Islam Archive

Muslim society and women – by AZ: FOREWORD: As we address this subject, a thinking mind has to acknowledge that there is no archetypical Muslim woman. There are hundreds of millions of them scattered across the globe. They include a huge variety within their fold –like

Messy Madhouse – by Shiraz Paracha: The level of manipulation is astonishing in Pakistan. Information and even knowledge is not based on plane facts or stated in a simple way. No scientific or logical explanation of events, things, actions or reaction is given. Most messages,

Consequences of giving the Education Ministry to Jamaat-e-Islami in KP—by Shiraz Paracha: The decision by the PTI ‘s provincial government to give education ministry to Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) will have monumental negative effects on education and future generations.The Jamaat-e-Islamai is a non-electable party, yet it controls Pakistan. In fact, today’s Pakistan is

I’m a sinner because I am left-handed – by Khurram Butt: Things you do or don’t or should or shouldn’t span the halal, mubah, mustahab, wajib, makruh, haraam kaleidoscope I eat with the left hand – always have, always will. I can’t help it! It’s called being “left-handed”, though mercifully

Pakistan: the land of irony: All Pakistanis are equal, but some Pakistanis are more equal than others,especially if they’re Muslims Literary folk would have a field day explaining the stuff that a good irony is made of, if they could see the potential that

Inside of the Muslim mind -by Arshad Mahmood: What we find today is that it is only Islam and its followers which are privileged to be the focus of the entire world. Islam, though a minority religion of the world is struggling hard to excel all other

Innocence of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), Culpability of Muslims – by Dur-e-Aden: “I have always held the religion of Muhammad in high estimation because of its wonderful vitality. It is the only religion which appears to me to possess that assimilating capacity to the changing phase of existence which can make

Bravery has no place where it can avail nothing – by Syed Salman: Though I wrote this blog last year when daring Salmaan Taseer was assassinated, hoping his death would not be just another to increase tally, but unfortunately things didn’t move an inch towards improvement, rather further deteriorated; Shahbaz Bhatti was

Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, My Peace Hero – by Hifza Shah Jillani: Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto is a known political phenomenon. Bhutto, not only a political leader, is someone who created new kind of politics in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, first state to be created in the name of Islam. He

Equality of citizens: Common sense that’s not so common! – by Dur-e-Aden: A bomb explodes in a market, some 80 people die and 100s get injured. Can anyone tell me the identity of those who lost their lives? Do bombs differentiate when they explode that I am only going to hurt

Can non-Muslims be made friends? – by Dr. Khalid Zaheer: 1) Introduction The tension between Muslims and non-Muslims, in particular Jews and Christians, as a result of the events of September 11, 2001 and beyond has made the world of ours far more intolerant and insecure than it was

My faith is stronger than your blasphemy! – by Dur-e-aden: On October 1, 2011 a Judge of Pakistan anti-terrorism court sentenced Mumtaz Qadri to death over the murder of former Punjab Governer, Salman Taseer. As soon as the news came out, it has stirred up the debate regarding blasphemy

Main kaun hoon? – by Dur-e-aden: “Pakistan ka matlab kiya, la ila ha illallah”, this is one slogan that is always heard in any milli nagma, drama, movie or a documentary made for 14 August. Growing up all of us learnt that Pakistan was created

The Ahmadi Conundrum – by Aden: I don’t know if it’s true or not, but my Mom says that my first word was Allah. Well this is what supposed to happen when your house is so close to the mosque and the Azaan comes out

God is not a Christian: The following is excerpted from the Archbishop Desmond Tutu’s new book, ‘God Is Not A Christian: And Other Provocations.’ This talk also comes from a forum in Britain, where Tutu addressed leaders of different faiths during a mission to

Has Ansar Abbasi committed blasphemy? – by Shiraz Paracha: Ansar Abbasi of daily Jang newspaper provided his readers incomplete and selective translation of verses from the Holy Qur’an. Just to prove his twisted logic this self-proclaimed soldier of Islam and a ‘good Muslim’, he used the Holy Qur’an to

Who can be a Mu’min? – by Shiraz Paracha: From mullahs to poets such as Dr. Muhammad Iqbal everyone describes ‘shan and aan’ (glory and prestige) and great qualities of a Mu’min. To be a Mu’min is the dream of a true Muslim. However, according to the Qur’anic

Blasphemy: Does the Holy Qur’an approve murder? – by Shiraz Paracha: For Muslims the Holy Qur’an is the first source of guidance. The Qur’an does not order death or murder for blasphemy. The Qur’an says Muslims should only fight in self-defence and should kill those who wage war on Muslims. Verse number 33

Umar Bin Khattab (RA), the forerunner of visionary modern state – by Shaukat Masood Zafar: People say good leadership is like a prized perfume. Its very first scented waft announces its presence with astonishing freshness. Bad leadership like skunk just stinks. Democracy is not a separate ideology from Islam. In fact democracy is very

A Thousand Year Writer’s Block.. – by Omar Ali: William Burroughs famously remarked that Islam had hit a one thousand year writer’s block. Is this assessment justified? First things first: obviously we are not talking about all writing or all creative work. Thousands of talented writers have churned

