social media Archive

Govt establishes social media cell & the News reports negatively: Firstly, we would like to commend the Pakistan Peoples Party led government for realizing the importance of alternative forms of media on internet. The new web based social media is a new emerging domain where readers, listeners and viewers

Vidpk – Involving Pakistan into the new media -by Mahjabeen Sheikh: Pakistan is blessed with talented people in all fields including TV artists. Since TV was launched 40 years ago, PTV and other channels have given the audience some excellent plays which have won several awards. These renowned artists have

If your website’s full of anonymity, that might be okay: Hmm, lots of interesting responses to If your website’s full of assholes, it’s your fault, and even more interesting conversation about the topic of commenting culture in general. A few highlights from the last few days: My wonderful friend

Looking for ‘Pakistan Spring’ makers? -by Nusrat Javeed: A group of frighteningly brilliant and youthful professionals seemed dominating the reception that Mark Davidson, the US Counselor for Public Affairs, held at his residence Friday evening. The event facilitated two communication experts from Open Source at Brown University

On Jahanzaib Haque’s cri de coeur for the Baloch – by Maula Bux Thadani: The Pakistani media has perfected the art of assigning false equivalencies and obfuscating issues and their abuse is restricted to a few politicians of the PPP who are not in favour of the security establishment. These pompous blowhards have

Human rights activist @Laibaah silenced by Urban Elite Tweeples – by Alamdar Ahmad Mengal: Editor’s Disclaimer: While we may not agree with some of the contentions offered in this post, we wholeheartedly support the principle of Free Speech and condemn those fascists who ganged up to silence Laiba Marri’s voice on Twitter ……….

In case 3 million Pakistani social journalists want to know about Balochistan – by Ejaz Baloch: In a much hyped Pakistan Social Media Summit, it was noted that “Pakistan has over 3 million social journalists and the number is increasing with the passage of every day with 6.2 million users on microblogging site Twitter and

Social Media Summit in Karachi which never was! – by Laibaah: Related posts: How to identify liberal proxies of GHQ in Pakistani media and blogs Fake Civil Society (FCS) – by Shahid Khan At Pakistan’s first sever Social Media Summit (aka PKSMS) in Karachi, the following resolutions were passed: At

Pakistan’s first international social media summit: Pakistan has over 3 million social journalists and the number is increasing with the passage of every day with 6.2 million users on microblogging site Twitter and over 4 million social network Facebook users already. This was observed by

Social media and Pakistan: prospects and possibilities – by Raza Rumi: Related post: LUBP agenda, visitor stats and the way forward When I started to blog, almost by accident, a few Pakistani bloggers were found in cyberspace. Within half a decade the number has multiplied beyond belief. From the senior

How to identify (fake) liberal proxies of Pakistan army in mainstream and social media?: Preamble Commenting on the state of pro-establishment journalism in Pakistan, Ayesha Siddiqa once said: Today, we face a state of military hegemony: political, economic and intellectual control. Today, there is not a single university in Pakistan or a young

Murder of Bahraini blogger Zakria Rashid al-Asherri by the US-Saudi puppet Hamad Al Khalifa: Related articles: Pakistani bloggers demand release of Bahraini blogger Mahmood Al-Yousif Iranain blogger Omidreza Mirsayafi dies in prison. Time to support bloggers in Iran Bahrain buries dead blogger as government crackdown continues LUBP Archive on Bahrain Hundreds of mourners

Pakistani bloggers demand release of Bahraini blogger Mahmood Al-Yousif: Related article: Iranain blogger Omidreza Mirsayafi dies in prison. Time to support bloggers in Iran LUBP condemns the arrest of prominent Bahraini blogger Mahmood Al-Yousif by the martial law dictator (Bahraini King Hamad) and the Saudi invader (King Abdullah).

Comment moderation at LUBP and elsewhere – by Ahmed Iqbalabadi: The LUBP editors and authors come under some sort of slack over the last few weeks for allegedly “character assassinating potential allies” (who we consider as back-stabbers) and “inciting killing civil society members” (who we consider as Fake Civil

Mohsin Baig’s Online-International News Network: A news ‘agency’ you can trust!: Related article: Story of a spy agency’s news agency – by Aamer Ahmed Khan A glaring example of how ISI dictates Pakistani newspapers: The case of a missing WikiLeak cable News agency fails to confirm source of WikiLeaks disclosure

LUBP agenda, visitor stats and the way forward: Dear LUBPians, First of all, a big THANK YOU for your ongoing support to the LUBP project. Here is an update on LUBP visitor statistics which you may find reassuring. In the last two months alone (Oct-Nov 2010), we

Establishment’s investment in Pakistani blogsphere: Moin Ansari and Ahmed Quraishi exposed: Related articles: In rejection of pseudo-liberals of Pakistan – by Sarah Khan Adil Najam, ATP and the closet Taliban in Pakistani blogsphere Adil Najam and his pseudo-liberals’ outpouring of sympathy for Sherry Rehman – by Sarah Khan Another pseudo-liberal

Why do we publish on LUBP what we do? – by Abdul Nishapuri: Nugget 1 Sheen Alif recently asked: The progressive blog should come clear on how they view the Baloch insurgency, as publishing a piece on Lala Hameed Baloch and another condemning BLA just on assumptions in one breath is not

Onward march of an agency-connected fake liberal blogger “Barrister” Ali K. Chishti: Disclaimer: The following post does not represent the LUBP’s view point. This is based on my personal opinion. Not unlike paid journalists with vested interests, it has become a fashion amongst bloggers and media activists to present themselves as

