Taqi Usmani Archive

The jihadi godfather who is helping buy up New Jersey: The world’s leading advocate of jihad is behind a campaign to sell ‘sharia-compliant’ house mortgages in America. A US website called Ricochet exposed cleric Muhammad Taqi Usmani’s connection with the Islamic property company, Guidance Financial, earlier this year.

Not every Deobandi who is killed by ASWJ-TTP terrorists is a moderate Deobandi: Is there a moderate Deobandi cleric? If one carefully reviews speeches or statements of almost all top Deobandi clerics, such as Taqi Usmani, Hanif Jalandhri, Sami-ul-Haq, Ahmed Ludhyanvi, Adnan Kakakhel, Tahir Ashrafi etc, the answer is no. For example,

Top deobandi clerics on Saudi payroll meet with wanted Al Qaeda and banned organizations: Munnaver Hassan head of the Jamaat e Islami is hobnobbing with wanted Al Qaeda and head of banned terrorist organization Sipah e Sahaba. Recently Munnaver Hassan declared the most wanted criminal in Pakistani history Hakimullah Mehsud a ‘shaheed’ or soldier of

Salafi hate preacher Dr Farhat Hashmi’s forgery against Muharram rituals in the name of Allama Iqbal: Notorious Salafi Wahhabi hate preacher Dr Farhat Hashmi has published a piece of forgery in the name of famous poet Allama Iqbal. The anti-Shia poetry published by Dr Farhat Hashmi Salafi on her facebook page has been written by

برطانیہ میں موجود سنی مسلمان عورتیں حلالے کے نام پردیوبندی مولویوں کی ہوس کا شکار: خفیہ حلالہ سینٹر کے دیوبندی مولوی نے مختلف مردوں سے میرا بار بار حلالہ کرایا لندن (رپورٹ، آصف ڈار) اپنے شوہر کے ہاتھوں بیک وقت طلاق حاصل کرکے ایک خفیہ حلالہ سینٹر پہنچنے والی ایک پاکستانی سنی مسلمان عورت

Allama Iqbal, Matam of Imam Hussain and Deobandi propaganda – علامہ اقبال، ماتم حسین اور دیوبندیوں کا جھوٹ: Summary: These days Deobandi (Naasibi, takfiri) followers of Yazid are circulating some verses attributed to Allama Iqbal in which Shia Muslims’ rituals of Matam (mourning of Imam Hussain) have been condemned. Such verses are a piece of forgery and

Sunni-Shia divide is not new, Takfiri Deobandi terrorism is! – by M.A. Niazi: LUBP Editor’s note: The following post is a slightly edited version of a valuable article on anti-Shia violence in Pakistan written by Mr. M.A. Niazi (The Nation, 7 Dec 2012. The writer is a veteran journalist and founding member

Mufti Taqi Usmani and Mufti Rafi Usmani have sold Pakistani Deobandis to takfiri terrorists of Sipah-e-Sahaba (ASWJ-LeJ): Related posts: Who are Takfiri Deobandis? – by Fahd Khan In praise of Hazrat Yazid ibn Muawiya Darul Uloom Deoband’s fatwa in support of Hazrat Yazid – by Abdur Rahim Kandhalvi مفتی تقی عثمانی اور مفتی رفیع عثمانی نے دیوبندی

Criminal silence of Deobandi and Ahl-e-Hadith scholars on terrorism – by Ali K Chishti: So important is the business of fatwas that when Masood Azhar was re-launched by certain security agencies after he returned in exchange of some passengers from Kandahar as the ‘new saviour’, a fatwa was needed to launch his Jaish-e-Muhammad.