Jahan panah tusi great ho, tohfo qabul karo!
Related post: Questions for General Pasha (Part I)
Nawaz Sharif’s commendable stance on Pakistani generals’ Abbottabad debacle

پارلیمنٹ کے ان کیمرہ سیشن کی متفقہ قرارداد پیش نظر ہے. پاکستان کی سیاسی ڈکشنری میں جن اصطلاحات سے مجھے چڑ ہے ان میں ایک اصطلاح “متفقہ” بھی ہے۔ کیوں کہ یہاں قومی مفاد، سیاسی استحکام، قومی غیرت اور قومی اتفاق رائےکے ہر ایمان آفریں مظاھرے کے پیچھے بندگان مومنین یعنی پاکستان آرمی کا ہاتھ ہوتا ہے
بتایا یہ گیا تھا کہ مسلح افواج کے متعلقہ آفیسرز کو پارلیمنٹ کے جوائنٹ ان کیمرہ سیشن میں بلانے کا مقصد ان سوالات کے جوابات تلاش کرنا تھا جو ایبٹ آباد آپریشن کے حوالے سے فوج اور خفیہ اداروں کے کردار اور کارکردگی کے بارے میں اٹھائے جارہے ہیں
بالی وڈ کی کسی میلوڈرامیٹک فارمولا فلم کی طرح تمام مرکزی اور ثانوی کرداروں میں رنجشوں اور ناراضگیوں کے گرد گھومتی کہانی کے آخر میں تمام کردار ہیرو، ہیروئن، لڑکے کے ماں باپ، لڑکی کے ماں باپ اور دیگر تمام کردار آخر میں شیر وشکر ہوگئے
یہی سب ہوا یوں کہ صاحب آئے تقریریں کیں، پھر چوھدری نثار نے تقریر کی ، بعد میں نہ جانے کیا سوالات ہوئے، بیچ میں کچھ اموشنل ٹچی مومنٹس بھی آئے ،ن لیگ اور ق لیگ میں چند مزاحیہ مکالموں کا تبادلہ ہوا، کچھ شکوے شکایات ہوئیں، اور پھر تجدید عہدوپیماں کا سلسلہ چلا، اور ایک متفقہ قرارداد پر منتج ہوا. قرارداد کا متن پڑھ کے یہ لگتا ھے کہ یہ فرط جذبات سے مغلوب ، کس قدر حساس دل سے لکھی گئی ہے یعنی اس میں دماغ کا استعمال قطعی طور پر نہیں کیاگیا ہے. صرف سجن کی خاطر طبع کا اہتمام ہے.
ان کیمرہ سیشن کے بعد کے منظر کی ڈرامائی منظر کشی کی جائے. توسین یہ بنتاہے
اختتام پر فلم کے تمام معاون کردار مرکزی کردار کے سامنے کورنش بجالاتے ہوئے کورس کے اسٹائل میں آواز ملاتے ہوئے کہتے ہیں
“جہاں پناہ! تسی گریٹ ہو، تحفو قبول کرو اور فلم کا ڈائرکٹر ان تمام مناظر کو سگریٹ پھونکتے ہوئے لائیو فلم دیکھتا ہے اس کے چہرے پر طمانیت اور لطف اندوزی کے ملے جلے تاثرات ہیں۔ اور وہ پھر “تھینکس اٹس ڈن” کہ کر نشست چھوڑدیتا ہے
Tags: Abbottabad, bollywood, General Pasha, ISI, Parliament
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Mulk Dushman Ho Tum Log. Allah Ke Mujahidon Ke Khilaf LIkhtay Ho? Sharam Nahi Aati?
yahi karna tha tou, baaqi sub bakwaas kis liye thi? media main badi badi baatain karney waley sub bheegi billi ban gaye? sub aik hain, hum hooey tum hooey key meer hooey, sub usi zulf key aseer hooey…………bila imtiaz goverment ya opposition sub ney poori koshish ki hamarey sher key aansoo ponchney ki, Geelani sahab ney bhi bada bura maana resignation ki baat per.
Jahan Panah saada sher hey, baaqi her pher hey
ہم ہوئے، تم ہوئے ک میر ہوئے
اس کی زلفوں کے سب اسیر ہوئے
via Humza Ikram:
For those who were backing political dissenters:
It got worse for Nisar when his fellow party member, Javed Hashmi, who spent five years in jail during the Musharraf regime, got up to shower praise on the army
In-camera session: ISI chief shot back at ‘favour-seeking’ Nisar
By Rauf Klasra
Published: May 15, 2011
Spy chief launched a tirade of his own after weeks of attacks by opposition leader. PHOTO: AFP/FILE
ISLAMABAD: Though he spent a large chunk of the marathon session on the back foot, besieged by politicians, the chief of Pakistan’s premier intelligence agency did come out of his shell to silence fiery Leader of the Opposition in the National Assembly Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan.
