Blogs Cross posted Archive

Media Conspirators Campaign Against Zardari Backfires: Source: new Pakistan The fact of a media conspiracy against Zardari has been discussed for some time as onlookers scratch their heads in wonder at much of the seemingly outrageous anti-Zardari rhetoric that is published. But have the conspirators

A Note on the Mighty Wurlitzer – by Zahir Ebrahim: Source: Project What is the ‘Mighty Wurlitzer’? It used to be the honorific of Frank Wisner, the first chief of political warfare for the Central Intelligence Agency, used to describe the C.I.A.’s plethora of front organizations and newsmedia

Floods Opening The Floodgates For Pakistan’s Extremists- By Daud Khattak: Devastating flooding in northwestern Pakistan has now taken more than 1,400 lives and a left about 1 million people homeless. Although the government has announced it is stepping up relief efforts, it has been widely criticized for its slow

MQM: Ethnicity and Politics of Violence- by Raza Habib Raja: At the onset I would like to acknowledge that I have very mixed feelings about MQM. At one hand, I like its relatively secular approach and its demonstrated commitment to denounce hardliners when everyone else was actually going for

When Bhutto Comes to mind- by Hasan Mujtaba: بھٹو کہاں سے آئے حسن مجتییٰ پتہ نہیں کیوں، جب دریاؤں اور آنسوؤں کے بند ٹوٹ جاتے ہیں تو پاکستان کے اکثر لوگوں کو ذوالفقعار علی بھٹو یاد آتے ہیں۔۔۔ انیس سو بہتر کے سُپر سیلابوں میں ماؤ کیپ

Mosque at Ground Zero: Saudi wins America loses- by Imtiaz Baloch: The New York City Landmarks Commission unanimously allowed for the demolition of the Italianate building of 1857, near where the World Trade Center’s Twin Towers stood, and paves the way for the construction of the Cordoba House, a Mosque

Media Effects on Public Opinion: Source:new Pakistan The organization Pew Research Center released a new study last week based on a survey of Pakistanis about opinions on extremism, America, India, etc etc. While the report focuses primarily on attitudes towards America (not surprising since

Prem Chand We Are Ashamed – by Syed Ali Abbas Zaidi: Cross-posted from his blog There have been very few times when I have not found the right words to express my grief, sorrow, anger or passion for something and today is one of those days as today I write

Confessions of a desensitized journalist – by Sadaf Khan: Source: As Pakistanis we should now all be well versed with disaster coverage. Bomb blasts, terrorist attacks, violent protests, military operations, natural disasters – you name it and we have seen it all. However, instead of making us

Why Look For The Black Box When You Have Saaleh Zaafir?: Source: Cafe Pyala The Jang Group in general and The News in particular are just so lucky. On their staff they have someone who is not only a fearless and insightful reporter who is never one to shy away

Pakistan’s status Post-WikiLeaks leakage – By Sehrish Khan: Source: PICTURES BEYOND THE PICTURE As the week ends, the most controversial and conflictive details of the Afghan war come to surface, marking the greatest information leak-out of the US military. The details were provided to The New York

Why are opinion pieces ‘Top Stories’ in The News?: Am I missing a point? Weren’t Ansar Abbasi and Shaheen Sehbai always propogating the fact that the CJ was restored by General Kayani by holding a gun to the PPP’s head? Why are opinion pieces ‘Top Stories’ in The

Of establishment and its beneficiaries – by Dr Ayesha Siddiqa: Read Part 1 of this article here This article is part of the same article posted here with the title “Political Homosexuality“. I have posted it as a separate article for its comments on Establishment equations and understanding of

Political homosexuality – by Dr Ayesha Siddiqa: Can I suggest that politics is also highly gendered. Just like things fall in the category of masculine and feminine, political ideology also has its types. Considering my own bias for the feminine, I would argue that there are

‘Hindus are not our enemies’ – Interview with Dr Mubarak Ali: Our foreign policy is India-centric and any policy regarding India is vetted and approved by the Army. Pakistan Army is the real force behind our policy towards India Mazhar Jadoon Eminent historian and scholar Dr Mubarak Ali traces back

Who is behind target killings in Karachi – by Kashif Aziz: Cross posted from Chowrangi Blog It is sad to watch the largest city of Pakistan, one that generates the largest chunk of revenue and provide jobs and shelter to Pakistanis from every nook and corner (and even across the

Unite from Parachinar to Karachi – by Riaz Toori: Source: The Express Tribune Scenic Parachinar belies an undeclared human rights free zone where they have no legal protection. Years ago, when in my hometown Parachinar and in other tribal areas, malicious actions were initiated by inhuman terrorists against

The matchless courage of Rana Maqbool – by Hakim Hazik: Source: Justice Denied PK Justice Iftikhar of the Lahore High Court has struck a blow for democracy. He has granted a bail before arrest to the selfless civil servant and policeman par excellence, Rana Maqbool Ahmed, formerly of Sind

From the worst poster boys for Islam to a reformist view of Islam – by Nadeem Paracha: The worst poster boys for Islam Source: Dawn I received a number of emails on my last blog, Reform Now. Most of the people who wrote to me asked whether I could comment more on the list of reforms

Pervez Masih: Unsung Hero of Pakistan – by Ali Abbas Zaidi: I have written on him before, but I want to write more. [click here to read: Daewoo Gang-rape and Pervez Masih] — To the unsung hero of Pakistan! Heroes come in different types, heroics vary with the impact they

An unfettered media – by Aliya Anjum: Source: Pakistan Media Watch In her Daily Times column today, Aliya Anjum continues the public outcry for a responsible and constructive media that provides something of value for the people and not just cynical politics to increase advertising revenue.

