Zaid Hamid Archive

Takfiri Deobandis are the biggest threat to Pakistan and Islam – by Zaid Hamid: Related post: Thank you, Allama Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri, for bold fatwa against Takfiri suicide bombers Editor’s note: Adapted and edited by LUBP for clarity and coherence. Indeed, we continue to respect moderate Deobandis who must not be confused with Takfiri

Judicial coup is the only solution now! – by Ahsan Abbas: Hell be upon the people of NA151 who broke all the hopes of an “Improved IJI” The “Pious and Patriot” Jihadi coalition of PMLN, PTI, JI, SSP, under the leadership and command of “Leader of the Faithful” Chief Justice

Of conspiracy theories and conspiracy theorists – by Abdul Majeed Abid: Source: “Everyone is entitled to his own opinions; he is not entitled to his own facts.” Daniel Patrick Moynihan A Conspiracy theory can be defined as “collection of distorted or misrepresented facts presented to propagate a particular agenda”. Conspiracy

… Meanwhile in the Land of the Pure – by Nadeem F. Paracha: * Photo illustrations by Nadeem F. Paracha Source: Dawn

Google this, Your Honor! – by Nargis Khan: Yesterday, Justice Azmat Saeed of the Lahore High Court issued orders to the Ministry of Information and Technology, asking to block access to all those websites that spread religious intolerance. This order was given out at the conclusion of

Concern for Marvi Sirmed’s Safety – by Alamdar Mengal: Editor’s note: We at LUBP are deeply concerned for Marvi Sirmed’s safety and will not see her being left at the mercy of wolves. We appreciate Marvi Sirmed’s attention to human rights issues which are simply not being talked

Marvi Sirmed takes apart Zaid Hamid and his hypocrisy in Shahid Nama: Marvi boldly confronts Zaid Hamid and his double standards and lies on the genocide of the Baloch, Hazara, Turis and the mistreatment of Hindus in Pakistan on Shahid Nama (talk show by Dr. Shahid Masood, 25 August 2011, Express News TV). Zaid

Well said Nawaz Sharif, well done SAFMA —Dr Mohammad Taqi: Related : SAFMA sends defamation notice to TV channel The security establishment frets that a strong politician from Punjab, who always had the wherewithal to cut them down to size, has been consistently expressing his will to do so too

Nusrat Javeed on Zaid Hamid: lal topi wala maskhara: Source: Daily Express ——– PS: Apparently General Kayani was a bit generous with the truth. He too seems to have good relations with Zaid Hamid who was specially invited to PMA, Kakul, Osamaabad Abbottabad – in 2010

Why do private and state-owned campuses in Pakistan remain ideologically polarised? – by Nadeem F. Paracha: Divided they preach A lot of young people wonder why last year Zaid Hamid was chased out from Peshawar University by the students. He had gone there to speak and spread his call for a ‘revolution’ that (not so

Priest wanted for BBB – by Junaid Noor: The government of Pakistan is desperately looking for a Christian priest to perform the funeral rites of the slain minorities minister, the late Mr. Shahbaz Bhatti. The government has requested several bishops, cardinals, fathers and even the pope,

Zaid Hamid on Wikileaks: yahoodi bandar, amreeki haathi (and khaki gidh): Related articles: Wikileaks on General Kayani and his ‘democratic’ puppets WikiLeaks unmasks who are our real puppet-masters? Who is behind Zaid Hamid’s crush India brigade? – by Kamran Shafi Two apparently unrelated pieces. The first one is a TV

Objectives of Pakistani Conspiracy Theorists – by Anas Abbas: Objective 1. To denigrate Baluchistan’s resistance movements and to present a picture where the blame of all Baluch sufferings go to foreign elements even though the real culprits are the Punjabi elite and the Pakistan army for their military

The finest intelligence agency in the world – by Omar Ali: I was trying to figure out why our security establishment (rated number one in the world, according to the 200 emails I have received in the last few days from army officers and their cousins and admirers) is so

