Dictatorship Archive

Javed Hashmi: A mole of the Deobandi establishment and remnant of Zia: Imran Khan made three big mistakes, the acceptance of LOTAS or turncoats, the support of PCO Chaudhry and excessive support of Taliban. Imran had previously apologized for supporting Noora Judiciary, which must be appreciated. Imran has made his discourse

جاوید ہاشمی کی بغاوت اور جمہوریت پسندی تاریخ کے آئینے میں – از عامر حسینی: جاوید ہاشمی نے پارلیمنٹ کے سامنے ، نیشنل پریس کلب میں اور ایک نجی ٹی وی چینل کے ٹاک شو میں ایک مرتبہ پھر سے اپنی جمہوریت پسند طبعیت اور اپنی آئین و پارلیمنٹ سے بالادستی کا خوب چرچا

Ummul Khabais Soch – by Imam Bakhsh: ام الاخبائث سوچ کو شکست دینا ہوگی تحریر: امام بخش ۱۹۵۲ سے لے کر آج تک ھماری فوجی قیادت ہمیشہ سے سمجھتی آئی ہے کہ پاکستان میں ہر چیز اس کے تابع ہونی چاہیےاور ملک کے ہر معاملے میں

Benazir Bhutto: Predicting our future – by Dur-e-aden: “I made mistakes and I am prepared to admit them but so must others. Others also owe it: they owe it to their own armed forces, to the people of Pakistan and to the Muslim world.” In one of

Failure to learn from disastrous lessons of dictatorship: گملے میں لگایا ہوا پودا کتنا بڑھ سکتا ہے؟ اگرپودےکو بڑھانا مقصود ہو،تو اسے گملے سے نکال کر زمین کے کشادہ سینے میں منتقل کرناہوتا ہے، ورنہ گملے میں لگاہوا پودا ایک حد تک بڑھنے کے بعد نشوونما کی

Chor resta -by Nazir Qaiser: اردو اور پنجابی کے معروف منفرد تیکھے لہجے اور بلند آہنگ شاعر اور ادیب نذیر قیصر روزنامہ مشرق کیلئے روزانہ قطعہ لِکھ رہے ہیں۔ ہم آج کا قطعہ قارئین کی خِدمت میں کراس پوسٹ کر رہے ہیں کوئ آۓ

Pakistan and the Search for Identity (Part 1) – by Rusty Walker: About the author: Rusty Walker is an Independent Political Analyst, educator, author, Vietnam veteran-era U.S. Air Force, from a military family, retired college professor, former Provost (Collins College, U.S.A.), artist, musician and family man. Rusty Walker is an ardent

Scope of constitutional provisions and space for provincial autonomy: The Civic Education Network Pakistan organized a learning event; Constitutional Literacy Campaign, “Scope of Constitutional Provisions and Space for Provincial Autonomy” in Lahore on July 31, 2011. The 18th Amendment and the 7th National Finance Commission(NFC) Award have signficantly

Extremism thrives under dictatorship -by Saria Benazir: A number of interrogations about the causes of extreme radicalism & terrorism in Pakistan occupy every psyche – from a lay man to the ruler of the state, no one considers his life secure in this country. Indeed, that

Pervez Musharraf: Butcher of democracy or architect of development? – Dr. Niaz Murtaza: The dismal situation today is feeding nostalgia for Musharraf. Was his rule worth it? Not for democracy-idealists like me! However, since many people can tolerate dictatorships if they deliver, I consider this question pragmatically. Even pragmatically, dictatorship cannot be

The woman of substance Nusrat Bhutto Isphahani – by Saria Benazir: When one glances into the record of Pakistan Peoples Party, one will stumble on it _ but a long history of struggle and sacrifices and indisputably, unfolding them is not even that unproblematic, but necessitates a lot of audacity

The ardent messiah seekers -by Raza Rumi: A natural disaster, largely unavoidable, has provided a glorious opportunity to all those who have been hankering to reverse Pakistan’s fragile transition from an authoritarian to quasi-democratic rule. There is hardly a new script for the much-touted change and

Congratulations to those who are desperate for a Revolution- by Ali Raja: If we roam around the English Language, very easily shall we be able to highlight and mark out the “Darling Terms” of English Language. Darling term to me is a term which pleasantly flavours the taste buds of certain

International Democracy Day – Points for Pakistanis to Ponder: In 2007, the United Nations General Assembly decided to observe September 15th annually as the “International Day of Democracy” and invited all member states and organizations to commemorate the day in an appropriate manner that contributes to raising public

خدا کیلئے! ٹانگیں مت کھینچے- کاشف نصیر: ٹھیک ہے اگر مارشل لاء یا اس طرز کے کسی غیر معمولی اور غیر آئینی اقدامات ناگزیر ہیں تو کم از کم آپ منافقت اور دوعملی ختم کرکے جاگیرداروں، سرداروں اور زرداروں کے ساتھ اس طویل اور پرتعیش شراکت

Editorials: On Altaf Husain’s appeal for a “martial law-like” intervention: Dailytimes: Marching towards tyranny, again? Altaf Hussain, chief of the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM), has appealed for a “martial law-like” intervention by “patriotic generals” against “corrupt feudals and landlord politicians”. Coming from someone whose party is known for its

Remembering the Violence during Zia (L) Regime – by Ahsan Abbas Shah: پاکستانی تاریخ کے گزشتہ عشرے عظیم سیاسی اتھل تھپل کے غماز ہیں۔ ان اَدوار میں بائیں بازو کی قؤتوں کا جو اُبھار دیکھنے میں آیا۔ وہ ملکی سیاست میں سنگِ میل کی حیثیت رکھتا تھا۔ ذوالفقار علی بھٹونے موقع