Details of Friday’s closed-door session of a special joint sitting of Parliament continue to trickle out – with some interesting nuggets of information being narrated to The Express Tribune regarding an exchange between Director-General of the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) Lt-Gen Ahmad Shuja Pasha and Chaudhry Nisar.
Reported yesterday was a fiery speech by Nisar against the military establishment – but it emerged, through fresh information, that the DG ISI did not just stand there and take the tirade.
Pasha, who has been at the receiving end of a number of fiery speeches by the PML-N leader over the last few weeks, is said to have shocked Nisar by replying in the same token.
Nisar is said to have risen out of his seat for his speech right as the question and answer session was to begin. But a “visibly angry” Pasha snubbed Nisar in front of a full house.
Pasha claimed that he ‘knew’ why he was being targeted by the leader of the opposition as of late – alleging that Nisar had asked him for a personal favour, which he, as DG ISI, refused to extend.
Since then, said Pasha, Nisar had launched a number of tirades against him in particular and the military in general. However, Pasha said he would not reveal what the favour was on the floor of the august house – but would if asked outside.
An embarrassed Chaudhry Nisar was said to have been taken aback as Pasha continued with his ‘counter-attack’. The DG ISI kept on grilling Nisar, asking the PML-N leader if he knew what the effects of his recent tirades had been. Pasha told the house that on a recent trip to the US he was told by CIA chief Leon Panetta in an important meeting: ‘Look, General Pasha – how can we trust you when your own country’s opposition leader is saying that you cannot be believed?’
Pasha said that, despite having answers to all questions during that session, he did not have an answer to that question by the CIA chief.
“What should I tell the Americans?” the DG ISI asked in a bitter tone, addressing all the parliamentarians.
Pasha’s frustration seemed to be born out of an awkward moment. Pasha, besieged by the politicians, had offered to resign – and upon this offer, some members from the opposition benches shouted, “Please accept his resignation.”
The tension grew palpably when Pasha finished his counterattack. It was expected that Chaudhry Nisar, known for his hard stance and fiery speeches, would retaliate and at least refute the wild charges. But he remained seated.
It got worse for Nisar when his fellow party member, Javed Hashmi, who spent five years in jail during the Musharraf regime, got up to shower praise on the army
Interestingly enough, Chaudhry Nisar later praised the efforts of the generals.
A reality check
Lt-Gen Pasha was not the only serviceman to have his moment.
Pakistan’s deputy air chief was said to have deflated the prevalent nationalistic fervor in an emotionally-charged house as the parliamentarians were discussing the prospects of shooting down trespassing US drones.
The deputy air chief had been bombarded with constant questions by charged politicians whether or not the Pakistan Air Force was capable of shooting down intruding unmanned US aircraft.
Finally, the deputy air chief interjected: They have the capability of doing so, if asked. But, the leaders should understand the repercussions before debating this, such as a US attack.
After this analysis, when deputy air chief sought the permission of the parliamentarians to shoot USA drones, he found no takers. Sources said that, afterwards, the parliamentarians did not press the issue of shooting down drones.
CIA agents in our midst
The DG ISI also claimed in the session that the CIA was paying many important Pakistanis to protect their interests – and that the ISI had all the details of these people. However, sources said, Pasha did not identify anyone.
Where was the army chief?
There was no news of what Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani was doing during the session. According to sources in attendance, the army chief was not asked a single question by charged parliamentarians during the marathon session.
However, given the length of the session, Gen Kayani, known to be a chain smoker, was seen heading to the exits at regular intervals for a quick smoke.
Published in The Express Tribune, May 15th, 2011.
Did Saudis, Libyans pay dollars to JUI-F? Pasha hinted so
Usman Manzoor
Saturday, May 14, 2011
ISLAMABAD: Osama bin Laden’s lover Maulana Attaur Rehman, the younger brother of Fazlur Rehman, became speechless on Friday when stunning information was revealed in the in-camera session of parliament that his party had been receiving dollars from Libya and Saudi Arabia.
Upon this information, the entire hall echoed with the thumping of desks, which was the only moment when the house cheered irrespective of party affiliation and association, the sources told The News.
