NATO and NATO supplies Archive

For India, worries of another 1989 moment in the region – by Shivam Vij: With NATO pulling out of Afghanistan in 2014, foreign policymakers in New Delhi are concerned that Pakistan may refocus militants on Kashmir. As NATO troops solve the logistical challenges of a draw-down from Afghanistan, there is a sense

#ShiaGenocide in Pakistan: Why the Taliban are not destroying NATO trucks any more? – by Mahpara Qalandar: The hidden CIA-ISI agenda which you are made not to see In view of the US withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2014, these days NATO is taking its latest technology and war machines back via Karachi, Pakistan. But how come

Nato supply resumption, a positive development: موجودہ سول حکومت، پاکستانی سماج اور عوام کو پاک امریکہ تعلقات کے تناؤ اور سوئس حکام کو خط لکھنے کے معاملے نے ایک مستقل یرغمال میں رکھا ہوا ہے۔ پاک امریکہ تعلقات میں بحرانی کیفیت ایبٹ آباد آپریشن سے

The Blackmailing Game: Pak Army and United States – by Ali Taj: Why has Pakistan suddenly reopened NATO supply routes which were closed for several months following the Salala attacks of November 2011? A US military investigation last year had already exonerated American troops operating in Afghanistan from inappropriate use of force against

US apology to Pakistan: A clear vindication of Pakistan Government and Chairperson PPP – by Ravez Junejo: NOVEMBER 24, 2011: Two Apache helicopters, part of a wider group of NATO air support, flew into within 1km distance from Pakistani airspace and launch an unprovoked attack at two border checkposts in the Salala area of Mohmand Agency,

A PPP Jiyala’s perspective on Sherry Rehman Lobby’s discourse on NATO supply blockade: As a diehard Bhuttoist and proud Jiyala, I am extremely troubled to see some fake civil society activists (pseudo-liberals) presenting themselves as pro-PPP but at the same time undermining the very foundations of the elected parliament. My leader, Shaheed

Speak our language and get isolated: PPP leadership being misled by Pakistan army’s Sherry Rehman Lobby: Related post: Restoration of NATO supplies: Let’s blame Zardari and Gilani! Obama should apologise for Salala: Bilawal NEW YORK: Pakistan Peoples Party’s (PPP) Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari said on Tuesday that he was visiting America to normalise the ties

Restoration of NATO supplies: Let’s blame Zardari and Gilani!: In the aftermath of humiliating surrender of Pakistan army generals to the US army and government on the issue of NATO supplies, Pakistani military establishment has activated its propagandists in right-wing dominated Urdu media and pseudo-liberal dominated English media

Pakistan helping Afghan Taliban – Nato: Pakistan is finding it harder to convince outsiders it is not helping the Afghan Taliban and giving safe haven to its leaders. In effect, the accusation is that Pakistan is betting on the insurgents being the strongest power in

Crappy Analysis: Ansar Abbasi and diapers: Ansar Abbasi is a very senior journalist for The News/Jang Group. While may not I agree with his views, from afar I used to assume he might be providing some intellectual strength to the right. I now think I

Who is the biggest aggressor, Taliban or US? -by Arshad Mahmood: The greater of the aggressors Nato choppers present in Afghanistan attacked Pak Army check posts and killed 24 of our soldiers. Presently our security establishment is furious and as a gesture of true patriotism our social, religious and political

Not all deaths are mourned the same – by Murtaza Haider: Pakistanis of all political and religious persuasions are equally enraged by the tragic death of their soldiers caused by an indiscriminate air attack by the Nato forces. Pakistani soldiers, stationed at a border post in Mohmand region, were attacked

War with NATO, suicide for Pakistan – by Shiraz Paracha: A low-intensity military conflict between Pakistan and the United States is going on in Afghanistan and along the Pak-Afghan border since the U.S. military invasion and occupation of Afghanistan. Both sides have been using proxies and guerrilla war tactics

Gaddafi’s bloodied body will haunt imperialists! – by Shiraz Paracha: A dear friend of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto and a supporter of the people of Pakistan, Muammar Gaddafi of Libya was killed in the most violent way by NATO and its Al-Qaeda mercenaries. The U.S. President Barack Hussein Obama and

Sovereignty moot: Meri behn ka dupatta dey dey Oye!: سلطان راہی مرحوم اور مصطفی قریشی کی لاجواب جوڑی نے بہت سے فلمی شاہکار تخلیق کئے ہیں سب سے زیادہ فلموں کے حوالے سے گینز بک آف ورلڈ ریکارڈ میں نام لکھوانے والے سلطان راہی مرحوم اپنے فلمی کرداروں

Making his Trip on Govt Expense: Fazlur Rehman in Brussels – by Mujahid Hussain: Source: Daily Aajkal

Hamid Mir on Imran Khan’s first sit-in: Hamid Mir is a well known drama queen, but today he has just beaten all. In his article titled “Imran Khan ka pehla dharna“ published in our dearest Daily Jang on April 25, 2011, I had fits of laughter

Beyond nation states: Union of South and Central Asia (USCA) – by Shiraz Paracha: The death and destruction in name of nation state has taught the West to discard the narrow concept of nation state, however, in some parts of the world, the West is encouraging separatist movements and ethnic groups which aspire

Afghanistan: NATO’s mission impossible – by Shiraz Paracha: During the weekend, leaders of 28 NATO countries gathered in Lisbon, Portugal, for a face saving meeting as it became clear that the Western military alliance could face a humiliating defeat in one of the world’s poorest countries. Contrary

Shift in Turkey policy worries EU, NATO – By Shiraz Paracha: Keeping Turkey under control and on board is becoming a serious challenge for the United States and the European Union (EU) as the Turkish public and government are frustrated with Western double standards and hypocritical policies. Turkey is transforming

Kurram: the forsaken FATA – by Dr Mohammad Taqi: General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani visited a tribal agency last week but he did not tender an apology to some local families, whose dear ones — including children — were killed by the Pakistan Army gunship helicopters this past September.

