Lawyers Archive

افتخار چودھری کے بعد اب ممتاز قادری کے حق میں نون لیگ، جماعت اسلامی اور سپاہ صحابہ کی وکلاء موومنٹ؟: سلمان تاثیر شہید کے قاتل ممتاز لعنتی کے نوے وکیل ہیں جن کی قیادت نواز شریف کا وفادار لاہور ہائی کورٹ کا سابق چیف جسٹس خواجہ شریف ہے ان نوے وکیلوں میں اکثریت نواز لیگ، جماعت اسلامی اور سپاہ

Lawyers Movement Part 2: In defence of Mumtaz Deobandi: At least 90 lawyers, most of them sympathizers of PMLN, Jamaat-e-Islmai and Sipah-e-Sahaba (ASWJ), are a part of the legal team defending Salmaan Taseer’s murderer. Previously the same group and their political affiliates (PMLN, JI, ASWJ) were united

Senior lawyer Shakir Rizvi killed in Lahore by ASWJ-LeJ terrorists sponsored by CM Shahbaz Sharif: Slowly but surely, Takfiri Deobandi terrorists of Sipah-e-Sahaba (currently operating as Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat and Lashkar-e-Jhangvi) are killing innocent Shia Muslims in Punjab under sponsorship and protection of PML-N Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif. A few months ago, in

Supreme Court, a circus for the media circus – by Shiraz Paracha: The Judiciary in Pakistan was not free in the past and it is not independent now. The military has been using the Supreme Court of Pakistan as a rubber stamp but now there are serious questions about the integrity

The battle against common sense: a rebuttal to Dr Manzur Ejaz – by Suleman Akhtar: This was written in response to “The feudal battle against the judiciary-Dr Manzur Ejaz” published in Daily Times on October 20, 2010. Blindfolding by the habitual antipathy and gratuitous adherence with the classical conceptual dogma whilst completely neglecting the persisting

A critical view on the dogfight between lawyers and judges in Lahore – by Sikandar Mehdi: Related articles on LUBP: The unruly lawyers, for sale judges and the politics of briefcases – by Sikandar Mehdi No entry for CJ Khwaja Sharif et al Day before yesterday, I was sitting with a friend and all of

No entry for CJ Khwaja Sharif, his two sons and son-in-law: Entry of LHC Chief Justice in Lahore Bar banned LAHORE: Chief Justice of the Lahore High Court, Khawaja Sharif, and several key lawyer leaders, including Aitzaz Ahsan and Hamid Khan, have been banned from entering Lahore High Court Bar

Black coat thugs at it again – by Jinnah Bhutto: A couple of days ago, lawyers in Lahore once again showed their “badmashi”. They are behaving like badmash (law breakers) in the courts. In Lahore yesterday they beat up judge; when other judges came to resolve the matter, they

On Athar Minallah and the betrayal of the unsung heroes – by Fawad Manzoor: Update: Mr Minallah’s response to the LUBP post This is with reference to a recent op-ed by Mr. Athar Minallah (ex-spokesman for the SC Chief Justice) which appeared in The News on 16 June 2010. In his sobbing column,

Lawyers break the law again – CJ Sahab, Ramday Sahab – Introspection?: The Hon’able Chief Justice, Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry and Justice Khalil ur Rehman Ramday have been reminding us Pakistanis and more importantly the government the importance of upholding the law and abiding by the decisions of the court. Their own

Lawyers’ strike against Iftikhar Chaudhry’s statistical juggling (National Judicial Policy): Mumtaz Mustafa, Chairman Punjab Bar Council, while talking to reporter of Daily Pakistan newspaper said that Bar Councils of Sindh, Balochistan and Khyber Pakhtoonkhua are with us to strike against National Judicial Policy on today 15th May 2010. He

SCBA, LHCBA lawyers ignoring the law: According to this news report, SCBA and LHCBA lawyers have declared in a joint press conference that they will challenge the 18th amendment on the grounds that it has destroyed the entire structure of the 1973 constitution. However this

Qazi Anwar’s vilification crusade against politicians: Explicit or implicit supporters of military dictatorship in Pakistan, who usually lack significant vote bank in masses and dance to the tunes of right wing establishment, often criticise politicians holding them as solely and predominantly responsible for Pakistan’s failures

Justice Iftikhar protects scoundrels and ignores honest judges: Civil judges in Punjab rally against lawyer Dawn Report Saturday, 27 Mar, 2010 LAHORE, March 26: Judicial officers took to the streets on Friday in protest against slapping of a civil judge by a lawyer in Faisalabad earlier this

Adalat ho gi ma kay jaisi – by Honest People: Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry is unique. His judges are his soldiers. The judiciary functions under his chain of command. Every judge is at his beck and call. His is the last word. He constitutes benches comprising of judges of