In reply to Maulana’s question whether the Army considered them Muslims and yet the Army conducted operations in his constituency and against the OBL, who was first a Mujahid of Islam and now was an enemy, and whether the Army had turned to parliament because the big boss US was angry, the ISI director general requested him not to get involved in such discussions of history of Mujahids. “If we will discuss it, then things will go very far and everyone will come to know who has been receiving dollars from Saudi Arabia and Libya,” the DG ISI said in response to Maulana’s insistence.
All parliamentarians started thumping their desks and the Maulana in sheer embarrassment staged a walkout from the hall. However, he came back on his own after 10 minutes, the sources maintained.
The sources said General Ahmad Shuja Pasha’s tone was submissive with mild protest that it was a tough time for Pakistan and nations united after such incidents, but Pakistan’s Army was being criticised and parliamentarians were not paying attention to the Army bashing by the foreign media.
The sources said nothing new which the media had not reported had bee n said to the parliamentarians. The sources said the tone of a few PML-N parliamentarians was harsh, while Pasha was confident while replying to the questions.
“Outsiders want a wedge between the Army and the nation, and a few leaders had also bashed the Army,” sources quoted the DG ISI as saying. The sources said the DG ISI told parliament that if the Army was maligned, then there would be an irreparable loss to the country.
members of Pakistan’s parliament criticised the US yesterday for the raid that killed the al-Qa’ida chief almost two weeks ago, and demanded that an independent commission probe the debacle instead of one led by the country’s powerful armed forces. The parliamentary resolution followed a rare, private session with top military officials that began on Friday and ran into yesterday. During the session, Pakistan’s intelligence chief, Lt Gen Ahmed Shuja Pasha, indicated he would quit if MPs demanded it, but no one did.
Lt Gen Pasha apparently spoke at length, and defended the military’s record in fighting Islamist movements. Pasha admitted negligence in tracing Bin Laden but noted that Pakistan had co-operated with the US in helping kill or capture numerous Bin Laden allies, severely diminishing al-Qa’ida’s terrorist infrastructure.
When asked why the CIA was able to track Bin Laden, the spy chief said the US agency acquired more human sources in Pakistan than the Pakistani agencies because it paid informants better, according to a lawmaker who attended the session. “Where we pay 10,000 rupees ($118), they pay $10,000,” the lawmaker described Pasha as saying. The MP spoke on condition of anonymity because the session was supposed to be confidential.
Excellent article by Marvi Sirmed:
I’m All Yours, says the ISI
by BAAGHI on MAY 15, 2011
Replugging it with some changes. It was originally published in Daily Times as my weekly column BAAGHI on May 15, 2011
Forces’ Chiefs when summoned to the Parliament – speaks a thousand words
In a rare show of Parliament’s supremacy, Pakistan’s military offered itself to Parliament on Friday for accountability. This happened during an in-camera joint session of the Parliament during which Director General of the high profile Inter-Services Intelligence of Pakistan gave a briefing to the Parliamentarians about the events in Abbotabad that led to the killing of Osama Bin Laden by US Special Operations forces on May 2.
That, there should be a joint parliamentary session and that it should be in-camera, was suggested by the Chief of Army Staff according to a recent report by the Time magazine. Smart indeed. Now the people know that the main accused is in the court of the people – democracy wins. But what the accused says, in what manner using what information should remain hidden from the public eye, just like the cash accounts of this main accused.
In-camera character of the Session, although, could not completely hide the proceedings. Musings kept pouring in from the insides of the august hall of the National Assembly throughout those around ten hours of ‘intensive discussion’. When Gen Pasha “surrendered” himself for accountability and graciously offered resignation, he intelligently linked it to the ‘if the parliament says so’ and in case his agency’s negligence is proven. And that’s the time when representatives of the people sitting in the parliament unanimously rejected the resignation option and reportedly reiterated their ‘strong trust in armed forces of Pakistan’. This was despite, if one may remind here, the earlier reports saying the members from one opposition party raised slogans of ‘shame shame’ on Pasha’s briefing. Isn’t that simply perfect?
Pasha reportedly asserted that failure in Abbotabad was not only ISI’s, it should rather be shared by all the law enforcing agencies working in that area including provincial government, local police and other intelligence agencies responsible for security. Valid defense one must concur. It brings us to one big issue, although, that has been largely neglected in whatever our counter-terrorism strategy is (is there any?). Complete lack of any capacity enhancement drive for the local police, and dominance of ISI on all terror related intelligence especially when it comes to Haqqani network and Al-Qaida. This has proven completely chaotic and has to be seriously checked. If the failure should be shared, authority should also be shared.
