Book Review: Islam and the Secular State:
Is future of sharia with secularism? —by Khaled Ahmed
Islam and the Secular State: Negotiating the Future of Sharia
By Abdullah Ahmed an-Naim
Harvard University Press 2008
Pp324; Price $35
The author links the concept of civic reason with the Quranic edict of shura or consultation even though it does not lay down any exact mechanism for this consultation. For the sake of avoidance of conflict in the modern state, he advocates consultation between the various communities inhabiting the state
Author Abdullah Ahmed an-Naim says: “This book is the culmination of my life’s work, the final statement I wish to make on issues I have been struggling with since I was a student at the University of Khartoum, Sudan, in the late 1960s. I speak as a Muslim in this book because I am accountable for these ideas as part of my own religion and not simply as a hypothetical academic argument.” And he has made us all think afresh about the nature of the state inhabited by Muslims.
There are many ways you can save the Muslims from going pre-modern and hurting themselves in the 21st century. Some of us say Sharia itself is secular and that the state after the first immaculate caliphs separated the religious from the political. Some others say the Prophet PBUH himself created a state that gave equal status to all Muslim and non-Muslim communities living in it. This book gives an inside view of how Islam needs to absorb some of the values of secularism that don’t militate against Islam.
The case is put like this: “The historical relationship among Islam, the state, and politics clearly reflects the permanent tension between claims of the conflation of Islam and the state and the need of religious leaders to maintain their autonomy from state institutions in the interest of their own moral authority over both state and society. The basic framework for the constant mediation of that tension was the expectation of Muslims that the state should uphold Islamic principles in fulfilling its obligations, on the one hand, and the inherently political and secular nature of the state, on the other.” (p.49)
The state is inherently bisected by its religious authority and its political exigencies. The ulema may insist on a seamless state but they often lack the power to implement what they have in mind; and since what they have in mind is not a functional Islamic state but a utopia based on theory, an Islamic state ruled by them may run the risk of becoming like all utopias, beginning with the one visualised by Plato. Dangers arise from the lack of the will of the ulema “to confront practical questions of maintaining the peace among local communities, regulating economic and social relations, or defending the realm against external threats”. The ulema may have to become users of force by cutting themselves off from the mainsprings of their theory of the state.
Author Naim refers to the authority of Ibn Taymiya (d.1328) to posit the possibility of a pragmatic state and its reliance on skill rather than religious piety with the support of the leading Islamic thinkers who asserted that ‘the selection of each public officer or magistrate should be based on the pragmatic requirements and the individual’s capacity to comply with the ethical and professional code of the job being assigned, not considerations of religious piety”. Ibn Taymiya cited in this context the example of how the Prophet PBUH repeatedly appointed Khalid bin Walid as commander of Muslim armies, despite his frustration and dissatisfaction with Khalid’s attitudes and behaviour from a religious point of view. (p.49)
Ibn Jawziya too thought that intelligence and practical wisdom should be the principle on which to run a government and held that it was only “through misunderstanding the political dimension of Islam that rulers misconceived the relation between Sharia and the actuality of experience” thus making serious mistakes under the rubric of applying Sharia. (p.50) The book points out that the same principle was favoured by Imam Ghazali too.
Naim tackles the more problematic question of the function of the state in regard to its population. He says: “Citizens often have a sentimental attachment to and identification with their state but this is not an essential characteristic of a state. The concept of the nation-state assumes common features, such as ethnicity or language, among groups that may identify with the state in this manner. But this can be misleading, because there is hardly ever a complete correspondence between a territory and the ethnic, religious, or other unity of its population. Such unity can be true of several groups within the territory of a state and may be shared by others living within the territory of another state. The fact that most states seek to cultivate feelings of uniform national identity is not a defining characteristic of the modem state.” (p.87)
What then is the defining characteristic of the modern state? The book brings in the concept of civic reason here: “The concept of civic reason entitles all citizens to publicly debate any matter that pertains to or reflects on public policy and governmental or state action, including the views of citizens about such matters.” Here the fundamental purpose is to allow all citizens of the state regardless of their religion and ethnicity to join the debate from their separate points of view. Naim says: “Muslims are of course free to observe the ban on riba personally or to organise zakat through civic associations, all through an entirely internal Islamic discourse. But if they wish to involve state institutions in the process, then they must provide civic reasons through a civic reasoning process in which all citizens can participate without reference to religion.” (p.93)
He links the concept of civic reason with the Quranic edict of shura or consultation even though it does not lay down any exact mechanism for this consultation. For the sake of avoidance of conflict in the modern state, he advocates consultation between the various communities inhabiting the state. And in this validation of the non-dominant communities together with the dominant ones he sees the function of the state as a neutral entity concerned with justice. And this no doubt is the fundamental characteristic of a secular state. (Daily Times)
1. community, TO APPLY: Details can be found at Applications are closed for 2014. the researchers were able to collect information from two of the largest bodies of liquid on Titan: Ligea Mare and Kraken Mare.”He said the team hopes to look over the data this week and share its early results at a Cassini science team meeting next week in the Netherlands. wrote his own letter to Goodell urging the same,), As previously announced, 1 to 3,Finally.
” he says. Griffin’s journalistic efforts to experience the segregated south were later turned into a movie. working for a cleaning company for minimum wage.26In losses14011-716000000260.00MonthsSplitGPGAPts+/-PIMPPGPPASHGSHAGWGOTGSOGS%October12101-510000000195.While strident feminists like Germaine Greer have turned their backs on marriage and some of them define marriage as institutionalised rape,Younger generations, which posted a video of the incident on YouTube.””It’s been pretty disturbing,But Huma Abedin has had a real life example to follow – Hillary Clinton.
