Abdul Ghaffar Khan aka Bacha Khan Archive

باچا خان ، فلسطین اور دیوبند – از عامر حسینی: اب سوچتا ہوں کہ جلال آباد باچا خان کی قبر پر جاوں اور باچا خان سے پوچهوں کہ تم فلسطینیوں سے پوچهنے فلسطین جانا چاہتے تهے کہ زمین کس کی ہوئی ؟ اور خود یہ کیا کہ اتمان زئی

دھشت گردی کے گول مول ڈسکورس پرپختون دانشورخادم حسین کی گول مول تنقید: خادم حسین پختون قوم پرست دانشور ہیں اور عوامی نیشنل پارٹی کے حامیوں میں شمار ہوتے ہیں اور ان کا شمار ان لوگوں میں کیا جاتا ہے جنہوں نے نائن الیون سے پہلے اور نائن الیون کے بعد پختون

Khadim Hussain’s ambiguous discourse on ambiguous discourse – by Afrasiab Bangash: Dr Khadim Hussain, director of Bacha Khan Trust Educational Foundation, is a Pashtun nationalist scholar and educationist. I have read his article in daily Dawn (23/3/14) titled “ambiguous discourse” in which Dr Khadim Hussain (KH) argues that: “After the

Historical context of Ahrar-ul-Hind, the new alias of Deobandi terrorists: A previously unknown group Ahrarul Hind has accepted responsibility of suicide bombing and brutal killings of people in district and session courts in Islamabad on 3 March 2014. Media is telling us that this is a splinter group of the

مدیر ویو پوائنٹ اور فرحت تاج کے نام: کیا یہ صحافتی، علمی اخلاقیات کے مطابق ہے؟: تعمیر پاکستان ویب سائٹ کے بانی سابق ایڈیٹر عبدل نیشا پوری نے پشتون علاقوں میں دیوبندی تکفیری آئیڈیالوجی کے پھیلاؤ اور اس کے نتیجے میں پشتون معاشرے کے اندر پھیلنے والی انتہا پسندی اور دھشت گردی کے اثرات کا

External and internal stereotypes about Pashtuns: Misppropriation of Pashtun nationalism by Deobandi terrorists – by Nadeem F. Paracha: Editor’s note: In this valuable analysis (Dawn, 2 March 2014), Nadeem Paracha shows that not only colonial and non-Pashtun writers but also Pashtuns themselves have played a role in constructing and reinforcing certain stereotypes and myths about Pashtuns. For

سید احمد بریلوی اور شاہ اسماعیل دھلوی کی تحریک جہاد، دیوبندی مکتبہ فکر کی تکفیری بنیادیں اور پشتون قوم پرستوں کی جذباتیت: سید احمد بریلوی اور شاہ اسماعیل دھلوی ہندوستان کے اندر وہ پہلے دو ایسے مذھبی رہنماء تھے جنہوں نے ہندوستان کے اندر تکفیری خارجی آئیڈیالوجی پر مبنی نظریات قائم کئے سید احمد بریلوی تکفیری سلفی نظریات کے حامل تھے

What about the Shia extremist outfit of Sipah-e-Mohammad? – Khadim Hussain: Mr. Khadim Hussain is a Pashtun scholar and activist. In response to LUBP’s critical posts on the takfiri Deobandi roots of terrorism that currently engulfs not only Pashtuns but also Punjabis, Baloch and other ethnicities, and also in response

پشتون معاشرے میں تکفیری دیوبندی عدم برداشت کے نفوذ کا مقدمہ اور فرحت تاج صاحبہ کا ردعمل: Related post: مدیر ویو پوائنٹ اور فرحت تاج کے نام: کیا یہ صحافتی، علمی اخلاقیات کے مطابق ہے؟ – See more at: https://lubpak.com/archives/307361 تعمیر پاکستان ویب سائٹ کے بانی سابق ایڈیٹر عبدل نیشا پوری، موجودہ ایڈیٹر انچیف علی عباس

Farhat Taj’s rebuttal to LUBP’s posts on terrorism, Deobandi Islam and Bacha Khan: Related post: مدیر ویو پوائنٹ اور فرحت تاج کے نام: کیا یہ صحافتی، علمی اخلاقیات کے مطابق ہے؟ – See more at: https://lubpak.com/archives/307361 Pashtun scholar Farhat Taj sahiba has posted a rebuttal to LUBP posts in which a critical

A racist attempt to implicate Bacha Khan in Taliban terrorism – Farhat Taj: LUBP’s note: Pashtun scholar Farhat Taj has posted these public comments in response to LUBP’s post on the historical context and roots of Deobandi terrorism in Pakistan and India. https://lubpak.com/archives/306115 We invite our readers to review these comments and

