Takfir and terrorism – by Tahir Kamran: Like khalafah, umma, jihad and shahadat, takfir has attained a wide currency in modern day Muslim discourse. For analysts, takfir has a peculiar specificity, especially when referring to modern day proponents of revivalist Islam. Takfir denotes excommunication or
10 Myths about the Crisis in Iraq: The ongoing Iraq crisis has upended many assumptions about Iraq and US policy in the Arab East (al-mashriq) and Persian Gulf. Unfortunately Western media reporting is filled with much erroneous information on the crisis. Sectarian politicians, who seek
Enough – by Arif Ahmad: Done and dusted Left for dead We are back up on our feet Kicking, fighting Showing our resolve, our grit That stuff we are made of And the oomph we got left Besides our lingering fears Beyond
WikiLeaks: US blames Jang Group of publishing ‘false, inflammatory’ stories: ID: 180281 11/26/2008 14:10 08ISLAMABAD3712 Embassy Islamabad UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY “VZCZCXRO0447 PP RUEHLH RUEHPW DE RUEHIL #3712/01 3311410 ZNR UUUUU ZZH P 261410Z NOV 08 FM AMEMBASSY ISLAMABAD TO RUEHC/SECSTATE WASHDC PRIORITY 0399 RUEHBUL/AMEMBASSY KABUL 9470 RUEHNE/AMEMBASSY NEW
Post-OBL false narratives in Pakistani and foreign media: For the LUBP readers, it is common knowledge that Pakistan’s military establishment routinely manufactures certain false narratives (to suit its particular requirements) which are systematically recycled by their right wing and (fake) liberal friends in the media and further