Central Asia, battlefield of powers – By Shiraz Paracha: Energy resources of Central Asia, the containment of Russian and Chinese influence in the region, and the monitoring of Iran are the main motives of the United States and the NATO presence in Afghanistan and in parts of the

Laden living ‘comfortably’ in Pakistan: NATO official: KABUL: Al-Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden is living comfortably in a house in northwest Pakistan close to his deputy Ayman Al-Zawahiri, CNN yesterday quoted a NATO official as saying. The Saudi-born militant wanted for the Sept 11 attacks on

Up to our necks – By Kamran Shafi: Source: Dawn (October 12, 2010) BUT do you think the fire-breathing, attitude striking, ghairat brigade (brigades actually, for many more have sprouted in the week that the Torkham border remained closed to Nato/ISAF supplies) will ever acknowledge, even

Pakistan is not America’s enemy -by Ryan Crocker: A sustained U.S.-Pakistani partnership after the Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan could have produced a very different history than the one we wrestle with today. The news from Pakistan is grim. NATO helicopters engage suspected militants inside Pakistan, killing three,

Pakistan decides to reopen major supply route for NATO forces: The Pakistani government on Saturday announced its decision to reopen the Khyber Pass border into Afghanistan for NATO supply convoys. “After assessing the security situation in all its aspects, the government has decided to reopen the NATO/ISAF supply from

Sometimes madness is just madness – by Syed Yahya Hussainy: Something is very wrong with the state of US-Pakistani relations at this critical time in the war against extremism and fanaticism. In the midst of this defining moment in the war effort in Afghanistan and in Pakistan, the US

White House Reiterates Support for Pakistan, Afghanistan: White House Reiterates Support for Pakistan, Afghanistan despite Pak, US tensions spike after border closure and attacks on NATO supply trucks. The tension comes just as Washington is stepping up its shadow war on militants harbored in Pakistan’s border regions. The

Who is behind attacks on NATO supply trucks in Pakistan: There is now irrefutable evidence which suggests the following: 1. The ISI-Taliban Alliance (i.e., the Taliban in uniform and the Taliban in civil clothes) are behind recent attacks on NATO supply trucks in Pakistan 2. Pakistan’s foreign office is

Signaling Tensions, Pakistan Shuts NATO Route -by Jane Perlez and Helene Cooper: ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — American officials pressed their Pakistani counterparts on Thursday to reopen a vital supply route for American and NATO forces in Afghanistan, as relations deteriorated after the fourth strike by coalition helicopters in a week killed three members

Terror Plot Reportedly Uncovered In Europe: Western intelligence agencies are reportedly tracking a plot to carry out terrorist attacks in Britain, France, and Germany. Citing unidentified intelligence and security officials in the United States and Europe, Western media reported that the potential attacks were allegedly

Floods Opening The Floodgates For Pakistan’s Extremists- By Daud Khattak: Devastating flooding in northwestern Pakistan has now taken more than 1,400 lives and a left about 1 million people homeless. Although the government has announced it is stepping up relief efforts, it has been widely criticized for its slow

We got leaked- by Sindhyar Talpur: Wikileaks, an international whistle-blowing website, recently leaked US and Allied forces military documents highlighting the situation on the ground in Afghanistan. One of the many things highlighted is Pakistani intelligence agency, ISI’s, double game in the War. If you

Pakistan, Afghanistan and politics of US withdrawal- by Shehrbano Taseer: WASHINGTON DC: On Wednesday, the Institute for Policy Studies (IPS) and the Middle East Research and Information Project (MERIP) co-sponsored an event featuring Pervez Hoodbhoy and Zia Mian. The speakers discussed the present crisis in Pakistan regarding the Taliban

Dangerous Conspiracy Theories – by Peter Chamberlin: Dangerous Conspiracy Theories By: Peter Chamberlin How could a bunch of “lone wolf” researchers be considered dangerous to the United States? The official explanation given is that we confuse those who hear or read what we have to say,

The Survivalist of North Waziristan: Hafiz Gul Bahadur Biography and Analysis – by Charlie Szrom: Source: Critical Threats Taliban and al-Qaeda fighters use Waziristan to prepare for and launch attacks against American forces in Afghanistan and Western targets abroad. Since early June, the Pakistani military has been conducting a campaign to kill Waziristan’s preeminent

Kyrgyzstan—Victim of the ‘Tulip Revolution’- by Shiraz Paracha: Thirty one years after the Soviet Union sent its troops to Afghanistan on the invitation of the then Afghan government, Russia, the successor of the USSR, has declined a troop request from another Central Asian state. Perhaps Russia does

Is there an Al Qaeda – NATO connection?: The al Qaeda connection? NWFP was hit by another terrorist attack on Tuesday afternoon when a suicide bomber blew up his car in Charsadda bazaar. More than 30 people were killed and nearly 100 others injured, including several women

Pakistan and NATO must attack and eliminate the Taliban new havens around Quetta: ‘Taliban have new havens around Quetta’ * Washington Post says US grappling with rapidly spreading arc of Taliban influence* US officials concerned Quetta shura planning

Taliban torch 10 NATO supply trucks: Taliban torch 10 NATO supply trucks * Alternate route opened in Khyber * Security camp attacked in Landikotal By Sajid Ali and Sudhir Ahmad Afridi JAMRUD/LANDIKOTAL: Army engineers on Wednesday built a temporary alternate route for traffic, including NATO
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