Monthly Archive:: November 2011

Memogate: This is not a new game the establishment is playing – by Shah Hussain Lahori: Husain Haqqani is not an ordinary diplomat. He is the finest of intellects Pakistan has produced. Despite his penchant for changing political loyalties, it is a fact that he remained loyal to the Pakistan People’s Party and its leadership

Memogate: Two psychopaths, a ‘new threat’ to Pakistani democracy? – by Shiraz Paracha: After the 1993 Elections, the Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) under the leadership of Benazir Bhutto formed the government for the second time. Husain Haqqani became the Press and Information Secretary in that government. At a meeting with Haqqani at the Prime Minister’s

What lies beneath!: At times when madness and miserliness is prevailing, sanity becomes a virtue. At times when uncertainty, bewilderment and deformation substitute realities, it is hard to keep sight. At times when vultures overshadow the sun on sky like dark clouds,

Husain Haqqani’s resignation letter – by Hakim Hazik: Source To, President Asif Ali Zardari President of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan And, Field Martial Avatar P Kayani The Supreme Leader, In-charge S Wing Father of the Nation Through the Good Offices of, Mr Mansoor Ijaz, Interlocutor to

A gentle reminder: General Ayub Khan’s memo to Admiral Radford – by Kamran Shafi: Editor’s note: According to news reports, Pakistan army is quite interested in investigating about a memo delivered to Admiral Mullen in May 2011 which was allegedly authored by Ambassador Husain Haqqani on the advice of Pakistan’s elected government. An

Husain Haqqani or no Husain Haqqani, PPP will survive: Let me very frankly say that whatever is happening to Ambassador of Pakistan in the USA, Husain Haqqani is not good either for Pakistan’s image or the Pakistan Peoples Party, which seems to be the target of all that

Haqqani must resign: A PPP Jiyala’s view on the memogate: A few things come to mind when observing the fallout of Mansoor Ijaz ratting out Hussain Haqqani on the Memo. The first is that PPP’s media strategy or lack therof has reached a crisis point and secondly that few

Investing your future in a poison peace process – by Peter Chamberlin: The Indian analyst who authored the following piece (SEE: India, Pakistan, and God’s geostrategic will) is probably giving an accurate assessment of his government’s opinion of the current status of the Pakistani military, even though both his opinion and the

Kaptaan’s double face: A critical view on Imran Khan’s interview with Karan Thapar: The new puppet show was set in motion on Pakistan’s political screen in Lahore when diverse affiliates of Pakistan’s security establishment both from right wing and fake liberals gathered at the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf’s Lahore rally and showed their full support

Express Tribune must not distort facts about Husain Haqqani – by Laibaah: Source: Pakistan Blogzine Related posts: Husain Haqqani, memogate and urban elites’ pandemonium on Twitter A critical analysis of Husain Haqqani vs Mansoor Ijaz saga It is now well established that by virtue of his influential position as Pakistan Ambassador

Husain Haqqani, memogate and urban elites’ pandemonium on Twitter: Source: Pakistan Blogzine Related posts: Husain Haqqani’s resignation and urban elites’ sham-e-ghariban on Twitter A critical analysis of Husain Haqqani vs Mansoor Ijaz saga Express Tribune must not distort facts about Husain Haqqani There is a great pandemonium of

I’m not ready to live in Imran’s Pakistan – by Nadya V: Its 2013 and by some unlikely miracle of sheer inqilabi (revolutionary) voting, Imran Khan has been elected prime minister and his party is in power. Wait a minute – what party? That’s right, a hefty gang full of loafers

Pakistan’s security thinking -by Professor Ijaz Khan: Security is a concept that changes with the times, responding to systemic changes in human governance, priorities, technology, economy as well as sociology. The most important question is what you want to secure. A related question is defining the

Memogate: Mullen throws Husain Haqqani under the bus: Related posts: A critical analysis of Husain Haqqani vs Mansoor Ijaz saga Express Tribune must not distort facts about Husain Haqqani Mansoor Ijaz saga: An example of media mismanagement by PPP Adm. Michael Mullen has exclusively confirmed to The

Mullen confirms existence of secret memo; Husain Haqqani offers to resign – by Josh Rogin: Source: Foreign Policy Related posts: Memogate: Mullen throws Husain Haqqani under the bus A critical analysis of Husain Haqqani vs Mansoor Ijaz saga Mansoor Ijaz saga: An example of media mismanagement by PPP Pakistani Ambassador to the United

Is a Palace Coup Unfolding in Pakistan? – by Tarek Fatah: Source: Huffington Post A palace coup could be in the offing in nuclear-armed Pakistan as pro-Taliban army generals try to undermine democratically elected civilian government of President Asif Ali Zardari. First indications that something foul was afoot in Islamabad

Democracy triumphs: Parliament passes pro-women bill: Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani congratulated all parliamentarians, particularly women parliamentarians, for the unanimous passage of the Anti-Women Practices Criminal Law Amendment Bill 2008. Gilani recalled that Shaheed Benazir Bhutto had always given high priority to legislation that protected

House of Saud mistreats Hajjis: Related posts: Mecca for the rich: Islam’s holiest site ‘turning into Vegas Imam-e-Kaaba ka khutba-e-hajj – by Aamir Hussaini Editor’s note: We are cross-posting a thought-provoking article by Dr. Abbas Zaidi on a much ignored topic, i.e., persecution of

Shah Mahmood Qureshi – the man for all seasons: Related Post: Pakistan’s Civil Awards FCS Style Let us look at the positives of Shah Mahmood Qureshi’s decision to resign from his position as a MNA on a PPP ticket

