Monthly Archive:: September 2014

Global Takfiri Establishment vs Pakistan Nationalist Establishment: Pro-Taliban-ISIS Lobby Wins Round 1: Veteran Pakistani columnist Ayaz Amir recently highlighted the tension between takfiri terrorists and anti-takfiri moderate forces in Pakistan. “Another under-appreciated point about PAT and its allies in the Sunni Ittehad Council and the Majlis Wahdat-ul-Muslimeen (the leading Shiite political

Javed Hashmi: A mole of the Deobandi establishment and remnant of Zia: Imran Khan made three big mistakes, the acceptance of LOTAS or turncoats, the support of PCO Chaudhry and excessive support of Taliban. Imran had previously apologized for supporting Noora Judiciary, which must be appreciated. Imran has made his discourse

Saudi inspired Salafi Deobandi armed faction in Libya – by Mark Hosenball and Matt Spetalnick: (Reuters) – Members of a Libyan militia have taken over an abandoned annex of the U.S. Embassy in Tripoli but have not broken into the main compound where the United States evacuated all of its staff last month, U.S.

Saudi Wahhabis planing to relocate Prophet Mohamed’s tomb – Andrew Johnson: One of Islam’s most revered holy sites – the tomb of the Prophet Mohamed – could be destroyed and his body removed to an anonymous grave under plans which threaten to spark discord across the Muslim world. The controversial

Thousands of Pakistani children are falling prey to paedophiles: Ijaz, a bus conductor in his early twenties, spends his days travelling through the bustling streets of Peshawar in northern Pakistan, working hard to scrape a living. The pay is low and the hours are long, and Ijaz,

آل سعود اور وہابی ملاّ روضہ رسول مسمار کرنے کی ناپاک منصوبہ بندی کررہے ہیں – برطانوی اخبار کا انکشاف: برطانیہ کے معتبر اخبار ڈیلی اںڈی پینڈنٹ رپورٹر اور فری لانس ایڈیٹر اینڈریو جانسن نے ایک خصوصی رپورٹ میں انکشاف کیا ہے کہ سعودی عرب کے ایک بڑے وہابی سرکاری مولوی نے ایک ڈاکومنٹ لکھی ہے جس میں اس

Humanity: where is your consciousness -by Gerok Belushi: Our mother land Baluchistan is being occupied, our school and holy places are being demolished and burned, our peoples are abducted, tortured, killed and dumped, our natural possessions are being exploited and stolen, our basic human rights are

جاوید ہاشمی کی بغاوت اور جمہوریت پسندی تاریخ کے آئینے میں – از عامر حسینی: جاوید ہاشمی نے پارلیمنٹ کے سامنے ، نیشنل پریس کلب میں اور ایک نجی ٹی وی چینل کے ٹاک شو میں ایک مرتبہ پھر سے اپنی جمہوریت پسند طبعیت اور اپنی آئین و پارلیمنٹ سے بالادستی کا خوب چرچا

برطانیہ کا تکفیری دیوبندی اور وہابی جہادی شہریوں کو روکنے کے اقدامات پرغور: برطانیہ کی حکومت ایسے اقدمات پر غور کر رہی ہے جن کے تحت عراق اور شام میں پرتشدد کارروائیوں میں مصروف برطانوی تکفیری دیوبندی اور وہابی جہادیوں کی ملک واپسی کو روکا جا سکے گا- بی بی سی کو

نواز شریف کا انجام شاہ ایران جیسا ہوگا – از حسن نثار: Source:

Dilemma of Muhamamd Amir Rana and other Deobandi propagandists: The Deobandi apologists of Taliban and Sipah-e-Sahaba (ASWJ) like Muhammad Amir Rana are hard at work fabricating facts and framing false propaganda narratives against peaceful Sunni Sufi/Barelvi majority of Pakistan to implement the intolerant and violent agenda of the

Who is behind ISIS’s terrifying online propaganda operation? – by Patrick Kingsley: The Clanging of the Swords IV sounds like the latest in a series of Hollywood action movies. It looks like one, too. A feature-length film released online a few weeks ago, Swords IV includes a slow-motion bomb sequence

James Foley’s murder by ISIS, Jihadi John and the UK Deobandi connection – by Boyd Tonkin: I have never heard so many encores at the Royal Albert Hall. On Wednesday night, after Daniel Barenboim had conducted the West-Eastern Divan Orchestra made up of young Israeli, Palestinian and other Arab musicians, the ecstatic audience would not