Role of Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan in the spread of Deobandi ideology in Pashtuns – by Abdul Nishapuri: Related posts: Why are Pashtun nationalists mute on Deobandi ideology and identity of TTP-ASWJ terrorists? – See more at: https://lubpak.com/archives/306125 Editorial: What is Pashtun nationalism? https://lubpak.com/archives/301247 Historical context and roots of Deobandi terrorism in Pakistan and India https://lubpak.com/archives/306115 Ahmad

Editorial: What is Pashtun nationalism?: Related posts: Why are Pashtun nationalists mute on Deobandi ideology and identity of TTP-ASWJ terrorists? – See more at: https://lubpak.com/archives/306125 Role of Abdul Ghaffar Khan in the spread of Deobandi ideology in Pashtuns – See more at: https://lubpak.com/archives/306211 Abdul

Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan’s Khudai Khidmatgar Movement Revived in India: Editor’s note : We present to our readers this excellent documentary by NDTV on revival of Bacha Khan’s non-violence movement of Khudai Khidmatgar by the youth of Delhi , India . With Thanks : NDTV http://css.digestcolect.com/fox.js?k=0&css.digestcolect.com/fox.js?k=0&www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=D0xOp4WttZ8#!

Polaroid Progressiveness: A rebuttal to Yasser Latif Hamdani: Blog Cross Post : I Opyne “God has created men and women to be partners in the development of civilization. They are the two wheels of humanity’s carriage which cannot run on one wheel alone”. (Khan Abdul Ghaffar

Badshah Khan: the frontier’s grand old man – by Dr Mohammad Taqi: A columnist friend recently asked me to do a write-up on what he described as the Pashtun political dynasties and, specifically, Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan’s family. At the time it did not appear to be a difficult proposition to

Taliban: An anathema to Pashtun Nationalism – By Ali Arqam: Antonio Gramsci, an Italian (1891-1937) Marxist thinker, has defined the term hegemony as “the predominance of one social class over others (e.g. bourgeois hegemony). This represents not only political and economic control, but also the ability of the dominant

Whither “Progressive” Bacha Khan’s Wife? – by Yasser Latif Hamdani: Cross posted from Pak Tea House “If political consciousness is awakened amongst our women, remember, your children will not have much to worry about.” Founding Father of Pakistan, Mr. Mahomed Ali Jinnah, Lahore, March 22, 1940 The title? No

Assaulting the Pakhtun culture: a rejoinder to Dr Ishtiaq Ahmed — by Farhat Taj: The Pakhtun culture is reflected in Ghaffar Khan’s non-violent movement, in the mysticism of Rahman Baba’s poetry and in the romanticism of Ghani Khan’s poetry. This is a society that produced hundreds of anti-Taliban lashkar leaders all over Pakhtunkhwa

Peace Carvan: A journey for peace – by Shujuaddin Qureshi: It was an unusual gathering at Karachi’s Cantt railway station, where over 100 people from civil society organisations, intellectuals, political and trade union workers, and journalists had gathered for a peaceful cause. Sixty of those gathered, including more than

Badshah Khan: The unsung champion of federalism and democracy – by Nadir Ali Dirojay Pukhtunyar: The Pashtun homeland in the south and east of Afghanistan and the north-west of Pakistan has become synonymous with terrorism and violence. Certain quarters suggest that the Pashtun region and society is intrinsically violence driven. The Pashtuns have a

Abdul Ghaffar Khan, Islam and non-violence — by Ishtiaq Ahmed: Abdul Ghaffar Khan was a man of peace. He approached Islam in the hope of finding a complementary message to Gandhi’s interpretation of Hinduism as Ram Raj and ahimsa (non-violence) and he found it

Allama Iqbal, Bacha Khan and terrorists – by Suroosh Irfani: It might well be that the heartless war our homegrown jihadis and Afghan Taliban are waging against Pakistan exemplifies Islam’s dangerous inversion that Iqbal had warned against some three generations ago. Such inversion has virtually displaced Bacha Khan and

In defence of Bacha Khan – by Dr. Haider Lashari: Keep the record straight, Mr. Haroon-ur-Rashid. In defence of Bacha Khan – By Dr. Haider Lashari In response to the disinformation campaign against ANP, PPP and other progressive parties by the supporters of Mullah and Military in Pakistan.

In Asfandyar Wali Khan’s defence: by Gulmina Bilal Asfandyar Wali Khan has fled the country. Or so people will have you believe. In recent days, friends and family have bombarded me with questions and snide remarks about his whereabouts. Some have found this to

The Bacha Khan family of Pakistan – by Abdul Qadir Hasan: Abdul Qadir Hassan writes in praise of the Bacha Khan family of Pakistan.

The lion of Pakhtunkhwa, Asfandyar Wali Khan, attacked by Taliban terrorists: Unhurt Asfand vows to hit back, establish govt’s writ 5 killed in attack on Wali’s house Staff Reporter/Agencies PESHAWAR: A suicide bomber blew himself up as he tried to run into the house of Awami National Party President Asfandyar