JI Archive

ایم کیو ایم کے خلاف آپریشن اور مذہبی اور سیاسی جماعتوں کی منافقت: ایم کیو ایم کے خلاف آپریشن سے اس کی مخالف سیاسی اور مذہبی جماعتوں میں خوشی کی لہر دوڑ گئی۔قیام پاکستان کی مخالف جماعت اسلامی نے بانیان پاکستان کی اولادوں کی جماعت ایم کیو ایم کے خلاف آپریشن پر

“The Taliban are coming”, sings this young boy from a Deobandi madrassa: The Taliban are Coming , Sings this young boy from a Deobandi Madrassa in Punjab – by Riaz Malik Hajjaji Between the Army and the Pro Taliban politicians (Nawaz Sharif, Imran Khan) to the media (mostly everyone), Judiciary (nearly

The Factories – by Shiraz Paracha: Pakistan’s industrial sector is extremely weak. Not many factories are productive and successful in Pakistan except one. Perhaps we are on the top in manufacturing test-tube politicians, religious ‘scholars’ and media personalities. ‘Wise minds’ of Rawalpindi believe that immature

ISI unleashes JuD-LeT and ASWJ-LeJ proxies to harass Jang Group, Umbrella support for Taliban Imran Khan joins in: Editor’s note: We are cross posting the screams of Jang/Geo group when the most wanted terrorists, which Jang/Geo stalwarts like Najam Sethi projected as ambassadors of peace, are being used to attack them. It must be noted that

Ablution With My Blood: Ablution with my blood again and again O ‘ people!thou scare me with your prayer The demand of SHARIA by TALIBAN is like, killing a man and stuffing prayers with ablution of his blood and their SHARIA refers only

Time to ban Jamaat-e-Islami, Pakistan – by Mahpara Qalandar: Jamaat-e-Isami: World’s most dangerous fascist entity There is hardly an Islamofascist party or group which is not an offshoot of the Jamaat-e-Islami. Think about Haifz saeed of LeT. All his life he has been a Jamaat activist and planner.

PTI gets first shock as JI abandons it, PPP almost begging Nawaz to go soft – by Amir Mateen: ISLAMABAD: Sardar Ayaz Sadiq’s victory as National Assembly Speaker was not without surprises. The biggest shock was the betrayal of PTI’s partners in Pakhtunkhwa. Both Jamaat-i-Islami and Aftab Sherpao voted for Ayaz Sadiq. It is elementary: PTI had 29

Nawaz Sharif and Imran Khan must beware of negotiations with the Taliban – by Ejaz Haider: Editor’s note: A rare piece of Ejaz Haider that one may largely agree with. Although Ejaz Haider continues to describe Taliban as TTP (ISI’s preferred discourse to distinguish between good (Afghan) Taliban and bad (Pakistani TTP) Taliban, his arguments

Who are the Taliban proxies? PTA banned Shia Killing watch site produces remarkable video: Excellent compilation by #ShiaGenocide watchdog website ShiaKilling.com which is now banned by Pakistan Telecom Authority (PTA). This video clearly shows where the political parties stand. This video is about the elections and the divide. On one side, PPP, ANP and MQM on

Sham Hijab Conference: Prime Minister’s wife shouldn’t participate in a JI event: It is indeed a matter of concern for the progressive elements within Pakistan Peoples Party that Prime Minister Raja Pervez Ashraf’s wife Nusrat Ashraf has accepted an invitation to participate as chief guest in Jamat Islami Pakistan’s organised event

Anti Americanism, Cola Boycotts and Islamic banking – by Danial Lakhnavi: پاکستان اور امریکہ کے مابین تعلقات کا معاملہ بھی عجیب ہے، جس ملک میں ہر دوسرا شخص امریکہ میں جا کر بسنے کا متمنّی ہے جہاں امریکہ مردہ باد نعرے کے نام پر اپنی دکان چلانے والے بقول ڈاکٹر

Military Mullah Nexus – by Shahid Mahmood: Related articles on LUBP: General Ahmad Shuja Pasha’s letter to Mullah Baradar – by Hakim Hazik Taliban Apologist Court bars extradition of Mullah Baradar It is not a self-created tragedy that almost one million people gave up their lives

This is Radio Conspiracy FM-70 – by Nadeem Paracha: Source :Dawnblog Hello this is Radio Conspiracy FM-70 and I’m your host and RJ, Ali Azmat. Today in the studios we have with us Pakistan’s leading DJ and rock star from the band Conquering Israel, Ghalat Hussain, hello Ghalat

Pakistan and Facebook: both victims of Lahori Islam – by Ahmed Nadeem Gehla: There is a ‘mass madness’ ranging from TV talk shows to headlines of News Papers and debate on internet. Charged workers of religious organisations are out in streets of Pakistan. As Malaysian are relatively more religious people as compared

Internet blockade and urban middle class youth – by Ahmed Nadeem Gehla: On Wednesday 19th May 2010, the Lahore High Court, famous for acting as a “moral brigade” rather than judiciary, once again passed a strange order to ban Facebook across Pakistan on a petition of Muslim Lawyers Forum. The demand