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چیف جسٹس افتخار چودھری کے نام تاریخ کا پیغام – سعد منصور: ہم نے سوچا کہ چیف جسٹس میں اپنے پی سی-او-پر لئے گئےحلف پر معافی مانگنے کی ہمت نہیں تو کیا ہوا- بلا شبہ وہ دل میں ضرور نادم ہوگے پر آج تو انہوں نے ہماری ساری خوشفہمی دور کرکے

سپریم کورٹ الیکشن دھاندلی منصوبہ: قومی اسمبلی کی سیٹ این اے ١٥١ پر ١٩ جولائی کو ہونے والے الیکشن میں عبدل قادر گیلانی کی ممکنہ کامیابی کے پیش نظر سپریم کورٹ نے ایک جامع حکمت عملی ترتیب دی ہے- اس کے تحت قائم مقام الیکشن

Arsalan-gate: Time to be patient! – by Saad Mansoor: The implication of Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry’s son is being considered by the political class of Pakistan in general and the supporters of Pakistan Peoples Party in particular to be a divine gift descended from heavens. In talk

Balochistan is not Kashmir! – by Saad Mansoor: From Facebook statuses to Twitter tweets and from online blogs to statements by secessionists Baloch leaders published in Pakistani newspapers, I am perturbed to see the comparison of Balochistan to Kashmir. The innuendos of familiarity of the word

An open letter to democrats, civil society and rights activists! – By Saad Mansoor: I understand when tableeghis and Tahriris speak up against democracy and I understand when sons and daughters of military men do so, and I do get it when a significant educated yet politically indifferent middle class voices its opinion

Everybody has a plan! – by Nargis Khan: Mr. Nawaz Sharif has a plan. Well, he has always had a plan but this time he believes his plan will succeed. The PPP led government will indeed topple. His plan seems fool proof. And though he may want

Pakistan improves in global Corruption Perceptions Index 2011: According to the latest figures released by Transparency International, Pakistan has improved its score there by becoming a ‘little less corrupt’. Pakistan improved its score from 2.3 last year to 2.5 this jumping 9 spots from 143 to 134.

We condemn Shahbaz Sharif’s violent language against President Zardari: I was appalled to see the highlights of the PML-N rally in Lahore today. Shahbaz Sharif was insistent on killing Zardari and derailing democracy. I saw at least two instances which were frankly unacceptable. Firstly, the threat in unequivocal

Laws Issued by the Taliban Government in Afghanistan – by Malala Khan: With many in Pakistan still wooing for Taliban victory in Afghanistan, let’s glance through the decrees issued under this short yet ‘glorious’ rule. Here are some of the laws issued by the Taliban government in Afghanistan. ■The government declared:

Tasks of a revolutionary government – Amjad Ayub Mirza: Pakistan’s embassies and high commissions all over the world should be transformed from being bureaucratic and didactic operations into proactive and innovative sales and marketing outlets for Pakistani textiles and other produce When the Bolsheviks came to power

Horrors of a PML-N run Punjab – by Saad Mansoor: This morning I woke up to find the news of masked men entering a school in Rawalpindi and thrashing students and teachers for dressing inappropriately. The absence of the news from electronic media evidences the lack of freedom and

Elitist Misconceptions – by I Opyne: With a mix of horror and disbelief I watched the footage from Mattani where a school van was ambushed by militants. Even for senses numbed by scores of bombings every year, this came as a shock because the victims

پاکستان میں شدت پسندی کے چالیس سال۔ بی بی سی اردو: آصف فاروقی، ظفر ملک: پیش لفظ: بی بی سی اردو پر شائع ہونے والے اس آرٹیکل کا خلاصہ لکھنا مقصود تھا لیکن اس جامع مضمون میں کٹوتی کرنا نا انصافی ہوگا۔ پیش ہے ہم پاکستانیوں کا اعمالنامہ جس سے صاف ظاہر ہے کہ

1965, Adventurism and Ejaz Haider’s Fiction – Shahid Saeed: Cross posted from تاریخ نامہ The article was written in response to Mr Ejaz Haider’s article It’s not just Mr Tharoor! maligning Pakistan’s civilian leadership and perpetuating the lies about the 1965 Indo-Pak war that continue to occupy our

حڪومتي صفن مان پڌرا ٿيل ”عوام دشمن“ راز – دستگير ڀٽي: حڪمران پاڪستان پيپلز پارٽيءَ جي مرڪزي وزير داخله رحمان ملڪ ۽ سنڌي اتحادي ڌر متحده قومي موومينٽ جي فرمائش تي اڄ کان ڇهه مهينا اڳ ۾ صدر آصف علي زرداريءَ پنهنجي سڀ کان پُراڻي ۽ ويجهي ۾ ويجهي ساٿي

Assaulted for wearing a sleeveless shirt – by Amir Qureshi: Cross Posted from Express Tribune Blogs It was only a matter of time anyway. A few days ago, a police officer along with his squad burst into the Nairang Art Gallery and beat up the female curator for wearing