There was a report presented by Obama Administration to the Congress last April that the Pakistan Government did not have any clear strategy for counter-terrorism. The report obviously did not go very well in Islamabad especially in Aabpara. We are very fond of registering protest on such reports, but one could only hope if Parliamentarians, despite their ‘strong trust in armed forces of Pakistan’, asked this crucial question during the joint session: What evidence do we have to refute this report by Obama Administration? What are the contours of our strategy or even a broad policy for counterterrorism so far? Obviously, such questions could not be asked when a faction of the Parliament, including the ministers, was so keen to give a lease of life to an institution that recently displayed such a big failure.
In their blind pursuit of survival, political parties including elements in the ruling PPP are so bent upon defending ISI and army blocking any genuine quest to hold these institutions accountable to the people of Pakistan. Considering the unbridled power and political influence of army, it seems next to impossible that a sitting civilian government could ever dare to go against this formidable institution in anyway. Despite all the idealism of our urban liberals, no party can dare do so.
Having said that, it’s still un-understandable why such a vehement defense from the civilian government for people who have, beyond any doubt, have frequently overstepped their mandate just to weaken democratic leaders. If ISI could arrange a secret briefing to over twenty selected media persons, only to malign civilian government in these difficult times, what hampered the civilians to at least keep their mouth shut instead of defending the uniform with all this strength? No one is suggesting that he government should be a part of clash between institutions. But making some institutions behave, is government’s responsibility, which cannot be shed off. People at this moment want the holy cows to be restrained and made accountable. It is high time; it is the most opportune time to do it.
Joint session was not spared of the usual chest thumping with claims of having broken the backbone of Al-Qaida terrorists in the country. Last time we heard these words was from Chief of Army Staff while talking to fresh graduates in Pakistan Military Academy on seven minutes walk from Osama compound, a day earlier to the Abbotabad operation. One wonders if someone questioned their claim of breaking someone’s backbone, during the joint session (don’t forget the ‘shame shame’ slogans here). One gets intrigued listening to these claims though especially while seeing initial reluctance from ISPR to speak up on the fiasco.
The pretext for completely denying any role in the Osama killing that ISI quietly propagated through its mouth pieces in media, was the danger of blowback from militants that could result in further civilian killings in mainland Pakistan. If the backbone-breaking claims are true, what backlash the army or the state feared? Do they think Al-Qaida could hit back fiercely even with a broken backbone? Or is it open confession that those who would stand for Al-Qaida still loom large in the country and are in a position to defeat all security apparatus in Pakistan to kill civilians in terrorist attacks?
Another warning that came out of the Joint Session was Gen. Pasha’s assertion that criticizing army and ISI at this point would be against the national interest. There seems nothing new in the avowal we have been subjected to for half a dozen decades. Linking national interest and armed forces has become a laughable cliché civil and military leaders should better review now. Pertinent to repeat what I wrote last week on these pages, if national interest demands strong armed forces, it is incumbent to let army be accountable and reform itself. Putting the blame on and sharing the failure with local police and civil administration would be a joke sans sense and logic.
Another apposite aide-mémoire here might be of significance. That be, despite the broken backbone, someone is still managing to block Parachanar road and complete erosion of state writ in North and South Waziristan. Let’s have next parliament session in North Waziristan if we have achieved key milestones in fighting terrorists over there. Moreover, our lachrymose moaning about tattered sovereignty in the wake of Abbotabad operation, may also take account of the presence of foreign terrorists calmly havened in North Waziristan, whose presence has been corroborated by intelligence reports on Hafiz Gul Bahadur, and a briefing by Maj Gen Ghayur Mehmood, General Officer Commanding 7-Division in which he confirmed that most of those being hit by drones have been militants from different nationalities including Central and South Asian terrorists.
More important than the killing of top terrorist residing in Pakistan by a foreign force and resultant violation of sovereignty, is the fact that our security and intelligence apparatus could not break the strategic links between Al-Qaida and Taliban (good and bad) and the ideological link between Al-Qaida and the entire terror network working all over Pakistan in broad day light with impunity. The assets we are still keeping in strategic kitty to counter India have been lately going global with the agenda Al-Qaida has been pursuing since last at least two decades. Time to check the serpent before it stings the feeding hand.