Judge Saeed Khurshid’s resignation: LUBP has previously posted two articles on this topic, which can be read here and here. Given the lack of attention to this issue by the lawyers as well as Pakistani media, we find it pertinent to post the

Where is the Lawyer Community now? Why did Judge Saeed Khurshid resign?: Unsung hero of lawyers’ movement parts way with judiciary By Saeed Minhas ISLAMABAD: An unsung hero of the landmark lawyers’ movement – former Civil Judge Saeed Khurshid – is busy finishing his LLM degree while practicing law in the

Reassessing the lawyers’ movement — by Ayesha Ijaz Khan: The judiciary must pick its battles carefully and avoid the type of crescendo that would altogether remove its focus from its primary function of delivering justice. It must be mindful that unless people begin to feel the results of

Lawyers’ struggle: another view – by Kaiser Bengali: In light of the current situation, we consider it pertinent to re-print the following article written by Kaiser Bengali. Reprinted from Dawn, 30 March 2009. THE successful movement for the reinstatement of Iftikhar Chaudhry is being billed as a

Shazia murder case: Accused Naeem advocate granted bail by Islamofacist judiciary in Lahore: Family members of Shazia Masih, including, from left, her sister; her mother, Nasreen Bibi; and her aunt and brother. The girl died while working as a maid. Photo: NY Times Lahore: February 13, 2010. (PCP) Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz

Leaders of lawyers’ movement oppose the strike call by Qazi Mohammad Anwar: Aitzaz Ahsan termed the decision for a strike premature, warning that it would divide the lawyers’ community. He said the decision had been taken in spite of PM Gilani’s assurance that the NRO judgment would be implemented.

Christians burnt to death; Lawyers go unbridled. One day in Shahbaz Sharif’s rule in Punjab: Christian children, women burnt to death in Pakistan TCM News Desk July 31, 2009 | 00:47:23 SEVERAL Christian children and women were reportedly burnt to death

What about lawyers’ cause in Swat?: A new lawyers’ movement may be needed to address the crisis created for the legal profession in Swat after the Tehreek-e Nifaz-e Shariat-e Muhammadi (TNSM) banned the lawyers from the qazi courts set up under the tutelage of its

Ejaz Haider: CJP restored; CJP sans Swat?: In Pakistan it is difficult to determine where to begin and how far to go back to set things right. Such situations call for pragmatism rather than sheer idealism, which is why Justice Chaudhry, the PCO 1 judge, was

Imran Khan blames lawyers for not consulting politicians: It seems that lawyers have smelt that the ISI’s new poodle Imran Khan might try to use the Long March to promote his pro-Taliban and anti-democracy agenda… Imran blames lawyers for not consulting politicians Updated at: 0200 PST, Friday,

PPP and PTI (Imran Khan) join hands to support Ziaur Rehman Advocate….: Aitzaz, Hamid in all-out efforts to win LBA polls PTI Vice Chairman Hamid Khan and PPP lawyers jointly supporting Ziaur Rehman against Tariq Javed a candidate jointly supported by Kurd and Aitzaz Ahsan in LBA elections PTI VC and

We support Aitzaz Ahsan of PPP; not Hamid Khan of Imran Khan’s PTI in the Lahore Bar Elections: Top leaders of lawyers’ movement drift apart LAHORE – Two top leaders of the lawyers’ movement Chaudhry Aitzaz Ahsan (leader of Pakistan Peoples Party) and Hamid Khan (leader of Imran Khan’s Tehreek-e-Insaf) are backing different candidates for president seat

Terrorism by rogue lawyers in Lahore: Thousands of innocent citizens suffer: LBA: be kind to citizens The Lahore Bar Association (LBA) on Tuesday locked down the entire lower courts in Lahore, causing a lot of harassment to the litigant citizens. This was following the Black Day on Monday when the

Zardari, lawyers and journos: Who is the real hypocrite? – by Ahmad Quraishi: Have you noticed how a small group of self-righteous lawyers and journalists are turning Asif Zardari and Rehman Malik into villains now? This group of lawyers and journos are bent on spoon feeding the Pakistanis how to tell right

Ali Ahmed Kurd, the SCBA elections, some perspectives… by Abbas Ather and other analysts: The Vote Count In the 2007 SCBA elections, the candidate opposing Aitzaz Ashan secured only 175 votes. In the 2008

The notorious Taliban lover Ansar Abbasi’s venom against Nawaz Sharif: This time, the notorious mouthpiece of Taliban/Al-Qaeda/Sipah-e-Sahaba, Ansar Abbasi has spoken against Nawaz Sharif’s PML-N. Abbasi is in pain because Nawaz Sharif and his PML-N have decided to support the PPP/ANP/JUI coalition in the Center and the NWFP in