chased out from Peshawar University by the students. He had gone there to speak and spread his call for a ‘revolution’ that (not so

Are we a nation of murderers? — by Marvi Sirmed: Never had I felt so dejected and heartbroken throughout my life of activism and movements I had ever been a modest part of, the way I did when a friend called me to be careful. These ‘be careful’ messages

Punjabi Taliban and PML-N: Related articles: LUBP Archive on Punjabi Taliban IT is difficult to say who is guilty of hurting the Punjabi sensibility and compromising Punjab`s security more. Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif has warned Interior Minister Rehman Malik against using the term

Age relaxaion for CSS Exams part 2: One step forward, two steps backward – by Shamoon Qureshi: For First Part : Age relaxation for CSS 2012 exam Part 1 – by Shamoon Qureshi Salus Populi Suprema lex- CSS 2012 Age Relaxation CSS Age Relaxation issue has been highlighted and strongly demanded by all the quarters of

Pakistan: A country created & being destroyed in the name of religion – by Aziz Narejo: It was not long ago when some Indian Muslim leaders had gathered in Lahore and had adopted a resolution at their meeting to demand a brand new country in the name of religion. They systematically created a mass frenzy

Are you there Mr President? – By Ayesha Siddiqa: Rehman Malik has yet again scattered his pearls of illogic by saying that the interior ministry was planning to impose restrictions on artists, journalists and students on scholarships travelling to India. They will now have to seek a no-objection

Shaheed Shahbaz BHUTTO! – by Danial Lakhnavi: Related articles: LUBP Archive on Punjabi Taliban وزیر اعلی پنجاب کو “پنجابی طالبان” کی اصطلاح بہت ناگوار گزری ہے اور یہ ناراضگی بجا بھی ہے کہ ہماری سیکورٹی اسٹیبلشمنٹ کے میڈیایی تجاوزات اور پنشن یافتہ دفاعی تجزیہ کاروں کو

The Taliban feel insulted when our officials say that the CIA is funding them to kill innocent Pakistanis: Related article: Civil society demands Raymond Davis’s execution and Aafia Siddiqui’s release Culture of appeasement Express Tribune – Editorial, March 4, 2011 The killers of federal minister for minorities Shahbaz Bhatti must be puzzled by the way their murder, which

As Pakistan battles extremism, it needs allies’ patience and help – by Asif Ali Zardari: Source: Washington Post, 6 March 2011 Two months ago my friend Salman Taseer, the governor of Punjab, was cut down for standing up against religious intolerance and against those who would use debate about our laws to divide our people.

How much Punjab knows about Balochistan?: Editors note: We are presenting this video as an example of how the dominant narrative views the rest of Pakistan; in this instance, it is specifically Balochistan. In the ethically prejudicial discourse of our urban chattering elites, the Sindhis are “lazy

Shahbaz Bhatti martyred by extremist Deobandis – by Amjad Rashid: When I was teaching in my school, I heard a loud voice of a student behind me in the usual noise of students in the class: “Sir, another PPP minister killed today”. It is now a days very common

Supreme Court subverts the Constitution. Again! – by Saad Mansoor: While the nation mourns the systematic murder of its minorities, there is another murder taking place in the Supreme Court of Pakistan. A four member bench of Supreme Court has ruled that the Parliamentary Committee’s rejection of six additional

Blasphemy: Does the Holy Qur’an approve murder? – by Shiraz Paracha: For Muslims the Holy Qur’an is the first source of guidance. The Qur’an does not order death or murder for blasphemy. The Qur’an says Muslims should only fight in self-defence and should kill those who wage war on Muslims. Verse number 33

PPP is on the same left-liberal footing even today. FCS, Please take note: It has increasingly been noticed that whenever there is a setback, a certain class of people purporting to be liberals whom we cover as Fake Civil Society or FCS as lovingly call, begin blaming the victim. When Mohtarma Benazir

Zardari’s dilemma: Between blood, revenge and legacy of martyrs – by Ahmad Nadeem Gehla: “The toothless government should stop appeasing extremists”, the wise men and women of Civil Society, media and anchorpersons of TV talk shows are vehemently advising President Zardari. It would have been worth ignoring, if Sara Taseer, the daughter of

Words to live by from Nicholas of Cusa in the shadow of Shaheed Shahbaz Bhatti – by Rusty Walker: Editor’s note: While our frothing at the mouth right wing media fans anti-Americanism, the psuedo liberals engage in an Anti-Americanism of a more sophisticated kind. Using Cold War terminologies, their discourse of “anti-imperialism” is only reserved for the UN

ISI Chief’s extension: Another bad decision in offing?: Related articles: General Kayani’s extension as army chief: A bad decision Mohsin Baig’s Online-International News Network: A news ‘agency’ you can trust! A glaring example of how ISI dictates Pakistani newspapers: The case of a missing WikiLeak cable According

Human fright in Gilgit Baltistan – Institute of Gilgit-Baltistan: On February 26, 2011, a representative of the Human Rights Observer International (HRO) accused the federal government of Pakistan for the continued targeted killings and related terrorist activities in Gilgit. The representative stated that Pakistani security forces and police stationed in

Priest wanted for BBB – by Junaid Noor: The government of Pakistan is desperately looking for a Christian priest to perform the funeral rites of the slain minorities minister, the late Mr. Shahbaz Bhatti. The government has requested several bishops, cardinals, fathers and even the pope,

“The blaming the victim brigade” and Shahbaz Bhatti’s murder: Related posts: Three musketeers and the “PPP abandoned Salmaan Taseer” narrative An open letter to President Zardari — by Shahid Saeed “Civil” Society must stop blaming the PPP: A rebuttal to Naveen Naqvi and the ‘Twitter Opportunists Club’ Here

Farewell to George Fulton: Is Pakistan a livable country? That is the question in the minds of many Pakistanis. Most of whom had no choice in deciding to be a Pakistani citizen. Whereas George Fulton – who we all recognize from “George ka Pakistan” –