PTH’s blogger Raza Rumi renders apology to LUBP: Note: We welcome Raza Rumi’s reconciliatory post which he has written on behalf of the Pak Tea House (PTH) blog in which he apologized for the abuses hurled at LUBP by Yasser Latif Hamdani. Below is a copy of

LUBP condemns ban on The Baloch Hal – by Abdul Nishapuri: We have recently learnt about the ban on Balochistan’s first online English newspaper, The Baloch Hal, by the military establishment of Pakistan. Our dear friend, Malik Siraj Akbar, is the Editor-in-Chief of this excellent online newspaper. The Baloch Hal

Do we need parental guidance on blogging? An open letter to Pak Tea House and Pakistani blogging community – by Ali Raja: Related Articles: In criticism of LUBP – by Raza Habib Raja Much more than a petition: A critical view on the PTH-LUBP differences – by Qudsia Siddiqui Pak Tea House’s criticism of LUBP Adil Najam and his pseudo-liberals’ outpouring

Apathy and silence on urgent human rights issues: An audit of Pakistani bloggers – by Sarah Khan: In my recent posts on the LUBP, I have highlighted the pseudo-liberal inclination of several Pakistani intellectuals including bloggers. Another common feature of Pakistani blogs is their selective understanding and representation of events in Pakistan. For example, events happening

Adil Najam, ATP and the closet Taliban in Pakistani blogsphere: Related articles: From Abdullah Shah Ghazi Bombing to Mohabbat Qulfi: Adil Najam’s Talibanic Agenda – by Sarah Khan In rejection of pseudo-liberals of Pakistan – by Sarah Khan All Things Pakistan (ATP) is no doubt one of the most

Independent Media and Role of Bloggers: On 25th May 2010 Muhammad Malik in his program targetted LUBP because we had published the audio tape of Hamid Mir while talking to Punjabi Taliban. Muhammad Maalik urged PM Gillani to take action against the blog which has

Internet blockade and urban middle class youth – by Ahmed Nadeem Gehla: On Wednesday 19th May 2010, the Lahore High Court, famous for acting as a “moral brigade” rather than judiciary, once again passed a strange order to ban Facebook across Pakistan on a petition of Muslim Lawyers Forum. The demand

Moral policing the internet – by Sana Saleem: How many of you have come across content claiming to ‘expose’ or tell the ‘truth’ about a certain someone? More importantly how many of you have shared such content? If you’re one of those who hits forward without thinking,

Zardari bashing reaches ABC News blog – by Sarah Khan: It was saddening to see how an engineered video clip defaming President Asif Zardari made its way to ABC News blog. Here is the article which inspired me to write this post particularly because I was in the audience

In Defense of LUBP: Protect Freedom of Expression of Pakistani Bloggers – by Shaheryar Ali: Shaheryar Ali Source: Sherryx’s weblog It’s a very sorry state of affairs. For more than 2 years now I have been writing about the dangers of “intellectual hegemony”, “selective radicalism” and “double discourse on Rights” being prevalent in

GEO TV: Selective Freedom of Expression – by Aamir Mughal: Guest Blog by Aamir Mughal Source: Every citizen shall have the right to freedom of speech and expression, and there shall be freedom of the press, subject to any reasonable restrictions imposed by law in the interest

Pakistani bloggers are united in support of LUBP – by Umair Wasi and ‘Pakistan Media Watch’: “Let us build Pakistan” has approached the “Committee to Protect Bloggers” in order to report the systematic and coordinated bullying of our blog by Hamid Mir, Ansar Abbasi (and other pro-Taliban anchors and journalists) in Pakistan’s capitalist media (i.e.,

Hamid Mir criticizes LUBP in Geo TV’s Capital Talk: In his popular talk show ‘Capital Talk’ (Geo TV) on 5 November 2009, Hamid Mir dedicated almost entire program to criticize the ‘Let us build Pakistan’ (LUBP) blog as well as the group ‘Critical Supporters of Pakistan Peoples Party’.

Iranian blogger Omidreza Mirsayafi dies in prison: Time to support Iranian bloggers: Our friend Hamid Tehrani has told us that Omid Reza Misayafi has died in prison in Iran. Omid was sentenced in December to three years in prison for “insulting” Iranian religious leaders. “(T)he reason for his death,” says Hamid,

Pakistani bloggers’ blackout on Shia killings: While Pakistani media, politicians, civil society and most of the bloggers remain focused on the Long March, NRO, political battlefield in Punjab and perhaps on certain other regions such as Gaza and Kashmir, the plight of Shias of Pakistan

Abdul Nishapuri’s Interview with The Pakistani Spectator: تعميرپاکستان The following interview was conducted by Ghazala Khan of “The Pakistani Spectator” regarding my journey as a blogger on “Let us build Pakistan”. Source: Interview with Blogger Abdul of ‘Let us build Pakistan’ Abdul, Sarah and Ahmer

Websites “harmful for the integrity of the country” banned in Pakistan: PTA orders blockade of political webpages, discussion forums Friday, January 02, 2009By Urooj Zia Karachi The Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) issued directives in the last week of December to Internet Service Providers (ISPs), ordering them to block a list

An overview of Pakistani blogs: —work in progress— Here is a candid overview of Pakistani blogs. If you would like to add your blog to the list or offer a perspective on your or other blogs, or if you wish to post a list
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