Necessity Pushes Pakistani Women Into Jobs and Peril – by Adam B. Ellick: Cross Posted from: New York Times Her conservative brother berated Ms. Sultana for damaging the family’s honor by taking a job in which she interacts with men — and especially one that requires her to shed her burqa in favor

LUBP Interview with Olaf Kellerhoff, Resident Representative Pakistan at Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom: Related Interviews: LUBP Exclusive: A critical interview with Nadeem F. Paracha LUBP Interview with Kamran Shafi LUBP Interview with Dr Ayesha Siddiqa (Part I) LUBP Interview with Dr Ayesha Siddiqa (Part II) Brief Introduction: LUBP is pleased

Human rights, Islam and cultural argumentation — by Ishtiaq Ahmed: A distinction must be made between making an argument for universal, non-discriminatory and inclusive human rights with the help of some Islamic moral and ethical principles and, on the other hand, creating an argument for an Islamic package of

Why this public obsession with religion? – by Faheem Younus: Lateef Khawaja was a retired man who lived a few houses down the road from us in Lahore. Everyone considered him to be a pious man but there were a few things he would never do: carry prayer beads

Kashmir Bleeds, Does Anyone Heed?- by Hafsa Khawaja: Befittingly termed once as ‘Heaven on Earth’, with millions martyred since the past 6 decades, thousands of half-widows, orphans and missing – Kashmir today is a Palestine-in-the-making of Asia. As the Kashmir intifada continues, anyone keeping a keen eye on

Rewarding hate – by Nadeem F. Paracha: The more mischievous among us even prayed to the Almighty to let the Saudis fall in love with this eminent ‘Islamic scholar’ and fund his outlandish theories, leaving television viewers ever so grateful for keeping him there. But, alas,

Is LUBP an anti-religion blog? – by Sarah Khan: Lately it has been suggested by a few commentators on this blog, forum and elsewhere that the LUBP is a blog critical of Islam (or religion, in general), and has a la-deen (wrong translation of secular) orientation. Nothing could

Salam: A documentary film by Dr Babar Awan to clarify misconceptions about Islam and Quran: In April 2008, Senator Dr Babar Awan announced his intention to make an international documentary on the Holy Quran in response to a controversial film released by a Dutch parliamentarian. Senator Dr Babar Awan said the documentary was being

The anti-Islam vote in the Netherlands elections – by M Amer Morgahi: Published in Dawn Blog: The enormous success of the right wing anti-Islam party in the recent elections in the Netherlands indicates a widespread schism within the Dutch and wider European societies where the presence of the Muslims as equal

The demand for a state religion constitutes blasphemy – by Nasir Ahmad: The concept of state religion is inherently flawed. Enforcement is essential for state whereas freedom is integral to religion. State has got a separate institution for the enforcement of law and the constitution. If we make religion an integral

Is there any evidence of an Islamic State in Islam?: Hamid Akhtar critiques the Khariji perspective on Islamic

The need for a critical examination of Islamic history and an alternative discourse: The backwards forward Posted by Nadeem F. Paracha There is an urgent need in the Muslim world to think anew about a lot of issues, not to appease the West, but to co There is an informative debate show

A beautiful Naat: Kalam Imam Zain-ul-Abideen (A.S.): Recited by : Mian Sheharyar PTV Hazrat Imam Zain-ul-Abidin was the eldest son of Hazrat Imam Husain (A.S.). His mother was the Persian princess Hazrat Shahr Banu (R.A.).

Islam, Ziaism and hypocrisy: A matter of faith: A matter of faith —Salman Tarik Kureshi It is the frightful institutions General Zia-ul Haq promoted and the retrograde educational systems he erected that have polluted the intellectual atmosphere of the land and given birth to today’s bigoted, obscurantist

Secular Blunders – by Nadeem Paracha: Secular blunders Nadeem F. ParachaSunday, 05 Jul, 2009 | 01:44 AM PST Instead of containing the Islamist parties, ZABs constitutional concessions only emboldened them. — File Photo The late President Anwar El-Sadat of Egypt was assassinated in 1981 by

Qasida Burda Sharif – dedicated to the Master of the Universe: In loving memory of our beloved Prophet Muhammad ibn Abdullah (peace be upon him and his progeny) Introduction: Ya Adhemeen by Ahmed Bukhatir

Eid Milad-un-Nabi Mubarak: Mawlid celebrations: Eid Milad-un-Nabi / Mawlid Mubarak Mawlid (Eid Milad an Nabi) (also knonwn as Mawlid or Mevlid) is a term

In search of peace: From Middle East to South Asia – By Khurshid Nadeem: The need for intra-Islamic dialogue

Allama Iqbal: Is he relevant? – by Yasser Latif Hamdani: A very interesting, critical essay by Yasser Latif Hamdani Allama Iqbal: Is he relevant? By Yasser Latif Hamdani Is Allama Iqbal relevant to us?Given the current turmoil, which has made it abundantly clear that the people of Pakistan desire