Paksitani media: A source of mass depression – by Saad Mansoor: Strolling across various Pakistani blogs, I came across a post which very aptly displays one aspect of Pakistani media that is a playing a very significant part in plaguing the Pakistani urban classes with mass depression. The entertainment industry

Was Khar impressive in India? – Muhammad Saeed Akhter: Ms Khar’s elevation to the stature of the Foreign Minister of Pakistan has had a mixed response from the media. The far right found the decision ridiculous, the majority showing indifference taking it as another foolish decision of the

حميرا علواڻي !شهيد ڀيڻ سان هڪ وچن: اڄ 21 جون تي شهيد محترمه بينظير ڀٽو جو جنم ڏينهن آهي، هن 1953ع ۾ اڄوڪي ڏينهن تي جنم ورتو. سندس نالو بينظير معني ”لاثاني“ رکيو ويو ۽ وقت ثابت ڪيو ته واقعي هو لاثاني ۽ بي مثال

اسامه واقعو: ملڪي ۽ عالمي سياست ۾ آيل بحران! – بئريسٽر ضمير گهمرو: جڏهن ملڪن تي آفتون اينديون آهن ته ڏکي وقت کي منهن ڏيڻ لاءِ هو تدبر، نماڻائي، خود تنقيد ۽ خود احتسابي کان ڪم وٺندا آهن، پر هن ملڪ ۾ اهي سموريون خاصيتون سياسي ۽ عسڪري قيادت کان بعيد آهن.

Pakistan: Dying Declaration – by Inam R Sehri: 16th May 2011’s imperative news was that US Special Forces have been asked by the Pakistan’s GHQ to wind up and go. Some sources reported that most of the US troops have already left the country. These troops were

Zero Coverage by Pakistani Media to Pres. Zardari’s Visit to Russia- by Saad Mansoor: The President of Pakistan Asif Ali Zardari embarked on a historic tour of the Russian Federation on 11 May 2011. This was a historic three day state visit, first by a Pakistani head of state or government in over

Jaali Voter Fehristein aur Tunno Ki Besharmi! – by Saad Mansoor (Roman Urdu): Har nayay din ke saath humaaray munsif-e-aala urf Tunno aik aisa tabsara kertay hain ke ke har jamhooriyat pasand shehri baithay bithhaye bilbila uthta hai. Lagta hai Musharraf ki kitab Kakkoo kay Kaarnamay (jisay baaz loag ghalti se In the Line

Thanks but no thanks, LHCBA – by Saad Mansoor: The Lahore High Court Bar Association has passed a resolution condemning the killing of Governor Punjab Salman Taseer and Minister Shahbaz Bhatti. The ever so enthusiastic lawyers community of Lahore have condemned the murder with a carefully worded resolution

Supreme Court subverts the Constitution. Again! – by Saad Mansoor: While the nation mourns the systematic murder of its minorities, there is another murder taking place in the Supreme Court of Pakistan. A four member bench of Supreme Court has ruled that the Parliamentary Committee’s rejection of six additional

Fashioning Moral Outrage – by XYZ: Oh wow. We’ve all become so used to the hyperbole of the Western and local language English press around Pakistan Fashion Weeks, that it is sometimes easy to forget how a significant section of society in Pakistan views them.

Shame on you Talat Hussain!: Related article On Syed Talat Hussain, Angelina Jolie and Pakistan’s pseudo-liberals Syed Talat Hussain ‘was’ an esteemed columnist, television host and journalist of Pakistan, until today when he targeted someone for following their own harmless cultural norms. In his

Foot in Mouth Award 2010: Justice Ad-hoc Khalil ul Rehman Ramday – by Saad Mansoor: The Foot in Mouth award is awarded each year by the Plain English Campaign for a baffling comment in English language by a prominent figure. The comment can be inappropriate for being queer in grammar or content or both.

LHC Justice: Bail for Sohail Zia Butt, conviction for Rehman Malik!: The honourable judges of the Lahore High Court continue to leave no stone unturned in disgracing the institution of judiciary in Pakistan. On 11th October 2010 the court granted bail to the PML-N leader Sohail Zia Butt and suspended

Pakistani Media: Of floods, facts and fiction!! – by Saad Mansoor: Related article: What Pakistan did right in response to the massive floods in 2010 – by C. Christine Fair The floods that wreaked havoc in the country were of Biblical proportions, however, they compare nothing to the propaganda unleashed

United for yellow journalism – by Saad Mansoor: It becomes clearer by each passing day that the calls for accountability, fairness and sense of social responsibility by media, judiciary and the so-called civil society of Pakistan are nothing but a sham. It became all too clear when

A Tale of Two Visits! – by Saad Mansoor: Badalta hai rung aasmaan kaisay kaisay, is a famous verse of Aatish’s couplet that has become a cliche in Urdu political writings. Yet I found out today that cliches are cliches for a reason. The full couplet goes as