Adil Najam Archive

Deobandi terrorism apologist exposed on social Media: An example of fake liberal hypocrisy on Deobandi terrorism in Lahore’s Gulshan-e-Iqbal Park In response to Donald Trump’s legitimate criticism on Deobandi Islamists who killed more than 70 innocent Christians and Muslims in Lahore, Adil Najam resorted

The Ghairat is Sufficient for Adil Najam – by Riaz Malik Hajjaji: Related articles: Jamia Salafia Deobandia LUMS fires Dr. Pervez Hoodbhoy Dr. Pervez Hoodbhoy’s letter to LUMS VC Adil Najam “Verily we have brainwashed Mummy-Daddy crowd into Ghairatmands so that they may appreciate Mullah Omar. For Truly, there is nothing

Dr. Pervez Hoodbhoy’s letter to LUMS VC Adil Najam: Note: The context of the following letter is discussed in this post: Jamia Salafia Deobandia LUMS fires Dr. Pervez Hoodbhoy *********** From: Pervez Hoodbhoy Sent: Monday, October 15, 2012 1:44 PM To: Adil Najam Cc: [email protected]; sahil; jaffe; Sohail

Jamia Salafia Deobandia LUMS fires Dr. Pervez Hoodbhoy: Related post: Reasons given for not having me at LUMS have been reinvented from time to time: Dr. Pervez Hoodbhoy’s letter to LUMS VC Adil Najam It is disturbing but hardly surprising to learn that LUMS administration has refused

Expropriating Malala Yousufzai: Discourses in Pakistani social media: A dominant majority of those in Pakistan’s mainstream and social medias condemning attack on Malala Yousafzai are committed helpers of Pakistani establishment. Their populist, opportunist and partial discourse is revealing. On Twitter and facebook, quite a few of those

Imran Khan Fan Club Gets Necessary Thrust – Welcome Dr. Adil Najam: Dr. Adil Najam has been appointed as Vice Chancellor of Lahore University of Management Sciences. We congratulate him on his appointment. His appointment will usher a new era for Imran Khan’s support base (also called grass roots) in the

Adil Najam presents the Pasha Theory to confront the Raisani Theory – by Shah Hussain Lahori: SHAME: A leading (LEADING) FCS (fake civil society) blog which never posted a single piece condemning Baloch genocide by Pakistan army and its proxies has written an article objecting on the size of Balochistan cabinet The FCS blog is

The Civil Society Bulletin – by Abbas Baloch: Related articles: In rejection of pseudo-liberals of Pakistan – by Sarah Khan Another pseudo-liberal muck-raking of the PPP: So what’s new? – by Qudsia Siddiqui Adil Najam and his pseudo-liberals’ outpouring of sympathy for Sherry Rehman – by Sarah

Adil Najam and other elitist liberals want to save Sherry Rehman from armed goons of PPP Lyari: Adil Najam has once again posted an article on his urban-elite website (All Things Pakistan ATP) which, as usual, speaks of his and the (fake) civil society’s political opacity, intellectual dishonesty and selective morality against the PPP in general

From Abdullah Shah Ghazi Bombing to Mohabbat Qulfi: Adil Najam’s Talibanic Agenda – by Sarah Khan: Related articles: Adil Najam, ATP and the closet Taliban in Pakistani blogsphere In rejection of pseudo-liberals of Pakistan – by Sarah Khan Adil Najam (editor of Pakistaniat), as I previously explained, is a (refined) Taliban apologist in the Pakistani

In rejection of fake liberals of Pakistan – by Sarah Khan: The pseudo-liberal is essentially a bigot who parades under the illusion of being a liberal while pursuing a non-liberal agenda. Pseudo-liberals of Pakistan are no less dangerous than terrorists, activists and supporters of the Taliban, Sipah-e-Sahaba, Jamaat-e-Islami and Hizbut

Adil Najam, ATP and the closet Taliban in Pakistani blogsphere: Related articles: From Abdullah Shah Ghazi Bombing to Mohabbat Qulfi: Adil Najam’s Talibanic Agenda – by Sarah Khan In rejection of pseudo-liberals of Pakistan – by Sarah Khan All Things Pakistan (ATP) is no doubt one of the most