General Pasha Archive

Brig Usman Khalid informed CIA of Osama’s presence in Abbottabad – Amir Mir: ISLAMABAD: Pulitzer prize winning American journalist Seymour Hersh’s most recent claim that a former Pakistani intelligence official had actually informed the Americans about the Abbottabad hideout of al-Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden (OBL), has given credence to

A comment on Seymour Hersh’s report on the Abbottabad raid on the Bin Laden compound – by Ayaz Amir: Source: The grandmother of all embarrassments Even when we suspected the worst but did not know all the facts, the Abbottabad raid on the Bin Laden compound was the mother of all embarrassments…for the army and the ISI,

جنرل پاشا،عرب شیوخ اور پاکستانی لشکر ۔۔ از وسیم احمد: متحدہ عرب امارات سات ریاستوں پہ مشتمل فیڈریشن ہے۔ ہر ریاست کا اپنا فرمانروا شیخ کہلاتا ہے اور داخلی معاملات میں خود مختار ہے۔ پچھلے چند عشروں میں یہاں بے پناہ ترقی ہوئی ہے۔ یہاں تک کہ مغربی ممالک کے سیاح بھی

Stop it, General Kayani – by Lala Jie: Related posts: Good riddance, General Pasha! Mehran Gate reveals ISI’s dirty role in Pakistani politics – by Saleem Safi and Hasan Nisar بس کریں جنرل صاحب بس ۱۵ مارچ ۲۰۱۲ء کو ہمارے سپہ سالارِ اعظم(بقول ہمارے منصفِ اعظم) نے

What Hazrat Imran Khan is not? The immortal letter by Shafqat Mahmood – by Riaz Malik Hajjaji: Dear readers, I want to express my appreciation to the PTI Information secretary, Mr. Shafqat Mahmood for his brilliant deconstruction and dismantling (What Imran Khan is not ) of the rubbish post by Saroop Ijaz called “The lies and triangulations of Imran

Good riddance, General Pasha!: Related posts: Stop it, General Kayani – by Lala Jie General Kayani’s extension as army chief: A bad decision – by Abdul Nishapuri Lieutenant-General Ahmad Shuja Pasha (born 18 March 1952), the current Director-General of the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI),

…And so it rests: Memorial service of the memogate: The “Stupidisco” that Pakistan was converted into seems to be coming to rest. After Mansoor Ijaz’ refusal to come to Pakistan and demanding that this testimony be taken outside of Pakistan, the apex adjudicator, CJ Iftikhar Ahmed Chaudhry had

The Deep Conspiracy and the Rule of Law – by Amna Piracha: “Army Chief sees deep conspiracy” screamed a banner headline in the Business Recorder of December 16, 2011 and I thought to my self – yes there is a deep conspiracy, just as there was a deep conspiracy in 1977

Who is Supreme – Parliament or The Supreme Court? – by Farhad Jarral: It’s been a trend in Pakistani media to make headlines and breaking news on television that the Government is unstable and rumors of the imminent military coup are always floating around. The headlines and breaking news syndrome gained further

What in the Lord’s name: update: There has been alterations and additions made to accommodate few other articles on the same issue The Supreme Court has stated that under the Article 184-3, they have jurisdiction to hear the petition on alleged memo, because fundamental rights

The Memo is just a handy means to regime change in Pakistan – by Ayaz Amir: Real issue: regime change There should be no room for confusion. Nor should we put blinders on our eyes. The Memo (with a capital M) has not endangered our nukes or lowered army morale. This last is really absurd.

