Sufism and Mysticism Archive

Bulleh Shah – A voice against religious bigotry: 8th of September, 2011 marks the commencement of three-day celebrations of 254th Urs of Baba Bulleh Shah in Kasur. The man who had been refused by the mullahs to be buried after his death in the community graveyard because

The bleeding sufi – by Suleman Akhtar: With the every bleeding Sufi the dream of tolerant and democratic Pakistan is fading away and the culture that may prove to be the final antidote to the militant Islam is slipping away into the abyss.

Festival of lamps: Mela Charagan Madhu Lal Hussain Urs Continued: The three-day annual urs celebrations of one of the greatest Punjabi Sufi poets, Hazrat Shah Hussain, commonly known as Madhu Lal Hussain, continued drawing thousands of devotees and enthusiasts from all over the country. Shah Hussain (1538–1599) was a

Basant ka Matam -by Arshad Mahmood: Basant (Jashn-e-Baharaan) in Pakistan The festival is limited in its celebrations in Pakistan. Instead, the celebrations of spring known as ‘Jashn-e-baharaan’ in Urdu, are carried on in the entire country for almost a month. Basant, in particular, is celebrated

Salman Taseer says Islam religion of peace, mercy and justice: * Punjab governor says he knew he would be opposed * Taseer censures those opposing him on Aasia Punjab Governor Salmaan Taseer on Monday said that Islam is a religion of peace and tolerance, and denounced those who opposed

Sunni Ittehad Council (SIC): Peaceful Sunni Barelvis rise against Deobandi militants of Sipah Sahaba Taliban: Cross-posted from LUBP old website: Related article: Will the Barelvi majority in Pakistan stand against terrorism? – by Tanveer Qaiser Shahid Related posts: Sunni Ittehad Council (SIC): Peaceful Barelvis rise against the Taliban-SSP criminals Sunni Barelvi (Sufi Muslims) Struggle with

Extremist Deobandis of Taliban/Sipah-e-Sahaba massacre Barelvis at Baba Farid’s shrine in Pakpattan: Related articles on LUBP: Fareeda, turya turya ja: In support of internal diversity of Islam Baba Farid of Pakpattan: Another Shrine attacked by the sectarian monsters alias SSP, LeJ, Taliban Monsters of the extremist Deobandi ideology have struck the

Takfiri Deobandis (Sipah Sahaba Taliban) massacre Sunni Barelvi Muslims in Karachi: Abdullah Shah Ghazi’s shrine attacked: After attacking the shrine of Rehman Baba in the Khyber Pakthunkhwa, and the shrine of Data Ganj Bakhsh in Lahore, the extremist Deobandis (terrorists of the Taliban, Al Qaeda and Sipah-e-Sahaba) have now attacked the shrine of Hazrat Abdullah

Mad in the middle- By Nadeem F. Paracha: The political and social aspects of Islam in Pakistan can be seen as existing in and emerging from three distinct clusters of thought. These clusters represent the three variations of political and social Islam that have evolved in

The Hell of Ideologies- by Aamir Husaini: A thought provoking piece by Aamir Husaini from the only Pakistani liberal Urdu daily newspaper Daily Aajkal on the states pursuing ideologies, turning the world to a burning hell for those who they consider an obstacle in their way(aliarqam)

When Data sahib turned malamati – by Dr Mohammad Taqi: Like in Iraq, the al Qaeda-Taliban strategy in Pakistan appears to focus on the existing divisions between the major Islamic sects. The jihadists are attempting to play on the historical religious fault-lines in Pakistani society and trigger internal violence

Kashf-ul-Mahjoob (Unveiling the Veiled) – by Syed Ali Hajveri Data Ganj Bakhsh: Download English Translation by M. Ashraf Javed Revelation of Mystery 1 Revelation of Mystery 2 R. A. Nicholson’s 1911 translation can be downloaded from the following link: Book Review Kashf Al-Mahjoob (کشف المحجوب) (Unveiling the Veiled) Author: Sayyad

Selective Mourning – by Bahadar Ali Khan: Victims of apathy, can be the only name given to the current situation of circumstances that have plagued current day Pakistani masses. A highly condemnable and tragic bombing of Data Sb. shrine has jolted the entire Pakistani public. Data

Sufism being victimized – by Amjad Rashid: It is an established fact that Islam’s spread all over happened the world through Sufism and its teachings of love and peace. But in present times, the name of Islam is being used by the extremists, terrorists and ignorant

