Monthly Archive:: August 2011

In Defence of Asif Ali Zardari – by Abdullah Zaidi: What comes to your mind with the mention of Asif Ali Zardari? “A cunning, vile, and corrupt man,” said my 19 year old cousin. This was a good summation of what the urban middle-class thinks of him. The more
De-legitimizing Islamic Fundamentalism – By Hammad Khan: “Hypocritical”. “Selfish”. “Oppressive” – these are just a few of the many negative words used to describe the US foreign policy in most of the Muslim-majority countries. According to the Pew Center’s survey of global attitudes, “most of the
The System Works: Related : Gilani announces Musarrat Hilali as first WOP Blogs Cross post :Individual Land It is a welcome precedence set by the Federal Ombudspersonfor Protection of Women against Harassment at Workplace, to dispose a case in two hearings and
Sipah-e-Sahaba behind Shahbaz Bhatti’s murder: According to BBC Urdu (August 2011) news Sipah-e-Sahaba was involved in the murder of Shahbaz Bhatti. شہباز بھٹی قتل کیس میں پیش رفت اقلیتی امور کے وفاقی وزیر شہباز بھٹی کے قتل کی تحقیقات کرنے والی مشترکہ تحقیقاتی ٹیم
Punjab ka Muqadma (Part II) – by Ammar Kazmi:
Music binds people & souls, says Rekha Bhardwaj: Music has power to bind souls, saturate valor, associate humanity, and express feelings of love, care, happiness and pain, it has also great power to pacify. The traditional music and folk songs of the subcontinent particularly connect various religions
Contempt of Court My Lord !:   Khan had claimed that a message had gone out from the army chief General Kayani to the Chief Justice of Pakistan Iftikhar Chaudhry not to drag the army into its battles with the government, and specifically that if
Asghar Khan, How much can you hate ZAB? – by Amna Piracha: Surrounded only by evil and deception, puny men with high sounding titles and ill begotten wealth, small and craven minds, devoid of class or culture like scum floating on a cess pool, I seem to have recoiled into an
Rape, mutilation: Pakistan’s tribal justice for women: MULTAN: On April 14, two men entered Asma Firdous’ home, cut off six of her fingers, slashed her arms and lips and then sliced off her nose. Before leaving the house, the men locked their 28-year-old victim inside. Asma,
Who is to blame- Fasihullah Marwat: Related :  Taliban regrouping in Dir to strike back – Zia ur Rehman The flawed impression that Army has fully done its job in Swat and the Civil Administration now is responsible for sustaining peace in the region is
Silence of the Liberal Lambs – By Dr. Taqi: Editor’s Note:  In cross-posting Dr. Taqi’s article from Outlook India, we at LUBP stand vindicated on our blunt stance in exposing Fake Civil Society (FCS).  This group of candle-holding Tweeples and  urban elites have failed miserably in even confronting the bigotry of the
Call for Protest Rally against the brutal police attack on Nairang Gallery: Call for Protest Rally against the brutal attack on Nairang Gallery, Lahore and its curator and staff by SHO Shadman Police Station Rana Zulfiqar Date: Saturday August 13, 2011 Time: 3 to 4 pm Venue: Karachi Press Club (front
Hina Rabbani Khar – Criticism Trashed! – by Hifza Shah Jillani: Politics has become a part of routine life now. With much exposure and media influence, discussing politics and social issues has become much of a ‘drawing room affair’ as I’d like to put it. With the recent hot topic,
Punjab ka Muqadma (Part I) – by Ammar Kazmi:
Imran Khan: The leader, the pawn -by Nadir Hassan: Veterans of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) dharnas know that the main reason for attending these protests-cum-parties is the musical stylings of DJ Butt. This being Ramazan, however, Imran Khan’s latest show of strength at D-Chowk outside Parliament House in Islamabad
The Tablighi Jamaat Mystery – by Nadeem F. Paracha: In a recent statement, Interior Minister Rehman Malik came down hard on the Tableeghi Jamat (TJ), claiming that the Islamic evangelical movement has become a breeding ground of extremists. His statement understandably ruffled quite a few feathers, especially within
Pakistan and the Search for Identity (Part 1) – by Rusty Walker: About the author: Rusty Walker is an Independent Political Analyst, educator, author, Vietnam veteran-era U.S. Air Force, from a military family, retired college professor, former Provost (Collins College, U.S.A.), artist, musician and family man. Rusty Walker is an ardent
Punjab: Christian woman forced to convert and marry her kidnapper -by Jibran Khan: Mariam Gill was abducted on her way home from the market. Her father and brother filed a complaint with police, which failed to intervene however because her kidnapper is “a respectable Muslim businessman”. A Muslim religious leader says the
Pervasive chauvinism towards women -by Saria Benazir: Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of the person. Men and women of full age without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion, have the right to marry or to have a family. They entitled
A State under the state of denial: Cross post   On 28th July 2011 the New York based non-governmental organization HRW published a report on “internationally overlooked” alarming crisis of Balochistan. Though the 132-page report “We Can Torture, kill, or Keep You for Years” failed
AI urges action to save 10 missing Baloch people: Human Rights organization Amnesty International (AI) has urged the government to take prompt steps to save the lives of 10 detained and missing Baloch persons, who, it believes, face death risk. The Express Tribune quoted the organization as saying