General Kayani and CJ Iftikhar Chaudhry agree on Judicial Coup in January 2012: There are some clear signs that Pakistan’s military establishment and its allies (commonly known as Teen Jeem (3 Js), i.e., “Jenerals” and their loyalist judges and journalists) have decided to derail the fragile democratic set up in Pakistan. According

The circus is in town – by Ali Aftab Saeed: It’s a free-for-all! The circus is in town. Tahir-ul-Qadri is back with invaluable suggestions for forming and running a new government. The other usual suspects, to a man, are there too. Suddenly everybody has forgotten that Sipah-e-Sahaba is a

A Citizen’s Petition: I was going through the text of infamous petition of Mr. Nawaz Sharif , that “My Lord” has taken an immediate notice. I realized if this was written by Nawaz Sharif himself and were “آئنی” and not “فرمایشی”, then

AHRC appeal: DG ISI Gen Shuja Pasha must be prosecuted for hatching conspiracy against democracy: ASIAN HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION – URGENT APPEALS PROGRAMME Related post: Jang Group must refrain from harassing Ali Dayan Hasan of Human Rights Watch Urgent Appeal Case: AHRC-UAC-248-2011 Send an Appeal Letter PAKISTAN: The head of the ISI must be

Full text of replies submitted by General Kayani, General Pasha and Federation in Memo case: Reply of Army chief Gen Ashfaq Kayani Supreme Court of Pakistan (Original jurisdiction) In CP 78/2011 Muhammad Tariq Asad, Advocate Supreme Court Versus Federation Pakistan etc Reply on behalf of Respondent (General Ashfaq Parvez Kayai, COAS) in Compliance with

Military coup charges: ISI chief should resign, face inquiry, says Gohar: By Zia Khan ISLAMABAD: Mum’s the word as far as the government and the military’s media wing are concerned regarding Mansoor Ijaz’s latest allegations. The mood in the National Assembly session on Thursday, however, was anything but when a

The case of a curious memo – by Ali Aftab Saeed (Beygairat Brigade): First published at Pak Tea House Related posts: LUBP archive on memogate LUBP archive on Beygairat Brigade Let’s start with a simple thought, why does one write a letter to someone? Clench that answer in your mind and now

Secret Pakistan: BBC documentary on how Pakistan’s ISI trains and arms Taliban: Related posts: On BBC’s Secret Pakistan and Ejaz Haider: Their denials and propagandists – by Abbas Daiyar A comment on Bruce Riedel’s proposed accountability of Pakistan army Appeal to international community: Impose travel restrictions on all senior officers of

WikiLeaks confirms that Pakistan’s Deobandi clerics Ludhyanvi, Fazl-ur-Rehman are funded by Arab countries: The following cable confirms what was long suspected, i.e., the connection between Deobandi clerics and terrorists in Pakistan and their financiers, the Arab dictators. The cable confirms that the banned Pakistani Deobandi terror outfit Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan (SSP, currently operating as

Of False Prophets and their recipe for Disaster (Part I) – by Rusty Walker: Even a basic understanding of the Jinnah Institute (JI) report and the related testimony to Congress by Moeed Yusuf of the U.S. Institute of Peace (USIP) should make certain things very obvious to Pakistanis, Americans and the global

Wikileaks about Kayani’s unprofessional approach & ISI backed media’s twisted headlines: September 3, 2011. Wikileaks has revealed that the in-charge of Pakistan’s ideological borders, faith and two nation theory the honorable chief Ashfaq Pervez Kayani told privately & confidentially to the ex-US ambassador Anne Patterson that he was very unhappy

Pakistan spies on its diaspora, spreading fear: By MARK MAZZETTI, ERIC SCHMITT and CHARLIE SAVAGE WASHINGTON — F.B.I. agents hunting for Pakistani spies in the United States last year began tracking Mohammed Tasleem, an attaché in the Pakistani Consulate in New York and a clandestine operative

Tere dar pe sanam chale aai: On General Pasha’s visit to Washington: Army Chief says: ‘momin hou tau bey AID bhi larta hai sipahi’ Corps commanders’ meeting: Army shrugs off ‘punitive’ aid cut-off by US On the other hand, General Pasha is going to Washington today to revive aid and clarify any

NYT urges Washington to get ISI chief removed: Asserting that the ISI has become inimical to the interests of the US and Pakistan, The New York Times has asked Washington to seek the removal of Lt Gen Ahmed Shuja Pasha as its chief and slap sanctions against