Postscript: In separate news items, Indian Prime Minister has offered $500 million for the development in Afghanistan, during his recent visit, which has been welcomed warmly by not only Afghan government, but USA too. Robert Blake, Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asia has recognized India’s enhanced position as a regional power. Also, when Pasha was convincing the Parliamentarians of the innocence of ISI on Abbotabad operation and parliament was resolving for demanding an immediate seizure in drone strikes failing which NATO route would be blocked, DattaKhel in North Waziristan got a drone strike killing 5.
Now that Nawaz Sharif is speaking against the army so his stance has been labeled as “commendable” by a web site which has always been against him. Isn’t this in line with the old Indian principle that” enemy of my enemy is my friend”.
Why do people on this site derive so much pleasure in bashing the so called group of media, military, mullahs, and judiciary.Is it because they have some other designs?
Bro! You missed the whole point and are unable to read the article as it is in Urdu, actually I also got it wrong but it was narrated to me by a friend.
The writer had a satirical take on the in camera session and the resolution by the parliament serving the purpose of the powerful Army.
Get it translated in Arabic by someone mate!
Do you know voyeurism, like our Saudi royal masters, they love it.
Excellent article, one of the best I have read in years!
ضیاالحق نے جنرل چشتی سے کہا ’مرشد مروا نہ دینا‘
محمد حنیف
بی بی سی اردو ڈاٹ کام، کراچی
’ایک بات پراتفاق ہے کہ جنرل ضیا اور ان کا گیارہ سالہ دور حکومتِ پاکستان کے لیے تباہ کُن ثابت ہوا۔ جو زہریلے بیج اس دور میں بوئے گئے تھے وہ تن آور درخت بن چکے ہیں‘
انیس سو ستتر میں چار اور پانچ جولائی کی درمیانی رات تھی۔ ذوالفقار علی بھٹو کی حکومت الٹنے کا فیصلہ ہوچکا تھا۔ آپریشن کا نام طے ہوچکا تھا ، آپریشن فیئر پلے۔ آپریشن شروع ہونے سے چند لمحے پہلے فوج کے سربراہ جنرل ضیاءالحق اپنے دستِ راست اور راولپنڈی کے کور کمانڈر لیفٹینٹ جنرل فیض علی چشتی سے ملے۔ آپریشن کی جُزیات ایک بار پھر دہرائی گئیں اور جب فیض علی چشتی مشن پر روانہ ہونے لگے تو مستقبل کے مردِ مومن نے چشتی کے کان میں کہا ’مرشد مروا نہ دینا‘۔
یہ جنرل ضیاءالحق کا انداز دِلرُبائی تھا۔ وہ اپنے جونیئر کی انا کو ایسے سہلاتے کہ وہ اپنے آپ کو سینیئر محسوس کرنے لگتا اور وہ اپنے سینیئر کے قدموں سے ایسے لپٹتے کہ اسے اپنے اوپر خدا کا روپ اترتے ہوئے محسوس ہوتا۔
شاید جنرل ضیاء اندر سے ڈرپوک تھے ورنہ ڈرنے کی کوئی خاص بات نہیں تھی۔ جنرل فیض علی چشتی کی مونچھوں اور توپوں کے سامنے کون سی جمہوری حکومت ٹھہرسکتی تھی۔ چشتی نے نہ کسی کو مارا نہ کسی کو مروایا ۔ پانچ جولائی کی صبح سحر خیزوں کو یہ مژدہ مِلا کہ ایک اور وردی پوش مسیحا نازل ہوچکا ہے۔
