Book Reviews Archive

ممتاز مفتی کی “الکھ نگری” ۔ اجمل کمال: ممتاز مفتی کی ’’الکھ نگری‘‘ بلاشبہ ایک نہایت غیرمعمولی کتاب ہے ۔۔ کم و بیش اتنی ہی غیرمعمولی جتنا اس کا مصنف ہے یا اس کا موضوع۔ اسے ممتاز مفتی کی خودنوشت سوانح حیات کے دوسرے حصے کے طور

Book review: Humanising the monster —by Dr Mohammad Taqi: My life with the Taliban By Abdul Salam Zaeef Translated from Pashto and edited by Alex Strick van Linschoten and Felix Kuehn Hurst/Columbia University Press; Pp 331 In his foreword to Mullah Abdul Salam Zaeef’s book, Professor Barnett Rubin

Anatol’s Hard Country: Book Review – by Riaz Malik Hajjaji: About the author: Riaz Malik Corner Anyone who wants to know about Pakistan should read Anatol Lieven, Imran Khan and Zaid Hamid. Anyone who wants a rousing defense of our Pak Fauj should read Lieven. All those who want

Book review: Taliban and Anti-Taliban, Another book to kill for? – by Khaled Ahmed: Another bombshell will have to be endured by the national Taliban narrative with ‘Taliban and anti-Taliban’ by Farhat Taj (Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2011), a Research Fellow at Centre for Interdisciplinary Gender Research, University of Oslo, Norway, an MPhil in

National Anthem of Pakistan -by Anwer Sen Roy: پاکستان کا قومی ترانہ انور سِن رائے بی بی سی اردو ڈاٹ کام، کراچی ایسا لگتا ہے کہ پاکستان میں جہاں مذہبی حلقے، شدت پسند سمجھے جانے لگے ہیں وہیں خود کو روشن خیال، لبرل اور سیکولر کہنے

Book Review: The Redefined Dimensions of Baloch Nationlist Movement: Book: The Redefined Dimensions of Baloch Nationalist Movement By: Malik Siraj Akbar Editor The Balochhal Publishers: Xlibris Subject: Balochistan, Politics, Nationalism Book Reviewed by Arif Jamal Author of Shadow War: The Untold Story of Jihad in Kashmir Most Pakistanis,

Book Review: A thousand and one tales of terror- by Dr Mohammad Taqi: The book is a news reporter’s entry into the world of analyzing current affairs and to an extent geopolitical forecasting. Off the bat, the author rejects the prevailing western understanding of al-Qaeda being on the ropes Book review: Inside

The Indian-Pakistani Divide: Why India Is Democratic and Pakistan Is Not – by Christophe Jaffrelot: An excellent article by the pen of Christophe Jaffrelot in which he unwinds the book of Philip Oldenburg. The book puts forth an extensive view of the political history of the sub-continent and in depth analysis the reason of

Book review: Hazrat Ali and Nahjal Balagha — by Khaled Ahmed: Justice and Remembrance: Introducing the Spirituality of Imam Ali By Reza Shah-Kazemi; IB Tauris 2006 Pp 254; Special price Rs995 Available at bookstores in Pakistan This is a book from The Institute of Ismaili Studies, London, and is dedicated

Obama’s Wars: implications for Pakistan — by Dr Mohammad Taqi: We do not know if Bob Woodward had meant to time it this way, but his latest book, Obama’s Wars, has hit the shelves exactly 14 years after Kabul fell to the Taliban, with Pakistani ‘security advisers’ present as

Kashf-ul-Mahjoob (Unveiling the Veiled) – by Syed Ali Hajveri Data Ganj Bakhsh: Download English Translation by M. Ashraf Javed Revelation of Mystery 1 Revelation of Mystery 2 R. A. Nicholson’s 1911 translation can be downloaded from the following link: Book Review Kashf Al-Mahjoob (کشف المحجوب) (Unveiling the Veiled) Author: Sayyad

George Orwell’s ‘Animal Farm’ – Book Review by Ali Salman: Animal Farm is undoubtedly one of the most famous books around. It has also been read by an incredible number of people, since it’s publication in 1945, as evidenced by the fact that even those who have read very

Jinnah: India-Partition-Independence – by Jaswant Singh – Book Review by Iftikhar Ahmad: Book review: Creation of the state of Pakistan —by Iftikhar Ahmad Jinnah: India-Partition-Independence By Jaswant Singh Oxford University Press; Pp 565, Price Rs 995 It is claimed that Jaswant Singh’s book, Jinnah: India-Partition-Independence, attempts an objective evaluation. It is

Ideology of Pakistan – this is what we are teaching our kids.: Photo Comments from Ali K Chishti FB Profile Some selected Comments on this by Pakistani and Indian friends Vj Shiraz ; damn wth is ths :s Ideology is set of ideas not a science of ideas :s Rakshi Rath

The Al Qaeda Connection – by Imtiaz Gul: Chilling truths Book Review by Afrah Jamal The Al Qaeda Connection – By Imtiaz Gul, Penguin Global; Pp 320 Today, the landscape has been transformed into a hunting ground as the showdown between the military and militants gets underway