Dysfunctional, incapable or extra clever?: The Pakistani Army and it’s leadership is facing worst sort of credibility crises and increasing criticism of poor administrative and defense practices, and right now practically it finds itself in the midst of a inferno, particularly after Osama Bin

An open letter to General Pasha -by Ejaz Haider: Dear General Pasha, I write this letter to you in the wake of the gruesome and gratuitous murder of Syed Saleem Shahzad, friend to many, including myself. The Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) Directorate, the agency you head, is being accused of Saleem’s

ISI might have been involved in Mumbai attacks, says Pakistan’s former foreign secretary: NEW DELHI: Pakistan’s former foreign secretary Shaharyar Khan has acknowledged that ISI might have been involved in the 26/11 attacks on Mumbai — in the first-ever confession of its kind by a member of Pakistani establishment. In an interview

Did Chaudhry Nisar take General Pasha to task? -by Fawad Manzoor: Media was showing as if Mr. PML-N Chaudhry Nisar took generals to task but it appears generals took air out of Mr. PML-N’s balloon. So much for fiery speeches of Nawaz, Shabaz, Nisar & their media touts. Chaudhry Nisar

Jahan panah tusi great ho, tohfo qabul karo!: Related post: Questions for General Pasha (Part I) Nawaz Sharif’s commendable stance on Pakistani generals’ Abbottabad debacle پارلیمنٹ کے ان کیمرہ سیشن کی متفقہ قرارداد پیش نظر ہے. پاکستان کی سیاسی ڈکشنری میں جن اصطلاحات سے مجھے چڑ ہے

ISI chief had lips sealed when quizzed about Osama bin Laden -by Amir Mir: Almost three weeks before Osama bin Laden was killed by a US military raid in Abbottabad, the heads of Pakistan and American intelligence agencies spent most of their meetings talking about the whereabouts of the world’s most wanted man

Questions for General Pasha: If I have to comment on ISI chief’s emotional speech in the in-camera session of the parliament, I can say this via Mirza Ghalib: roney se aur ishq mey beybaak hogay, dhoey gaye hum aisey ke bas pak hogay

On the USA-Pakistan army alliance: Sleeping with the enemy? – by Rashid Aurakzai: Like a rabbit popping out of a magician’s empty hat, Osama bin Laden (OBL) was not ‘smoked out’ of any cave in Afghanistan but right from under CIA’s 63 year old strategic partner’s Sandhurst, Abbottabad. Capitol hill and Pentagon

Clean Bowled: Deep State and Osama bin Laden – by Kamran Shafi: “BY golly some of our great anchors are something to behold after the springing of Master Raymond Davis from jail … foaming at the mouth; trembling with white rage …” — yours truly in this same space in March,

Politicians united to defend the mighty army and spy masters – by Haris Ubaid: Pakistan’s political elite after due consultation with his highness COAS Kayani and his highness Chief Spy Pasha have come to the defense of the military establishment. This reminds me the following words of Urdu poet John Eliah: Nahi dunya

Thank you Raymond Davis – by Mahvish Afridi: Thank you, Raymond Davis! The honour (ghairat) brigade in Pakistani media (sponsored by Aabpara) had presented CIA Operative Raymond Davis as an insult to Pakistan’s national honour and security. However, yesterday’s (May 1, 2011) surgical operation by the US

Pakistan: ISI ousted Bhutto? – by Inam R. Sehri: Now a days much proclaimed news in the media from Prime Minister of Pakistan, Yusaf raza Gilani that ‘we are with our ISI; their functions and operations have government backing’ (Ref: media news of 28th April 2011). Till the recent past

Choking off Pakistan-U.S. relations? – By Arif Jamal: As U.S.-Pakistan relations continue to deteriorate, Pakistan is in the process of redefining its relationship with the United States. The official statement from Pakistan’s foreign ministry on Wednesday in response to a drone strike in Pakistan’s tribal areas, just

Love You George:ISI Chief – by Anas Abbas: Dearest George Washington: I am writing this letter to personally congratulate you on your heroic efforts for working towards the independence of the country that has vastly benefited us over the past 60 years. By the way, your country
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