What’s on Pakistan TV talk shows? Extremists.: We thank our reader, Humayun, for sharing the article with us. What’s on Pakistan TV talk shows? Extremists. Source: Christian Science Monitor Pakistan TV talk-show hosts like Zaid Hamid and Amir Liaquat Hussain peddle anti-American conspiracy theories and bash

Rant of the day: The dead parrot: By Dr. Omar Ali Communications from well meaning leftist friends indicate that some of them misunderstand my criticism of Islamism. They seem to think that my objection is primarily moral. That I somehow think orthodox Islam is very uniquely

The fascist struggle in Pakistan — by Naveed Afridi: We have seen the fusing of religious symbolism in the narrative of modern Pakistan, the worship of the armed forces and promotion of adventurous militarism from TV personalities as well as in charismatic figures like Zaid Hamid. We have

Ideology of Pakistan – this is what we are teaching our kids.: Photo Comments from Ali K Chishti FB Profile Some selected Comments on this by Pakistani and Indian friends Vj Shiraz ; damn wth is ths :s Ideology is set of ideas not a science of ideas :s Rakshi Rath

Mullahs vs Zaid Hamid: The hypocrisy of juggernaut vs juggernaut – by Fasi Zaka: Zaid Hamid once looked like an unstoppable juggernaut. It didn’t matter that much of what he said was inaccurate, or that he posed every problem in the context of himself being the only saviour. Self-serving arguments were lapped up

GAME OVER: Zaid Hamid Lost, Zia ul Haq Won. By Anas Abbas: By Anas Abbas Syed Zaid Zaman Hamid, a darling of Pakistani elite, a motivator for Pakistan army officers, an absurdity for Pakistani liberals and an idol for Pakistani conspiracy theorists, has been in the headlines of Pakistani media for

Intelligence Dumps Zaid Hamid?: Cross-posted from Khawer Khan’s blog. Zaid Hamid’s meteoric rise and recent fall has been analyzed by a number of commentators. One aspect of his story that has been missing is Zaid Hamid’s connections to the Pakistani intelligence community. In

Zaid Hamid, the phoenix, flops on 23 March – by Nadeem Paracha: For months the Zaid Hamid brigade had been congesting cyber space and the two TV channels that the haughty ideological quack is a regular fixture on, with promises of holding a ‘massive gathering of youth’ at the Minar-e-Pakistan on

Zaid Hamid’s Hate Speech – by Fasi Zaka: PART ONE Source: The News, September 18, 2008 This August 14 I was bored out of my mind late at night, and started scanning TV channels for fodder to feed my idleness. I came across a programme where a

Zaid Hamid and Ghuzwa-i-Hind — by Tayyab Shah: Zaid Hamid and his followers will not shy away from using religious texts of doubtful authenticity, with totally wrong and self-serving interpretations, to promote war. But the Pakistani youth is no more willing to be at the receiving end

Encountering fundamentalism — by Nizamuddin Nizamani: Extremist Islam is encroaching deeper into the Thar Desert and almost all district and tehsil headquarters of Sindh and Balochistan, where large numbers of seminaries, with new buildings and equipped with every kind of infrastructure, have been erected during

Who is behind Zaid Hamid’s crush India brigade? – by Kamran Shafi: The crazy Right and rump Pakistan I was to regale you with other stories to do with our security establishment’s tortured and seemingly futile hunt for the very elusive holy grail of strategic depth in Afghanistan (I ask you)

Pakistani media and the romance with “Secret Map” – by Anas Abbas: Source: AAcounterterror Lately, Pakistani media has been propagating the perception that a secret map by U.S. military official Lt. Col Ralph Peters was issued in 2006 to safeguard Israeli security interest and to balkanize Pakistan. This map has been quite frequently

Well done, students of Peshawar University and Pashtun Aman Committee – by Nasir Ahmad: Pashtunkhwa Peace Forum, a worldwide group of Pashtun students and professional, lauds students of Peshawar University and Pashtun Aman Committee for stopping Zaid Hamid from speaking at the Islamia College Campus. A belligerent hate monger, racist, chauvinist and thug,