Hijacking from the Ground: The bizarre story of PK 805 – by Aminullah Chaudry: October 12, 1999: Pakistan Army takes control of Karachi’s Quaid-e-Azam International Airport —Photo courtesy of High drama in the sky Reviewed by Muhammad Ali Siddiqi Source: Dawn, 07 Mar, 2010 Of the two principal characters involved in the

My life with the Taliban – by Abdul Salam Zaeef: Humanising the monster Dr Mohammad Taqi My life with the Taliban By Abdul Salam Zaeef Translated from Pashto and edited by Alex Strick van Linschoten and Felix Kuehn Hurst/Columbia University Press; Pp 331 In his foreword to Mullah Abdul

Muhammad: A Prophet for Our Time – by Karen Armstrong: Book Review Title: Muhammad – A Prophet for Our Time By: Karen Armstrong 249 pages. $21.95. HarperCollins/Atlas Books. Reviewed by Laurie Goodstein – in The New York Times (International Herald Tribune) The religion with the most adherents on the

Tehzibi Nargasiat – by Mobarak Haider: Mobarak Haider Title: Tehzibi Nargasiat (Cultural Narcissism) Category: Psychology Publisher: Sanjh Publication Year of Publication: 2009 Price: Rs150 Here are some comments and reviews on an excellent, non-fiction book by Mobarak Haider. Ever wondered why a certain kind of

Hurr and Karbala – by Dr Ali Shariati: “Horr” is a book by renowned Iranian scholar Dr Ali Shariati about the historic Battle of Karbala in which Imam Hussein, the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad, and his 72 companions were martyred by the Caliph Yazid. Horr (also

Book Review: Punjabi Taliban: In the following article, Hamid Akhtar offers a review of Mujahid Hussain’s book “Punjabi Taliban”. The book reveals the linkages between the ISI, Sipah-e-Sahaba and certain pro-PML-N politicians and religious leaders in Punjab. The book also reveals how jihadi

Book Review: Talibanisation of Pakistan – By Amir Mir: Talibanisation Of Pakistan: From 9/11 To 26/11 By Amir Mir Pentagon Press | 422 pages Introduction of the review by Abdul Nishapuri Amir Mir, unlike the pro-Taliban and pro-conspiracy theory tendencies of his brother Hamid Mir, has truly maintained

Book Review: Islam and the Secular State:: Is future of sharia with secularism? —by Khaled Ahmed Islam and the Secular State: Negotiating the Future of Sharia By Abdullah Ahmed an-Naim Harvard University Press 2008 Pp324; Price $35 The author links the concept of civic reason with

Book Review: Islam and the Secular State:: Is future of sharia with secularism? —by Khaled Ahmed Islam and the Secular State: Negotiating the Future of ShariaBy Abdullah Ahmed an-NaimHarvard University Press 2008Pp324; Price $35 The author links the concept of civic reason with the Quranic edict

Upset 2008: A book worthreading: A book written by Mehmood Sham. Mehmood Sham, a senior journalist who is very well known for very well balanced journalism, has written a book Upset 2008 in which he has covered some positive and negative aspects of Musharraf’s

Political Islam and Pakistan’s Intelligence Service: By ANDRE GEROLYMATOS Professor at Simon Fraser University and Chair of Hellenic Studies. The crisis in the Middle East has inadvertently overshadowed the greater crisis in South Asia where the conflict between Pakistan and India can easily

Tracking the Media: Interpretations of Mass Media Discourses in India and Pakistan – Book Review: Book review: The venom of Indo-Pak media war — by Khaled Ahmed Tracking the Media: Interpretations of Mass Media Discourses in India and Pakistan By Subarno Chattarji; Routledge 2008; Pp302; Price Rs 695; Available in bookstores in Pakistan. We

Pakistan: Fauj aur Mullaon kay Darmiyan – Book Review: When prime ministers bowed to jihad —by Khaled Ahmed Pakistan: Fauj aur Mullaon kay Darmiyan; By Hussain Haqqani; Translated into Urdu by Shafiqur Rehman Mian; Vanguard Books Lahore 2008; Pp308 Shafiqur Rehman Mian has done a good job of

Book Review: How We Missed the Story: Osama bin Laden, the Taliban, Sipah-e-Sahaba and the Hijacking of Afghanistan – Roy Gutman: BOOK REVIEW: Afghan war’s hidden blunders —by Khaled Ahmed How We Missed the Story: Osama bin Laden, the Taliban, and the Hijacking of AfghanistanBy Roy GutmanVanguard Books Lahore 2008 – Pp322 – Available at bookstores in Pakistan The book

Book Review: The True Face of Jehadis – By Amir Mir: The True Face of Jehadis; Inside Pakistan’s Network of Terror Amir Mir Roli Books Private Ltd Pages xvii+ 308, Rs. 395 Review by: Kalim Bahadur Amir Mir’s volume The True Face of Jehadis is a very comprehensive and a

My choice today: Mon 26 May 2008: What should Zardari do to Musharraf? Benazir Bhutto’s last book Does the US want to get rid of Musharrraf? Musharraf’s third coup? Baitullah’s bait?