Islam Archive

Obama vows to listen to Muslims: Obama’s first interview as president (Al-Arabiya TV exclusive): Obama’s first interview as president (Al-Arabiya TV exclusive) Obama vows to listen to Muslims By Edward Luce in Washington Published: January 27 2009 Barack Obama on Monday night granted an Arabic-language television channel his first formal interview as president

Karbala and the Imam Hussain in Persian and Indo-Muslim literature – by Annemarie Schimmel: Annemarie Schimmel, Allama Muhammad Iqbal and the significance of Karbala In this era of the qehtur-rijal, we needed to have voices such as Iqbal and Schimmel. Instead, we have “scholars” such as Dr Israr Ahmed and Dr Zakir Naik

Mujrai Khalq Main In Aankhon Ne Kia Kia Dekha: Muharram 1430 A.H. A tribute to Imam-e-Aali Muqaam Imam Hussain (A.S.) Salam-e-AakhirBy Shafqat Amant Ali

Do we need science or Islamic science? What do pro-liberal and pro-jihadi Pakistanis think?: Ghost of TK says: December 23rd, 2008 at 2:34 pm Beardo’s are cargo-culters. Look at Ajmal Kasab (who I did think at the time looked like a pacific islander) … this is a man who allegedly joined some group

What can we learn from The Madina Charter? A Multifaith and Mutlicultural Constitution for Peace and Conflict Resolution: Peace and Conflict Resolution Concepts in the Madina Charter by Yetkin Yildirim It is much easier to make contact with people from vastly different cultures and beliefs in the context of today’s world. Unfortunately, increased globalization has also broadened

A Religion Of Peace – By Maulana Wahiduddin Khan: The big question on everyone’s mind is how to solve the problem of terrorism. On the one hand, the authorities are trying to crush the terror menace through legal action; and on the other hand, reformers are trying to

Death of intellect in Pakistan: Dr Khalid Masud and other members of the CII are being pilloried today by extremists /Ziaists…: In a recent article, a scholar has advised the intellectual in the Pashtun region of Pakistan to take the lead in the country’s search for solutions to Talibanisation. Earlier, Pakistan’s martyred leader Benazir Bhutto in her book Reconciliation: Islam,

International conspiracies against Pakistan – an eye opener for conspiracy theorists: Capital suggestionConspiracies against us Sunday, November 23, 2008by Dr Farrukh Saleem It’s a Jewish conspiracy. Medinat Yisra’el or the State of Israel has appointed Yuli Tamir, a PhD from the Oxford University, as their minister of education. Just look

The election of Obama and the future of US-Muslim relations – an interesting debate between a right-wing Pakistani and a left-wing Pakistani: we_are_nuts Says:November 6th, 2008 It is amazing that nut jobs remain nut jobs be it from the East or the West. The problem with Pakistan as i have been professing on this site since pre-Zardaro era is not USA/West/Israel/India

Need for review of US anti-terror policy in Pakistan: Tuesday, November 04, 2008Khalid Aziz Since September there have been 19 missile attacks on suspected terrorists by the US, most of them in Waziristan. They have led to the deaths of some foreign fighters; at the same time they

Being secular and a Muslim – By Aneela Babar: By Aneela Babar IF Pakistan had an annual Eid address to the nation, much like the Queen’s Christmas address, the president would not have been amiss in quoting her in referring to the past year as Pakistan’s annus horribilis.

War on terror is Pakistan’s own war —Ijaz Hussain: Is this our war? —Ijaz Hussain The mere ownership of the war by the government is not enough to fight it effectively. It is imperative that the people own it too Ever since Pakistan joined the US-led war on

Terrorist activities in Kashmir are no Jihad – Islam and the International Law concerning war: ISI and its sponsored terrorist organizations namely Lashkar-e-Toiba, Taliban, Sipah Sahaba, Jaish Muhammad etc are responsible for terrorism in Pakistan, Afghanistan, India, China, Iran and the whole region. This is the ISI version of Jihad in Kashmir. Is it