Hijacking a faith: How an extremist Deobandi ideology rules the Barelvi majority? – by Fawad Manzoor: Picture source: BBC Urdu First Deoband Madrassa was established in 1866 in India. If we look at the history, Deoband is fairly new sect of Islam. Deoband sect slowly worked to make it stronger and they were very active

Bulleh Shah (actually Sultan Bahu) in Germany – by Riaz Ahmed Syed: بلھے شاہ جرمنی میں ….سفارت نامہ…ریاض احمد سید محترمہ کی خواہش کے احترام میں نام نہیں لکھ رہا ،تاہم راقم انہیں پچھلی چار دہائیوں سے جانتا ہے۔ اندرون شہر صدیوں سے آباد خالص لاہوری خاندان کی یہ چشم و

Rumi: The divine dancer – by Ammar Ali Qureshi: Ammar Ali Qureshi has kindly sent his article published in “The Friday Times” to be posted at LUBP. How relevant is Rumi today? asks Ammar Rumi, according to the German philosopher Hegel, was one of the greatest poets and

Contra Sufism – by Aziz Ali Dad: “People know what they do; frequently they know why they do what they do; but what they don’t know is what what they do does.” -Michel Foucault Amar Jaleel wrote a wonderful article ‘Antithesis of Sufism’ in this newspaper on

Ajoka’s Dara Shikoh: a story about the disputes between the Salafi and Sufi forms of Islam – by Taha S Siddiqui: Ajoka’s Dara – an ancient story of modern day proportions People say Lahore is rich with cultural treasures and that if one starts digging into the past, every street, lane and neighbourhood in this city contains in it a

Sufi chants and revolutions — by Dr Manzur Ejaz: If one reads Punjabi classical poetry, with no presumption of Sufism, it is just good poetry of a certain period that has withstood the test of time. I do not know anybody who would claim that just reading and

Past present: Is Sufism relevant to our time? – by Mubarak Ali: There are some people who, in view of the present religious extremism, believe that if Sufi teachings are revived, religious intolerance and fundamentalism may be controlled. The attempt to revive the past system and old ideas is not a

Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai: the visionary – by Khurram Ali Shafique: Some people say that he fell in love, left home, became a phenomenon and came back to marry the woman who had been refused to him earlier. There is no way of knowing whether the career of Shah Abdul

The bad Sufi – by Qalandar Bux Memon: It is often assumed that Sufism stands opposed to Wahhabism. Wrong. Sufism and Wahhabism, in fact, share a fatal characteristic – they are religions of the status quo. In Pakistan, Sufism legitimises barbarities of inequality and starvation – ‘do

Attack on Hamid Saeed Kazmi and the Taliban inside Islamabad: Feeling insecure in Islamabad The federal religious affairs minister, Mr Hamid Saeed Kazmi, escaped death at the hands of terrorists on Wednesday at Islamabad’s GPO chowk. He was driving out of his office without much security. His driver has

Khwaja Ghulam Farid: The 108th Urs celebrations of renowned sufi mystic of Sub-continent,poet Hazrat Khawaja Ghulam Farid commences at Kot

Mela Charaghan (Festival of Lights) in Lahore: Life and Poetry of Madhu Lal Hussain: Madhu Lal Hussain said: “Be never engaged at all in arguments so long but ponder over your end so says Hussain Faqir.” Mela Chiraghan or Mela Shalamar (“Festival of Lights”) is a three day annual festival to mark the

Sufi and Tasawwuf, A critical view – by Khurshid Nadeem: In this op-ed, Khurshid Nadeem offers a critical perspective on Sufis and tasawwuf (mysticism) based on his reading of Allama Muhammad Iqbal and Javaid Ahmed Ghamidi. Nadeem also offers his appreciation of a Pakistani

Eid Miladun Nabi versus Talibanisation: This year the festival of the “third Eid” of Islam was observed with unprecedented exuberance. Eid Miladun Nabi, the Birthday of the Holy Prophet PBUH, has always been the most important of the three Eids, but in this season

Remembering Wasif Ali Wasif: Wasif Ali Wasif (15 January 1929 – 18 January 1993) was a writer, poet and sufi from Pakistan who was famous for his unique literary style. He used to write short pieces of prose on topics such as life,
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