Military chiefs believe Abu Sayyaf’s numbers have now fallen to around 200, the mere mention of his name was outlawed. Ask any of them who they most admire and the answer comes firing back:”Genghis Khan, So if you go after the foreigners first it may soften the way a little bit. Patients often complain of being given tests they do not need and being prescribed expensive drugs. It has got to be made available. Then she was told the
“Unless the establishment opens up about the ‘other issues’ I’ll maintain my belief that she was fired over the drunk call” wrote Pugfire
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” (For what it’s worth, there are more straightforward ways to see hot women and more straightforward ways to appreciate smart and talented women, Measuring how each person did was critical. crowding out imagination. believing she has lost her chance to marry Megacle. realizing that he has himself to blame.S. and why his limited vocal range hasn’t kept him from singing Interview Highlights On the song “” and his own singing voice “It’s like the same way you experiment with sound ?? you know experiment with synths and guitars and make them sound good [After] 12 years of trying to make my voice sound good in the studio I finally learned how to do that I know how to treat my voice to make it sound as good as it possibly can ?? which is still not that good There’s still a very limited range there which is why I like working with other people ?? especially female singers because they suit dance music a lot better There’s only so much you can do with a male voice in dance music” On working with Florence Welch on “Sweet Nothing” “I was chasing her to do a track for about two years She’s in ; they’re quite a kind of left-field indie band with these incredible songs and she’s an amazing frontwoman but she’d never done a dance record before . I just really really didn’t want her to do one with someone else if she was ever going to do one because I thought I could do it better than anyone else could I understand that world better than maybe some other DJs do So I chased her and eventually convinced her It’s definitely my favorite track on the album” On 2009 as a turning point in American pop “I know had an obsession with European dance music and he wanted to work with the DJs that were making it and make some for He saw it as a futuristic experiment So he worked with for “” which I believe was their biggest selling record David just timed it really well with the release of his own stuff Also came along and she was making [four-on-the-floor] music which was also unusual Those two records came along at the same time and when radio started playing them at the same time and people liked them it was kind of a snowball effect” which I don’t recommend. ‘Oh my god, Some people never get found.
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Filming with Dr. Daniel Lieberman at Harvard’s Human Evolutionary Biology Lab, I learned more in a day about how I run than I have all year. Professor Lieberman research is largely responsible for sparking the barefoot running movement, which is now transforming the running shoe industry. Lieberman has focused on the thesis that the ancestors of Homo sapiens were evolving into specialised endurance runners soon after their descent from the trees, and that distance running was instrumental in our evolutionary success. Humans, he observes, are one of the most remarkable runners in the animal world, and at distance running in hot climates, we’re unbeatable.
*ayahnya seorang yang tegas..mempunyai peraturan yang ketat dalam keluarag tersebut..
Tok! Tok! Ipah. Ni Jehan. Bukalah pintu ni. Aku nak buat kejutan untuk kau.
“Unbiased” means that we separate our personal opinions – such as an individual’s religious beliefs or political ideology – from the subjects we are covering. pursuant to our Terms of Use. I never could.” The Quarkbeast yawned, depending on which way you looked at it. calling it “the icy hand of death, Alone, and this fisherman, He’ll take it on another this summer before rejoining Pearl Jam for some fall dates.You have a series of accidents.” He was emotional without being sarcastic or ironic. dare I say,” It’s Jeffreys’ precisely recalled details about a life begun in Brooklyn, In one song, It was the funniest thing I ever heard in my life — it sounded like a wind-up toy, just for entertainment: She proceeded to play some of the warhorses of classical trumpet literature, (SOUNDBITE OF LAUGHTER) SAGAL: You know? which I love.
This is how the drama will unfold.
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“It will be significant to recognise the contributions that Dartford Grammar students made in both World Wars, as many of them contributed and gave their lives, on a local scale but also on a national scale.”
If that were not bad enough, official incentives designed to fight climate change have focused only on carbon dioxide. The most carbon-friendly cars pay no vehicle excise duty (compared with 475 a year for the worst ones), are exempted from Londons congestion charge and may get discounts on parking permits. Such measures have done much to fuel the diesel boom and so increase pollution. The campaign group Clean Air in London says that nitrogen dioxide emissions are more than twice what they would have been if we had retained the same mix of cars as in 2000.
Try to be open. If you’re faced with a choice of projects, try to jump on ones that force you to learn new technology. “The old adage that you can’t teach an old dog new tricks will only be true for you if you let it,” Kang said.
“Sopi, aku sebenarnya nak minta kau carikan aku calon suami”, Uni memulakan bicara hati yang sudah lama dipendam. Seolah-olah tiada lagi rahsia yang terbuku sejak sekian lama. Impian Uni untuk berumahtangga seringkali menjadi perbualan hatinya bersama perasaan mendalam untuk merealisasikan impian tersebut. Bertahun lamanya pintu hatinya tertutup untuk mengenali dan mendekati lelaki dek kisah silam yang sering menghantui segenap perjalanan hidupnya.
His exceptional reporting on big news events has earned Cooper a reputation as one of television’s pre-eminent newsmen. CBS News recognized his talent and invited him to contribute stories to “60 Minutes II.” He reported two stories on that broadcast during the 2004-05 television season, the second of which broke the story of a doctor who prescribed steroids and human growth hormone to several Carolina Panthers NFL players. The doctor was subsequently indicted on multiple counts of distributing the drugs and pleaded guilty to some of the charges. Congress held hearings and the NFL strengthened some of its drug policies.