Sibte Jafar Archive

LUBP under intense cyber attacks by commercial liberal proxies – by Laleen Ahmad: LUBP is under intense cyber attacks in the last few days by an IT professional who has a grudge against LUBP and who alternates between the UK and Holland. There is mounting evidence as per the domain team that

Second martyrdom anniversary of Professor Sibte Jaafar – Riaz Malik Al Hajjaji: This is Sibte Jaffar – a Shia Rafdi “terrorist” who terrorised the country with his musical renditions of poetry. He is part of Pakistan’s majority Sunni and Shia communities who use and advance poetry and music for a

مفتی نعیم اور احمد لدھیانوی کی حامی عشرت العباد لابی ایم کیو ایم کو ہائی جیک کرنے کی کوشش کررہی ہے: پروفیسر سبط جعفر اور ڈاکٹر شکیل اوج کے قتل میں ملوث ایم کیو ایم کا کارکن گرفتار۔ اگر الطاف حسین پورے ملک میں بالعموم اور کراچی میں بالخصوص فرقہ وارانہ دہشتگردی کا خاتمہ چاہتے ہیں تو ان کو ایم

Shoot a teacher: Kill a country – by Rafia Zakaria: Illiteracy they say is Pakistan’s scourge. It is what shackles people in the chains of ignorance, condemns them to begging at corners, to injecting drugs, to selling their daughters and waiting in vain for birthing sons. Illiteracy, is the

Professor Sibte Jafar’s self-written poems on his own martyrdom by Deobandi militants: Professor Sibte Jafar’s self-written poetry in anticipation of his own martyrdom. These two poems along with two video messages are clear indication of what was his real cause, why was he killed and who killed him. Shaheed Professor Sibte

Children of a lesser god : Prof Sibte Jafar – by Abbas Nasir: A college principal, Prof Sibte Jafar, who was riding home on a rickety motorcycle, was slowing down at a speed breaker when waiting (Takfiri deobandi) killers fired at him. His grievous injuries took his life probably even before the

Shia Muslims of Karachi mourn university teacher’s murder by Deobandi militants of ASWJ-LeJ: Wed Mar 20, 2013 9:31AM GMT “Murder of Urdu literature” as many here put it, Professor Syed Sibt-e-Jaffar Zaidi was a renowned Shia Scholar, poet and academic who was gunned down in Karachi by Deobandi Militans of ASWJ-LEJ

Deobandi militants of ASWJ killed Sibte Jafar but they cannot kill his memory: Related posts: LUBP Editor’s note: Read this blog post by Sultana Haider with tears of anger and grief. For the right-wing and pro-establishment fake liberals, Sibte Jafar can be reduced to an Iranian fifth columnist. His cowardly

Terrorism: is media a watchdog or lapdog? On Sethi-Rumi mollycoddling ASWJ’s Ludhianvi — by Dr Mohammad Taqi: Source: Daily Times The ostensibly liberal publication gave space quite liberally to Ludhianvi to bash the Shia without a single challenging question being asked Pakistan finally saw democratically elected national and provincial assemblies plod past the five-year finish line

درویش استاد سبط جعفر دیوبندی دہشت گردوں کے ہاتھوں شہید: پوری پاکستانی قوم بلخصوص پاکستانی شیعہ مکتبہ فکر ، دیوبندی دہشت گردوں اہل سنت ول جماعت جس کا پرانا نام سپاہ صحابہ تھا کےہاتھوں ایک اور بہت بڑے سانحے سے گزر رہے ہیں مشہور شاعر،ادیب اور دانشور سید سبط جعفر

درویش استاد سبط جعفر: درویش استاد سبط جعفر عامر حسینی ہم ابھی ایک پرسے سے فارغ ہوتے ہیں تو دوسرے پرسے کی باری آجاتی ہے اور یہ سلسلہ کہیں رکنے کا نام نہیں لے رہا ہے-کراچی کربلاء میں بدل چکا ہے-کبھی تو اجتماعی

#ShiaGenocide: Four Shia professionals including educationist Sibte Jafar shot dead across Pakistan by Deobandi militants: Sources: The News, March 19, 2013, Express Tribune, March 19, 2013 Karachi – 18 March 2013 Prominent educationist and the principal of Government Degree College, Qasimabad, Prof Sibte Jafar, was shot dead by Deobandi militants of the Sipah Sahaba

#ShiaGenocide: Leading Pakistani intellectual, poet and academic Sibte Jafar killed by Deobandi militants: Entire Pakistani nation, in particular Shia Muslim community, suffers from another terrible loss at the hands of Deobandi militants of Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat (ASWJ-LeJ, formerly known as Sipah-e-Sahaba). Famous poet, academician and intellectual Professor Sibte Jafar was killed