‘Data Darbar had to be destroyed because of Ibn Taymiyya’: An interview with Khaled Ahmed: Source: View Point ‘Data Darbar had to be destroyed because of Ibn Taymiyya’ Sunni-Sunni war was much earlier and it reached a peak in 2006 at Nishtar Park, the year the ISI allowed Sipah-e-Sahaba to stage its show of

Unloading the entire blame of sectarian terrorism on Saudi Arabia and Iran is unfair – by Adnan Farooq: Source: View Point Related posts: Intellectual dishonesty in misrepresenting Shia massacres in Pakistan Some common fallacies often shared by Taliban apologists and (fake) liberals Iranian- Saudi war spills over to Pakistan: Unloading the entire blame on a foreign pedestal

Sipah-e-Sahaba and Taliban: Brothers in arms – by Ayesha Siddiqa: Related posts: The growing links between Taliban and Deobandi Sipah-e-Sahaba in Pakistan – The Economist article Exposed: Links between Deobandi militants of Sipah Sahaba and Uzbek militants Sipah Sahaba and Taliban are two names of the same Deobandi militant

The Survivalist of North Waziristan: Hafiz Gul Bahadur Biography and Analysis – by Charlie Szrom: Source: Critical Threats Taliban and al-Qaeda fighters use Waziristan to prepare for and launch attacks against American forces in Afghanistan and Western targets abroad. Since early June, the Pakistani military has been conducting a campaign to kill Waziristan’s preeminent

The curious case of Abid Sher Ali- by Umair Javed: Source: Recycled Thought The Curious Case of Abid Sher Ali Apologies for the really cliched title, but there is no other word, apart from curious, to describe Mr Sher Ali and his role in the fake degrees

Fake Degrees Vs Fake Petrol Bills: Source: A lot is being said these days about “Fake Degrees” and the political black sheep sitting in our assemblies. The media is leading the campaign to cleanse the assemblies and our honorable judges are providing the

Poets and Hawks: On Pak India War Hysteria by Farooq Sulehria: Once again Pak India peace dialogue is underway, this time between the foreign ministers. Too much is posted and published on the various aspects of Paki India relations, basic issues, Kashmir conflicts, the newly hyped water conflict etc etc.

Parachinar: the valley of massacre – by Riaz Toori: Originally published in Express Tribune Blogs Parachinar was once paradise on earth but it has been burning in the fires of terrorism for years. The prices of commodities have sky-rocketed, poverty has made life hellish, and hospitals lack medicines

FATA, overlooked, ignored – by Riaz Toori: First published in Express Tribune Blogs Sixty three years have gone by but Pakistan could neither bring FATA in the mainstream of the country, politically or constitutionally nor improved the life of common man there. Twenty first century’s innovations,

Does Pakistan have a civilian strategy? – by Mehlaqa Samdani: Source: AfPak Foreing Policy, JULY 9, 2010 As the Pakistani government tries to shape the future in Afghanistan by facilitating talks between the Haqqani network and the Afghan President Hamid Karzai, its own citizens continue to bear the brunt of

Just who is not a kafir? – by Amir Mir: Related post: Kafir factory: Shia kafir, Qadiani kafir – by Mohammed Hanif Source: Outlook India War On The Kafirs The broad Sunni-Shia division does not explain all of it Most Sunnis adhere to the Hanafi school of jurisprudence. Only

Let’s negotiate with the Taliban – by Nadeem Paracha: Due to the demands of a majority of Pakistanis and leaders like Shahbaz Sharif, Imran Khan, Munawar Hussain and other such groovy people, the Pakistan government has signed a peace agreement with the Taliban in Waziristan and South Punjab.

Shias of Kashmir: Socio-political dilemmas – by Sajjad Haider: Source: Kashmir Observer Come Muharram, the month of mourning, Kashmir’s Shia-dominated areas come alive with black banners, and now increasingly, with portraits of religio-political revolutionary leaders from Iran and beyond. The banners of modern day Shia icons from Iran

The Angraizi Complex – by Hafsa Khawaja: Cross-posted from her blog Aamna Haider Isani had written an article for Instep by the title: ‘A New Body Language For Cricket!’. In it, she mentioned the joy of watching a win for Pakistan but something she wrote triggered

The Best Revenge – by Erum Haider: Cross-posted from her blog I just returned from watching “Bhutto” at the National Geographic in Washington DC. It takes me back to that moment, when I was getting my hair blow dried in the TV studios on my way

Shaheen Sehbai’s defamation charges against Azeem Daultana, PTH and LUBP – by Pakistan Media Watch: Source: Pakistan Media Watch One would think that after a 42-year career in the field of journalism, Shaheen Sehbai would have grown a slightly thicker skin. Instead, it appears that he’s grown quite a bit of cheek! Apparently the

A tribute to Syed Ali Hajveri – by Kashif Naseer: First published at: Kashif Naseer ka blog زکر انکا جو سید علی کی آغوش میں سر رکھ کے سو جاتے تھے دل کسی غم سے دکھا ہوا ہے، جگرکسی زخم سے چھلنی ہے اور اعصاب کسی سوچ کو سوچ

Ishtiaq Ahmed and the Lahore massacres – by Sabizak: Note: This excellent and timely article is cross-posted from the blog Silsila-e-Mah-o-Saal I have thought about it quite frequently since the attack on Ahmadi mosques in Lahore, but after the Data Darbar massacre it has taken even more concrete