Assaulted for wearing a sleeveless shirt – by Amir Qureshi:   Cross Posted from Express Tribune Blogs It was only a matter of time anyway. A few days ago, a police officer along with his squad burst into the Nairang Art Gallery and beat up the female curator for wearing
Daughter of The East (Tribute to Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto) – by Rida Haider: Benazir Bhutto wasn’t popular and loved by just Pakistanis but she owns a huge fan-list all around the world. People in every corner wept on her death. Here’s a poem written by supporter & lover of Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto Shaheed from
Pakistanis need to expand their professions base – by Anam Zahra: Older generations of Pakistanis have always encouraged younger generations to pursue careers in engineering and medicine. As a young nation, Pakistan required these occupations to build up from the remains of the British Raj. To meet the demands of
6th August 1990 – the day democracy was derailed – by Ahmed Iqbalabadi: On 6th August 1990, Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto’s first government was sent packing by President Ghulam Ishaq Khan (GIK) on corruption charges, just 20 months into office. Along with other things, it was charged that she was unable to control
Call for the senate reforms in Pakistan: All federations agree that federal system should be comprised of two houses of parliament; National Assembly, based on population; one citizen one vote, and other is the Senate based on territories of the states. The bicameral legislature is of
Teaching our kids how to lie – By Dr. Shazia Nawaz: I was watching an Indian movie “We are Family” the other day, which is a Desi version of Julia Roberts’ movie “Stepmom”.  In the movie, actress Karina Kapoor brings a crown for a little girl and says, “I have
Book Review: The Redefined Dimensions of Baloch Nationlist Movement: Book: The Redefined Dimensions of Baloch Nationalist Movement By: Malik Siraj Akbar Editor The Balochhal Publishers: Xlibris Subject: Balochistan, Politics, Nationalism Book Reviewed by Arif Jamal Author of Shadow War: The Untold Story of Jihad in Kashmir Most Pakistanis,
On Ejaz Haider’s ISPR press release on Shia Hazaras of Balochistan – by Farrukhzad Ali: Editor’s Note: We are publishing the following article by Farrukhzad Ali and would also recommend his earlier article, Shia Hazaras of Queta: Entrapped in deep state’s delinquent and obedient proxies – by Farrukhzad Ali.  Currently, LUBP is relentlessly castigated
Nusrat Javeed’s article on Imran Khan, his Dharna politics & abusive supporters: Source: Daily Express
Military as an obstacle -by S. Akbar Zaidi: ACADEMICS who work on the political economy of Pakistan have no doubt in their minds that Pakistan’s military, primarily its army, remains the dominant power in any equation regarding the distribution and use of power and force in Pakistan.
Judiciary and Islamization -by Rab Nawaz: Brief Intro: Author is Head of Punjab Chapter of KHUDI, A counter extremism social movement working to promote a democratic culture in Pakistan, who frequently contributes to LUBP.  
Multiculturalism under Fire -By Dr. Niaz Murtaza: Multiculturalism has earned the ire of several leading western politicians recently. Moderate politicians argue diplomatically that multiculturalism, however well-meaning, fails to actually help disadvantaged minority groups. Unencumbered by niceties, conservatives question its very justification, arguing that minorities lag behind
Scope of constitutional provisions and space for provincial autonomy: The Civic Education Network Pakistan organized a learning event; Constitutional Literacy Campaign, “Scope of Constitutional Provisions and Space for Provincial Autonomy” in Lahore on July 31, 2011. The 18th Amendment and the 7th National Finance Commission(NFC) Award have signficantly
Christians and Sharia Law – by Agnes Massey: I feel a great passion for our voiceless Christian Community and always raise my voice boldly. JUI-F lawmaker Mrs. Asia Nasir, a Christian MNA from Balochistan visited Canada who was being sponsored by CCA (NGO). During the session of
Paksitani media: A source of mass depression – by Saad Mansoor: Strolling across various Pakistani blogs, I came across a post which very aptly displays one aspect of Pakistani media that is a playing a very significant part in plaguing the Pakistani urban classes with mass depression. The entertainment industry
China blames Pakistan for violence, our spymasters spin through media:   There are two news items in the mainstream newspapers of Pakistan today: one is a wish of our right wing media living on the crest of breaking relations with US in favor of China and the other from
The ideology of thought control in Pakistan – By Maheen Usmani: First published in DAWN Denial is not just a river in Egypt. It has become something of a personality cult in Pakistan. Nowhere is this cognitive dissonance more visible than amongst the educated who refuse to accept facts and
At the threshold of ethnic genocide – by Muhammad Saeed Akhter: Since the decade of 80s’ Pakistan has become the battle ground of proxy wars. Afghan Jihad ignited extremism in our somewhat tolerant society once. In my childhood there prevailed sobriety in the first ten days of Muharram and the majority of