Suicide attack on SIU Centre, Lahore. Wake up, Punjab, against the PML-N, Sipah-e-Sahaba, Taliban alliance – by Nadeem Paracha: Nawaz Sharif’s PML-N’s political alliance with a terrorist organisation Sipahe-e-Sahaba (an affiliate of Taliban and Al Qaeda) seems to be paying off. Only recently, Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif ordered release of two most dangerous terrorists belonging to Sipah-e-Sahaba; the

Zaid Hamid faces tough resistance in Peshawar: This was really a bad day for Zahid Hamid in Islamia College Peshawar when he was fully resisted by workers of Amn Tehrik and both factions of Pakhtun Students Federation. Zaid Hamid arrived today with full VIP protocol to

Amn Tehrik protest in Peshawar: We strongly condemn arrest of Amn Tehrik leaders; Governor NWFP should be removed immediately because of his support for a pro-terrorism cleric. Members of Amn Tehrik and leaders of various students organisations who opposed Zaid Hamid’s entry into the

Zaid Hamid admits links to Yousef Ali: The following is cross-posted from Khawer Khan’s blog. These videos have recently come to light. In them Zaid Hamid admits his links to Yousef Ali (disparagingly called Yousef Kazzab by opponents). Zaid Hamid had always denied any links to

Strategy to demonize civilian government? – by Anas Abbas: One of the main aims of Pakistan Army and its pro Taliban media sympathizers is to launch campaigns against the civilian government structure in order to justify its controversial interference. The strategy employed here to achieve this objective by

Zaid Hamid’s conspiracy theories — by Ishtiaq Ahmed: Conspiracy theories and theorists Conspiracy theories and their authors become a cause for concern when they begin to hallucinate and can no longer distinguish between their own flights of imagination and the world around them. When they hijack a

Zaid Hamid’s Ghazwa-e-Hind Brigade – by Anas Abbas: According to Zion Hamid, Ghazwa-e-Hind is an event supposed to take place on August 14, 2012 at 4:40am in India. See the source: GHAZWA-E-HIND on facebook Please find below the Ghazwa-e- Hind Brigade. Commander Zaid with burger mujahedaas Here are

First Annual Pakistani Private TV Channels Awards – by Nadeem Paracha: Awards night Hello people, and welcome to the First Annual Pakistani Private TV Channels Awards. I, Wamid Mir, will be your host for the evening and with me will be the lovely, Dr. Shireen Blackwater Baymaari. Let’s kick off

The Greater Game of Rightist Establishment: What we are today witnessing is a completely de-politicized youth of Pakistan trying to define Pakistan’s politics in a haste and in black and white. There are many grey areas in politics too. Our youth today needs to understand

Sexy Islamism – by Khawer Khan: Sexy Islamism |ˈseksē ˈisləˌmizəm; ˈiz-| |ˈseksē ˈɪsləˈmɪzəm| |ˈseksē ˈɪzləˈmɪzəm| noun Like conventional Islamism, Sexy Islamism is a political ideology that holds that Islam is not only a religion but also a political and economic system. In addition to this, Sexy Islamism is also a genre of

The curious case of Aafia Siddiqui and the conspiracy theorists – by Ahmed Naqvi: Aafia Siddiqui’s legal case has done its round in Pakistan’s media. From the anti-government newspaper The Nation, to the relatively liberal and seemingly unbiased Dawn, everyone has taken a swipe at this jaw-dropping, mind-numbing political situation. Yes, political situation.

The myth of Ghazwa-tul-Hind – by Ale Natiq: Ghazwa-tul-Hind: Pakistani flag hoisted at Red Fort, Delhi, India. This image was created and circulated by the (ISI mouth-piece Zaid Hamid’s organization) team. Religion has quite frequently been used as an excuse for military motives. Talking specifically about