Strategic Depth Archive

ریاست پاکستان نہیں سعودی نواز ضیائی باقیات بمقابلہ ایران: عامر ہاشم خاکوانی اور دیگر دیوبندی سلفی دانشوروں کے پراپیگنڈے کا جواب – عامر حسینی: مجھے اپنے اس کالم کا یہ عنوان اس لئے رکھنا پڑا کہ دیوبندی –سلفی انتہاپسندوں کے امام اور پاکستان کے معاشرے کی سعودی وہابائزیشن و دیوبندائزیشن کے زمہ دار جنرل ضیاء الحق اور پاکستان کے اندر تکفیریت کے بیج

ضرب عضب کا سپاہ صحابہ بارے سوالیہ رویہ: تزویراتی گہرائی کا کٹ ٹو سائز ایڈیشن – عامر حسینی: برطانیہ میں سپاہ صحابہ پاکستان / اہلسنت والجماعت پہ پابندی عائد کی گئی اور اس تنظیم کو وہاں پہ سرگرمیاں کرنے کی اجازت نہیں ہے، برطانوی حکام کو پتہ چلا کہ اس کالعدم تنظیم کے دو ارکان چوہدری صابر

#ShiaGenocide : Sectarianism is the Last Refuge of a Terrorist – by AZ: While Pakistan Army is on the offensive to eradicate the safe havens of terror in the northern areas of Pakistan, the target killing of Shias continues unabated in the cities of Pakistan. During the last two days a renowned

Karachi Airport attacks and Taftan crossing: : Facts Media is Hiding: Our strategic assets, the Deobandi militants under various names, have struck again, and with the usual high success figure. This time, they have succeeded in a way which is far greater and significant than most of the attacks in

تصویری نمائش : سٹریٹجک ڈیتھ: سپاہ صحابہ کا سابقہ لیڈر ا عظم طارق دیوبندی آئی ایس آئی کا سابقہ سربراہ جرنیل حمید گل دیوبندی اور طالبان کا باپ کہلانے والا سمیح الحق دیوبندی اپنے سعودی آقا کے ساتھ پاکستان فوج کے سابقہ

Pakistan in a Modi Abdullah Abdullah sandwich – by A Z: Modi’s election is good because, in India and Pakistan it is only hardliners, who are not mistrusted by the armed or communal vigilantes and therfore can sue for peace in conflicts. The last BJP government almost did it, till

KLF 2014: Some questions for organizers and participants of Karachi Literature Festival: According to media report, the 5th edition of Karachi Literature Festival (KLF) began in Karachi at the Beach Luxury Hotel (5-9 Fev 2014), which will have 100-plus sessions featuring 200 speakers from 11 countries. It has been reported that

ملٹری اسٹبلشمنٹ،تزویراتی گہرائی اور تکفیری خارجی عسکریت پسندی-آخری حصّہ: یہ سب محض اتفاقات نہیں ہیں بلکہ اگر ہم پاکستان اور سعودیہ عرب کے درمیان ان واقعات کو ذھن میں رکھتے ہوئے سٹریٹجک تعلقات کی ازسرنو استواری،پاکستان میں سعودی وزیر دفاع سے لیکر اہم ترین سعودی اعلی عہدے داروں

ملٹری اسٹبلشمنٹ،تزویراتی گہرائی اور تکفیری خارجی عسکریت پسندی-پہلا حصّہ: پاکستان کی ملٹری اسٹبلشمنٹ کی جانب سے افغانستان کو اپنی کالونی بنانے ،اںڈیا سے کشمیر کو حاصل کرنے ،انڈیا سے مشرقی پاکستان کی علیحدگی کا بدلہ لینے اور پاکستان کو ہمسایہ ملکوں کے اندر ایک ڈیپ ریاست بنانے کے

This All Began in 1947: The Jihadist Operations of Pakistani State: Related post: This too was Pakistan (1947-71): A response to Nadeem Paracha’s “Also Pakistan” General Zia-ul-Haq and to a lesser extent Zulfikar Ali Bhutto are often blamed for using or cultivating non-State actors (Jihadi proxies) to promote Pakistan’s (or

Organized Shia Killings in Pakistan and the Deep State’s Assets – by Marvi Sirmed: More kicks than half pence! — by Marvi Sirmed Probably the engineers of these dozens of sipahs and lashkars and jamaats did not realise that it might not be just Indians or Afghans at the receiving end of violence

Marginalizing Pakhtoons here but longing for their rule in Afghanistan, Army paradox — by Kahar Zalmay: My people want to live peacefully with their neighbours. My people are poor, their wishes and desires too little and they want to live as free men, not soldiers During my extensive travels in the Pashtun heartland after a