پانچ جولائی کی رات کو تو کوئی نہیں مرا لیکن آئندہ گیارہ برسوں میں بہت سے لوگ مارے گئے۔ پھانسی گھاٹوں پر، ٹھوڑی پھاٹک پر ، بوہری بازار میں، اوجھڑی کیمپ میں، طالبِ علم، مزدور، سیاسی کارکن اور کئی جوگھر سے بازار صرف دودھ خریدنے آئے تھےاور سینکڑوں ایسے تھے جو فوج کے عقوبت خانوں میں سالہاسال موت کی دعا مانگتے رہے۔
ملک کی جان اس وقت چھوٹی جب مردِ مومن و مردِ حق اپنے ساتھ ایک درجن سے زائد جرنیلوں سمیت ایک فضائی حاثے میں ہلاک ہوئے۔ اناللہِ واِناعلیہِ راجعون۔
جنرل ضیاء کے انتقال کے تینتیس سال بعدپاکستانی قوم میں بڑا تفرقہ ہے۔ ’بےغیرت گروپ‘ ’غیرت بریگیڈ‘ سےنبردآزما ہے۔ بلوچ بندوقیں اٹھائے پہاڑوں پر جا بیٹھے ہیں۔ سندھی کہتے ہیں کہ ایک بار پھر زیادتی کرو توہم تمہیں بتاتے ہیں۔ ملک کے طول و عرض پر پھیلے سینکڑوں لشکر ’نصرمن اللہِ والفتح َ َ قریب‘ کی بشارت دیتے ہیں۔
امریکا کی عمر رسیدہ رکھیلیں طلاق کی بھی دعوے دار ہیں اور اس بات سے بھی انکاری ہیں کہ کبھی نکاح ہوا تھا۔ نسل در نسل امریکی مفادات کی دلاّلی کرنے والے اس بات پر گھتم گھتا ہیں کہ کمیشن کم کر دیا جائے یا پرانی تنخواہ پر کام کیا جائے۔ اور تو اور آئی ایس آئی چلانے والے اللہ کے پراسرار بندے بھی پارلیمنٹ کے دروازے بند کر کے کہتے ہیں کہ ’پتہ نہیں ہم کیا کرتے پھر رہے ہیں‘۔ کوئی بتلاؤ کہ ہم بتلائیں کیا۔
لیکن مذ کورہ بالاگروہوں میں ایک بات پراتفاق ہے کہ جنرل ضیا اور ان کا گیارہ سالہ دور حکومتِ پاکستان کے لیے تباہ کُن ثابت ہوا۔ جو زہریلے بیج اس دور میں بوئے گئے تھے وہ تن آور درخت بن چکے ہیں۔
جنرل ضیاءالحق کا کوئی لے پالک سیاستدان، فوج کا کوئی ریٹائرڈ یا حاضرسروس جنرل شاہ فیصل مسجد کے صحن میں اس کے مزار پر سینہ ٹھونک کر نہیں کہتا کہ وہ ضیاءالحق کےمشن کی تکمیل کرےگا۔ ضیاء دور کے درس پڑھ کر بڑے ہونے والے ٹی وی اینکرز بھی یہ نہیں کہتے پائےجاتے کہ کاش اگر جنرل ضیاء حیات ہوتےتو ہم یوں راندہءِ درگاہ نہ ہوتے۔
جبکہ حقیقت یہ ہے کہ سب کے سب مرحوم کے مشن کی تکمیل کے لیے جان ہتھیلی پر رکھے رواں دواں ہیں۔
جنرل ضیاء جب تک حیات رہے، ہمسایہ ملک افغانستان کے بارے میں ان کی ایک ہی پالیسی تھی کہ افغانستان کی ہانڈی ابلتی رہے، ابل کر باہر نہ گرے ، لیکن یہ ضروری ہے کہ ہانڈی ابلتی رہے۔
افغانستان کی ہانڈی ابالتے ابالتے انہیں اپنے گھر میں لگنے والی آگ کی خبر نہ رہی۔ ان کے بعد آنے والوں نے اس ہانڈی کو ابالنے کے لیے اتنا ایندھن جھونکا کہ پاکستان میں لاکھوں چولھے ٹھنڈے ہوگئے۔
پارلیمنٹ کے بند دروازوں کے پیچھے ہمارے سیاسی اور فوجی سپہ سالاروں میں جو مکالمہ ہوا اس میں ہر ایک کی طبع کے مطابق گیڈر بھبھکیاں بھی ہیں اور سینہ کوبی کا سامان بھی ہے۔ اگر کسی بات کا ذکر نہیں ہے تو یہ نہیں ہے کہ تیس سال پہلے جو ہم نے اپنے ہمسائے میں آگ لگا کر ہاتھ تاپنے کی قومی سلامتی پالیسی بنائی تھی اس پر بھی ایک نظر ڈالیں یا نہیں۔
کیا کبھی کسی فوجی جنرل یا مدبر سیاستدان نے اس بات پرغور کیا ہے کہ ہمارے افغان بھائی کمیونسٹوں سے لے کر طالبان تک ہم سے اتنے متنفر کیوں ہیں؟
فوجی قیادت اور پارلیمان کے درمیان مکالمہ نہ جانے بارہ گھنٹے کیوں جاری رہا۔ چاہیے تو یہ تھا کہ دروازے بند کرتے، گھٹنوں کے بَل گرجاتے اور گِڑگِڑا کرکہتے ’مرشد مروا نہ دینا‘
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