Is the Pakistan Army a security risk for Pakistan? A historical perspective: Here is thought provoking excerpt from a recent article written by Nazir Naji (in daily Jang, 28 June 2010). In the main, it is not politicians such as Feroz Khan Noon, Huseyn Shaheed Suhrawardy, Sheikh Mujeeb-ur-Rehman, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto,

Professor Waris Mir: the voice of dissidents – by Huma Mir: “I firmly believe that unless the system; in which intellectual contemplation is stifled and expression is enslaved; is not changed, any problem related to the betterment of the humanity cannot be solved. A true writer can never become an

Saif-ur-Rehman Chaudhry or Iftikhar-ur-Rehman? – by Faizi Mughal: There are always a few names in the history of every nation that are ever cursed and spitted. As a nation, our history also contains many such cursed personalities; and the Redco guy, Saif-ur-Rehman, leads that filth. At the

Mian Nawaz Sharif and Chanakya politics – by Faizi Mughal: It is a natural rule that facts can never be concealed. At one stage or the other, truth is unveiled how deep you bury that. The same rule is working for PML-N also and despite several masks of piety

Descent into anarchy – or love for dictatorship? – by Ahmad Nadeem Gehla: A group of ’self-proclaimed’ intellectuals has waged a crusade against present government sine it took power in Islamabad after showing an exit to dictator. The group has announced several dates in past when government was supposed to be overthrown

My name is Nawaz Sharif and I am proving Zia-ul-Haq was my daddy – by Farhad Jarral: Nawaz Sharif is proving himself that he is not a democratic leader but he is a son of a military dictator who played a big role to ruin Pakistan’s sovereignty and its youth. General Zia-ul-Haq was the man behind

Back to square one – by Faizi Mughal: A political system usually has two choices, one option leads towards autocracy and other towards, rule by the people that is democracy. There could be no other third option. The entire civilized world believes that democracy is the best

General Zia-ul-Haq to be deleted as president from the constitution of Pakistan – by Rauf Klasra: ISLAMABAD: President General Ziaul Haq will be deleted from Pakistan’s constitutional history when the 18th Amendment, to be moved in parliament in a few days, is passed. A new history is being written by our politicians as ruthless military

Most popular chants and slogans in Pakistani politics – by Nadeem Khan: When PPP is ruling, the chants are like: In favor of PPP or by PPP 1- Democratic 2- We believe in reconciliation with all parties, Army, ISI & Judiciary 3- Anti establishment 4- Anti fundamentalist 5- Anti feudalistic 6-

Military judiciary nexus is a threat to parliament – by Junaid Qaiser: Good news for Pakistan’s undemocratic forces and bad news for Pakistan’s Parliament and its supremacy: Government accepts judiciary’s recommendations. We are continuously moving towards judicial dictatorship. Pakistan army has always played an integral role in Pakistan government and politics

Pakistan is heading towards judicial dictatorship – Asma Jahangir: Asma says judicial dictatorship on the cards KARACHI: People will soon witness a judicial dictatorship in the country if the judiciary continuously moves ahead in its present direction and then we would forget military and political dictatorships, HRCP chairperson

The Greater Game of Rightist Establishment: What we are today witnessing is a completely de-politicized youth of Pakistan trying to define Pakistan’s politics in a haste and in black and white. There are many grey areas in politics too. Our youth today needs to understand

Independence of judiciary and military boots – by Bawa: عدلیہ کی آزادی اور فوجیوں کے بوٹ عدلیہ کی بحالی سے عدلیہ کی آزادی تک مصنف: باوا ایک طویل جدوجہد کے بعد اٹھارہ سو پینسٹھ میں امریکی آئین میں تیرھویں ترمیم کے ذریعے امریکہ میں غلامی کا خاتمہ کر

Uncontested dominance – by Cyril Almeida: What makes the army so contemptuous of civilians is the fact that you can only conquer what you understand: while the army thoroughly understands the ways of the politicians, the opposite is anything but true. What does the military-bureaucratic

Pakistan’s various governments and the approximate periods of their rule – by Kamran Shafi: Below, without comment a list of Pakistan’s various governments and the approximate periods of their rule, or misrule if you will. ‘Caretaker’ governments or those such as Mr Mohammad Khan Junejo’s, Mr Zafarullah Jamali’s and the Private Banker’s have

Benazir Bhutto Case: Access Denied is Justice Denied – by Anas Muhammad: This year began with a blow to the UN investigation into Benazir Bhutto’s murder, as the commission was denied access to the top brass military and intelligence officials. The three member commission, which was investigating the facts and circumstances

Guess who walked away with nation’s 100 bn rupees? by Rauf Klasra: Is democracy bad? Do our generals offer a system of governance more transparent and less corrupt? Rauf Klasra offers some facts, suggesting that it is not only certain pro-Army politicians but also generals who looted people’s money during General

What exactly were the ex-servicemen doing while in service?: All the X-men What exactly were the ex-servicemen doing while in service? Shahzada Irfan Ahmed and Aziz Omar Air Chief Marshal (R) Asghar Khan Former Air Chief Martial Pakistan Air Force (PAF) Asghar Khan was the first politician to

Why I miss Musharraf versus Why I don’t miss Musharraf – by Salman Chima and Samad Khurram: Why I miss Musharraf Part I Tuesday, January 06, 2009 (The News) Salman K Chima When General Musharraf seized power, I was not among those who welcomed him – although with Justice Tarrar as the President and Shariat Amendment