Time for Pakistan to abandon strategic depth for economic central foreign policy: Related Post: Time to say good bye to strategic assets The new world is giving a high priority to diplomatic relations among different countries and nations on the basis of economic interests & human security mainly. America is the

Book review: Taliban and Anti-Taliban, Another book to kill for? – by Khaled Ahmed: Another bombshell will have to be endured by the national Taliban narrative with ‘Taliban and anti-Taliban’ by Farhat Taj (Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2011), a Research Fellow at Centre for Interdisciplinary Gender Research, University of Oslo, Norway, an MPhil in

Military as an obstacle -by S. Akbar Zaidi: ACADEMICS who work on the political economy of Pakistan have no doubt in their minds that Pakistan’s military, primarily its army, remains the dominant power in any equation regarding the distribution and use of power and force in Pakistan.

The persecution of Sikhs and Hindus in Pakistan is unaccaptable!: The following two incidents should be a source of shame to all Pakistanis. The first instance involves our dear Sikh Pakistani brothers and sisters and this is how Express Tribune reported it: “The Sikh community in Lahore have been

Urdu text of Amn Tehrik’s Peshawar Declaration: A comprehensive strategy to eliminate terrorism: Amn Tehrik (Peace Movement) is an emerging and dynamic movement of concerned individuals and organizations from the province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa for the promotion of peace in the troubled regions of the province. Amn Tehrik has been regularly organising

Pakistan army’s Taliban strategy – by Kamran Shafi: Making sense of it all WHEN Musharraf made his U-turn on the Taliban upon American `urging` after 9/11, some of us thought he meant it. And, being the boss of bosses of the establishment of the Land of the

Triple Blasts in Youm-e-Ali (a.s.) Procession: Karbala attacked in Lahore – by Ch. Ahmad Khan: As the death toll from today’s gruesome attacks on a Shiite procession commemorating the martyrdom of Hazrat Ali, probably the most venerated muslim saint after the Holy Prophet rises, few if any are addressing the core issues that have

The slanted truth – by Dr. Mohammad Taqi: Those who Believers in the thesis that Afghanistan provides Pakistan with strategic depth are so scared of this shared bond that they had vetoed Afghania — represented by the letter ‘A’ in the word Pakistan — as the new

Kasb e kamal kun, Key aziz e jahaan shwi: Pakistan, Afghanistan and the Army Unfortuntely, more dead people in the days to come. fortunately for some, also more cash….kasb e kamal kun, key aziz e jahaan shwi (Achieve excellence and you will be the beloved of the world)

Pak-Afghan relations — by Agha H Amin: I fail to understand how some of the country’s leading analysts can dub Afghanistan as being Pakistan’s backyard. Afghanistan is an independent state that boasts a great history. Seen in this context, how would Pakistanis feel if India tried

‘Strategic depth’ at heart of Taliban arrests – by Shibil Siddiqi: Pakistan has recently arrested a number of top Taliban leaders, including the second in command, Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, and many of the Quetta shura. It also killed in a drone attack Mohammad Haqqani, a leader of the powerful

Pakistan sets ground rules for AfPak policy – by M K Bhadrakumar: Natural law brings AfPak crashing By M K Bhadrakumar Be it a baseball struck in a neighborhood sandlot game or in high-wire diplomacy, an elementary principle of physics holds good – what goes up must come down. In a

Zaid Hamid and strategic depth — by Farhat Taj: FATA continues to be used and abused as a strategic space by the security establishment of Pakistan in violent pursuit of strategic depth in Afghanistan. In short, strategic depth means Pakistan must have a pro-Pakistan government in Afghanistan by

Strategic depth for Pakistan lies within Pakistan – by Kamran Shafi: It is within us By Kamran Shafi Tuesday, 09 Feb, 2010 THERE has been a veritable raft of statements from the chief of army staff in the very recent past on ‘strategic depth’ for Pakistan in Afghanistan. Variously: “we

Deconstructing Pakistani Generals’ strategic depth theory: Defining ‘strategic depth’ By Kamran Shafi Tuesday, 19 Jan, 2010 Will our army pack its bags and escape into Afghanistan to disengage itself from the fighting, if India goes to war with Pakistan? –writes Kamran Shafi

General Musharraf, Taliban and the Strategic Depth Doctrine: General Musharraf and Taliban After President Asif Ali Zardari said on CBS News that “Pakistani forces are fighting the Taliban for the survival of Pakistan”, General (Retd) Pervez Musharraf kind of “gilded the lily” by stating in Islamabad that

President Zardari, please convince General Kayani that Taliban are no longer our natural allies; get rid of ‘strategic depth’ syndrome…: Reining in the militantsSunday, February 08, 2009 On his first visit to Peshawar since moving into the presidency, Asif Ali Zardari attended a series of detailed briefings at the Governor’s House and met with key provincial officials. At the