Stellar yet sadly affronted accomplishments of PPP Government – by Dr. Zaeem Zia: After the ouster of the Military regime in 2008- Pakistan faced ultimate challenges in various forms. Aftermath of martial law, for sure was deleterious, it may take a decade to overcome its effects and miseries. Elections in 2008 itself

On Imran Khan: Messiah or Demagogue – Abdul Samad: Imran Khan has emerged as the Messiah for a nation long clamoring for the arrival of a noble soul, who would, with sincerity and clarity of vision, uplift millions from the abyss of poverty, despair and disrepair and propel Pakistan into

Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, the sectarian face of Al Qaeda, and the State of Pakistan: The Pir Chambal shrine strike in Pind Dadan Khan on November 12 by the Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (LeJ) should disturb Pakistan because of what it means in terms of the country’s capacity to fight al Qaeda. The LeJ is a sectarian (anti-Shia, anti-Iran) terrorist organisation

Imran Khan’s sermon at the Laal Masjid: Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf’s Chairman and desperately waiting to capture Pakistan , Imran Khan, visited the “Holy” Laal Masjid in Islamabad on 18th March 2011. Yes readers, he spoke at a Friday sermon in one of the most terrifying places in

Tarek Fatah on the causes of religious extremism in Pakistan: Related Posts: Salman Taseer – Another Victim of Islamofacsim: LUBP interviews Tarek Fatah Intellectual dishonesty in misrepresenting Shia massacres in Pakistan She died as her father did: Bravely – by Tarek Fatah In his guest appearance on a Canadian

Who will Punjab vote for? A study in the context of Punjab’s electoral history – by Ali Usman Qasmi: Imran Khan’s successful public rally in Lahore has made many tongues to wag. Political analysts are now forced to revise their earlier estimates about Imran Khan’s potential to create a niche for himself in the existing political set up

Why Imran Khan should be worried about PTI’s Vice President Shahid Qazi’s resignation – by Laibaah: Cross-posted from Pakistan Blogzine Imran Khan and his political party Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) suffered its biggest blow yet as one of its main leaders from Balochistan resigned, alleging that the party was toeing the line of Pakistan’s all powerful military establishment.

A critical analysis of Husain Haqqani vs Mansoor Ijaz saga: Source: Pakistan Blogzine Related posts: Deconstructing Husain Haqqani – by Aamir Mughal and Sarah Khan Express Tribune must not distort facts about Husain Haqqani Husain Haqqani, memogate and urban elites’ pandemonium on Twitter Mullen throws Husain Haqqani under the

Of conspiracy theories and conspiracy theorists – by Abdul Majeed Abid: Source: “Everyone is entitled to his own opinions; he is not entitled to his own facts.” Daniel Patrick Moynihan A Conspiracy theory can be defined as “collection of distorted or misrepresented facts presented to propagate a particular agenda”. Conspiracy

ذیا بیطس کا عالمی دن: آج ١٤ نومبر کو ذیا بیطس کا عالمی دن منایا جاتا ہے، یہ فریڈرک بینٹنگ کا یوم پیدائش ہے جس نے انسولین ایجاد کی، اس طرح اس دن بینٹنگ اور اس کے ساتھیوں کو خراج تحسین بھی پیش کیا

Hasan Nasir: ‘We, who were murdered in the darkest lanes’: Today, November 13, marks the death anniversary of Hasan Nasir Shaheed who was succumbed to death in infamous Lahore Fort’s chamber of horrors in 1960 by Pakistani state. Scion of an aristocratic family of Hyderabad, Deccan, Hasan Nasir was a

Qadir Magsi, no Bashir Qureshi, no Zulfiqar Mirza will win the race – by Jumman Disco: Related Post: Mirza Jee Mantra Let us think for a while and try to understand mirza’s fiery speeches and his mannouevres. Everything is across the board; Badin district, which is home town of mirza has been submerged in recent

ہمالیہ، ہمارا کردار اور مستقبل ؟: ہمالیہ کو خاصے بڑے ماحولیاتی مسائل کا سامنا ہے، آبادی میں اضافے اور مواصلات میں بہتری کی وجہ سے آلودگی پھیل رہی ہے جس کا اثر پورے ماحول پر پڑا ہے، عالمی درجہ حرارت میں اضافے کی وجہ سے

Mansoor Ijaz saga: An example of media mismanagement by PPP: Related post: A critical analysis of Husain Haqqani vs Mansoor Ijaz saga Mullen throws Husain Haqqani under the bus The Mansoor Ijaz saga has been clearly mismanaged by certain leaders and office-bearers of the Pakistan People Party. Perhaps the

Mecca for the rich: Islam’s holiest site ‘turning into Vegas’ – by Jerome Taylor: Editor’s note: The Saudi-Salafi-Wahhabi empire in Hijaz is implementing its on-going goal of destruction of early Islamic heritage, and their current target is Makkah, Islam’s holiest site. The destruction of sites associated with early Islam is a phenomenon that

Imam-e-Kaaba ka khutba-e-hajj – by Aamir Hussaini: Aamir Hussaini offers a critical analysis of the Hajj sermon on 5 November 2011 by Abd al-‘Aziz Aal Ash-Shaikh, the Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia. Mr. Hussaini highlights the lopsided criticism of the media, silence on discrimination and persecution

Please forgive Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan – by Laibaah: Source: Pakistan Blogzine The following statement by Dr. AQ Khan has been recently published in several newspapers: Instead of criticizing Zardari and Nawaz, Imran must suggest solutions ISLAMABAD: Dr Abdul Qadeer, a renowned scientist, has said that Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf

Mirza Jee Mantra: I was worried about a person in PPP who wanted to get fame in the politics of Pakistan by taking ethnic and sectarian lines. Some people enjoyed Mira jee’s demagogues against Urdu speaking migrants from India and the MQM