Marvi Sirmed Archive

Criticism of LUBP, let the readers decide: We are pleased to publish the following criticism by noted “liberals” on LUBP. We welcome critical comments and leave it to our readers’ discretion to decide whether the criticism levelled on LUBP is fair and justified.

A critical assessment of #SOCMM12 – Social Media Mela 2012 – by Wusatullah Durrani: Related posts: Some pictures of Social Media Mela 2012 #SOCMM12 #SOCMM12 in pictures: Urban elites and their wannabe middle class flatterers at Social Media Mela 2012 #SocMM12: Social Media Mela or Twitterati Kitty Party? – by Imaan Sheikh Going

Wall of silence on anti-Shia violence in Pakistan – by Abbas Nasir: Source: Adapted and edited from Dawn WE have made this Islamic Republic such a heaven on earth that we struggle to find words, often fight over these, to describe what its proud sons are capable of. Just two days

Alleged bribe by Malik Riaz: In response to Marvi Sirmed’s plea of innocence: Related post: Lifestyle Liberals and Political Liberals: Is LUBP a hurdle in the way of unity of liberals? Disclaimer: LUBP does not endorse the impression that any journalist took bribes from real estate tycoon Malik Riaz. Readers can

Nasim Zehra’s resignation, a proper class act: Related posts: LUBP archive on Nasim Zehra Context June 14, 2012: The upheaval at Dunya TV continued Thursday as Nasim Zehra, the channel’s Director Current Affairs resigned over a leaked video of behind the scene conversations of a special

Thank you, Malik Riaz, for revealing names of for-sale anchors and columnists: For the last four years, LUBP and various sister blogs (Pakistan Blogzine, Al Ufaq, Ahmadiyya Times, Khyber Watch, Baloch blogs etc) have been trying to educate Pakistan’s middle class that majority of journalists and anchors in mainstream media (both

Pakistani Media Gate: 19 anchors and journalists are on ISI’s payroll via Malik Riaz: Related post: Leaked video: Malik Riaz’s interview with Meher Bokhari and Mubashir Lucman نواز شریف حکومت سے پیسے لینے والے دیوبندی اور لبرل صحافیوں کی فہرست – عامر حسینی Editor’s note: While we can’t confirm or challenge the authenticity

Jinnah Institute: Is LUBP’s criticism valid? – by Ismail Effendi: LUBP is one of the boldest anti-establishment voices in Pakistan. Along with Pakistan Media Watch and Terrorland, this is one of my favourite websites on Pakistani politics and media. I frequently share articles from LUBP with my expatriate friends and work

LUBP must not discredit progressive and liberal Pakistanis: Editor’s note: The present post is latest in our series of posts which comprise Criticism of LUBP. As an independent blog, we welcome dissenting views and critical voices, and feel neither threatened nor intimidated by those who criticize or

In response of LUBP’s ‘Raza Rumi and Marvi Sirmed join notorious Jinnah Institute’ – by Farhad Jarral: This post is not favoring anyone but contains some facts which were misquoted by the LUBP in earlier post ‘Raza Rumi and Marvi Sirmed join notorious Jinnah Institute’. Marvi

Raza Rumi and Marvi Sirmed join notorious Jinnah Institute?: We are concerned to learn that two noted “liberals” namely Raza Rumi and Marvi Sirmed have joined notorious Jinnah Institute, which is currently headed by ISI-mouthpiece Ejaz Haider. While Raza Rumi has joined the Jinnah Institute as a Director

Hamid Mir – the new champion of Pakistan’s “liberals”? – by Anwar Changezi: If we were alive only to witness this day, it has arrived: Hamid Mir is now a darling of certain “liberals“! During the past few months, courtesy a few cosmetic jibes at the ISI and support from Pakistan’s

How can anyone stand with Ejaz Haider and Najam Sethi and proclaim themselves to be liberal? – by Mustafa Junejo: Related posts: Raza Rumi and Marvi Sirmed join notorious Jinnah Institute Hamid Mir – the new champion of Pakistan’s “liberals”? – by Anwar Changezi An open letter to Hamid Mir from a common citizen – by Marvi Sirmed Hamid

The Polemics of Apostasy in Pakistan: Did Shia Muslims participate in anti-Ahmadiyya movement?: Related posts: What role did Pakistan’s Shias play against Ahmadis? Debate on Shia role in Ahmadi persecution – by Ali Abbas Taj In Pakistan, our limited intelligentsia is further limited due to a combination of both academic laziness and

What role did Pakistan’s Shias play against Ahmadis?: Related posts: Debate on Shia role in Ahmadi persecution – by Ali Abbas Taj Polemics of apostatizing in Pakistan Recently I read two articles on the systematic murder of Shia Muslims in Pakistan, by Marvi Sirmed (in Daily Times,

Organized Shia Killings in Pakistan and the Deep State’s Assets – by Marvi Sirmed: More kicks than half pence! — by Marvi Sirmed Probably the engineers of these dozens of sipahs and lashkars and jamaats did not realise that it might not be just Indians or Afghans at the receiving end of violence

Marvi Sirmed: Threatened for speaking out against bigotry and intolerance: I have been receiving death, rape, acid throwing threats ever since I appeared in a TV show where I entered into a debate with one Mr. Zaid Hamid and challenged his immensely hawkish narrative about the genesis of Pakistan

Debate on USIP-JI report on Afghanistan and Moeed Yusuf’s testimony to US Congress – by Marvi Sirmed: There has been a discussion on Pakistan Press google group on the recent report about a mythical ‘endgame’ in Afghanistan, produced by Jinnah Institute and USIP. While one has many questions on the report’s contents, the discussion was suddenly

Concern for Marvi Sirmed’s Safety – by Alamdar Mengal: Editor’s note: We at LUBP are deeply concerned for Marvi Sirmed’s safety and will not see her being left at the mercy of wolves. We appreciate Marvi Sirmed’s attention to human rights issues which are simply not being talked

Marvi Sirmed takes apart Zaid Hamid and his hypocrisy in Shahid Nama: Marvi boldly confronts Zaid Hamid and his double standards and lies on the genocide of the Baloch, Hazara, Turis and the mistreatment of Hindus in Pakistan on Shahid Nama (talk show by Dr. Shahid Masood, 25 August 2011, Express News TV). Zaid

Deconstructing Pakistani liberals: A response to Shashi Tharoor and Raza Rumi: Related posts: Recommending Aatish Taseer How to identify liberal proxies of GHQ in Pakistani media and blogs Taseer’s murder and the call for a ‘broad-based alliance’ between PPP and the ‘civil society’ – by Ahmad Nadeem Gehla Recently I

Recommending Aatish Taseer – by Alamdar Mengal: It was interesting to come across some Twitter reactions to Mr. Aatish Taseer’s boldly written article, “Why My Father Hated India” that was published in the Wall Street Journal yesterday, which poses some tough questions about the historical and

Are we a nation of murderers? — by Marvi Sirmed: Never had I felt so dejected and heartbroken throughout my life of activism and movements I had ever been a modest part of, the way I did when a friend called me to be careful. These ‘be careful’ messages

Hamid Mir’s reply to Marvi Sirmed’s open letter: From: hamid mir (email add removed) Date: May 31, 2010 12:43:08 AM GMT+06:00 To: Marvi Sirmed Cc: pakistanpress Subject: Re: An Open Letter to Hamid Mir from a Common Citizen

An open letter to Hamid Mir from a common citizen – by Marvi Sirmed: Islamabad May 17, 2010 Dear Mr. Hamid Mir, Much has been said and written about your audio tape since last two days. I have also read your rebuttal, below email and another one that got “leaked” – as is
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