Blogs Cross posted Archive

CBS Tribute to Pioneering gay Pakistani-American Muslim poet Ifti Nasim: Editor’s Note: We are reproducing the glowing tribute by CBS for Ifti Nasim. His death reminds us of the intolerant society we have become. Our LGBT friends and supportors have informed us that there are different interpretations of the religious

PML-N promises senatorship to Maulana Ludhianvi: Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz government in Punjab is not only protecting banned terrorist organization, but also gearing up for electoral alliances with Sipah-e-Sahaba(a Deobandi terrorist organization), which was officially banned in 2001, though still active’ energetic and spreading terror

Pakistan spies on its diaspora, spreading fear: By MARK MAZZETTI, ERIC SCHMITT and CHARLIE SAVAGE WASHINGTON — F.B.I. agents hunting for Pakistani spies in the United States last year began tracking Mohammed Tasleem, an attaché in the Pakistani Consulate in New York and a clandestine operative

Malik Ishaq of LeJ-ASWJ: a most dangerous man – by Khaled Ahmed: The Supreme Court of Pakistan on July 15 released on bail Malik Ishaq, leader and founder of Al Qaeda-linked Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, on grounds of “lack of evidence.” The man had been facing a number of cases at the antiterrorism court

Indians and Israelis helping them (Baloch) to fight against Allah and our beloved prophet’: Killing these Baloch is a serving Islam’ said one of them. They chanted “Allahu Akbar” and one moved forward opening fire at me’, said Nasir Dagarzai Baloch who miraculously escaped death the first time after being shot and dumped

Original sins: Priest arrested for raping girl: Pakistani Christian clergy is one of the most corrupt segment of the society. Our priests and bishops have been involved in all sorts of corruption and illegal activities, and have been practiced fraud, theft, cronyism and other corrupt behaviour

Karachi’s Pushtun “problem” – By Imran Khan, Pakistan Today: With the World becoming increasingly connected, political correctness in ideas and behavior is becoming essential for minimizing frictions, and for that reason it also is becoming the hallmark of the educated. We Pakistanis often complain about the lack of

No honeymoon period: Muslim girl in danger after marrying Christian: GUJRANWALA: A local teacher has approached police officials, after she began receiving death threats for marrying outside the faith. According to police officials, Khokhar Ki resident Majeeda Bibi married a colleague Bashir Masih last year without informing her family.

جب پاکستان پر فرقہ واریت کا سایہ تھا– علی سلمان: Originally Posted at: BBC URDU کالعدم سپاہ صحابہ کے رہنما ملک اسحاق کی رہائی نے پاکستان کے اس دور کی یاد تازہ کر دی ہے جب پاکستان شدت پسندی کے خلاف امریکہ کی شروع کردہ کسی جنگ کا حصہ

LeJ’s Malik received monthly stipend from Punjab govt: Related Articles: Malik Ishaq wielded clout in jail; helped Pak army Thank you, ISI-backed Supreme Court, for releasing Malik Ishaq By Asad Kharal Malik Ishaq enjoyed Punjab government’s financial assistance ever since the Sharif’s came to power in 2008,

Barking news! – by Nadeem F. Paracha: PEO TV BREAKING NEWS! (Dramatic Music) According to highly informed sources, the PPP-led government is planning to start an operation against the MQM. Yes, Tahir. Thank you, Tahira. We now have an unnamed source on the line with

Pakistan will be suspect until evil in its midst is rooted out: The Mumbai attacks will be linked to Islamabad regardless of who perpetrated them. By Con Coughlin A fresh wave of terrorist attacks are launched at the heart of the Indian city of Mumbai, and immediately the finger of suspicion

Remembering Habib Jalib Baloch —by Sanaullah Baloch: While in the Musharraf era, the focus of the establishment was to eliminate patriots from the Baloch tribal elite such as Nawab Akbar Khan Bugti, the current strategy has shifted to the destruction of the middle strata leadership to

The Case for Drones – By Raza Habib Raja: The latest news about war in Afghanistan, which is making headlines, is the suspension of US military aid to Pakistan. Among other things, the rationale given by the US administration is the refusal of Pakistan’s military to allow further

Why Pakistan wants to keep that $800 million in aid, after all: A day after Pakistani military officials shrugged off news that the US was cutting $800 million of aid for materiel and expelled military trainers, Pakistan’s prime minister expresses ‘concerns’ and its spy chief visits Washington. By Howard LaFranchi In

Spinning half-truths on Balochistan -by Ayesha Siddiqa: Balochistan is quite fashionable these days, especially amongst the establishment wallahs, some of whom have been visiting the place, writing about it or even getting research grants to figure out ways to make the Baloch patriotic. There are two

The sham operation in Kurram —Dr Mohammad Taqi: Editor’s note: The following article that was originally posted in yesterday’s Daily Times is the typically bold and lucid piece written by Dr. Taqi. Along with Farhat Taj, Dr. Taqi has been the leading light in debunking the racist

It’s Muslim kids, not parents, who are embracing a politicized Islam – by Natasha Fatah: This summer, thousands of people will become new Canadian citizens. Many of them will be Muslims. They have come to Canada from every corner of the globe and, like my parents did 24 years ago, they will make this

Pakistani military still cultivates militant groups, a former fighter says: By CARLOTTA GALL ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — The Pakistani military continues to nurture a broad range of militant groups as part of a three-decade strategy of using proxies against its neighbors and American forces in Afghanistan, but now some of

A community under siege in tribal Pakistan: As US prepares troop withdrawal, Taliban’s strong hold on border regions reveals Pakistan’s vulnerability. By Mujib Mashal Parachinar, in Pakistan’s tribal north west, remains under siege. The only road connecting this district bordering Afghanistan to the rest of Pakistan

Saudi charity in Pakistan funding al-Qaeda: By Declan Walsh The imposing orphanage looms on the edge of Islamabad, housing 250 poor boys from across Pakistan who receive tuition, board and meals, and daily instruction in Saudi-style Islam. A plaque over the doors identifies the generous

Book Review: A thousand and one tales of terror- by Dr Mohammad Taqi: The book is a news reporter’s entry into the world of analyzing current affairs and to an extent geopolitical forecasting. Off the bat, the author rejects the prevailing western understanding of al-Qaeda being on the ropes Book review: Inside

Reporting from the Danger Zone: An Interview with Pakistani Journalist Malik Siraj Akbar: “We believe there is no journalism but fearless journalism.” Pakistan has recently become a subject of some attention as one of the deadliest places for journalism, brought into the global eye to a small degree by the death of

Hyperbolizing our piousness – by Mubarak Haider: مبارک حیدر نے1963ءمیں گارڈن کالج راولپنڈی سے انگریزی ادبیات میں ماسٹرز کیا، وہیں پوسٹ گریجویٹ یونین کے صدر تھے جب شہید ذوالفقار علی بھٹو سے پہلی ملاقات ہوئی۔64ءمیں اسلامیہ کالج لاہور سے وابستہ ہوئے۔ شاعر اور انقلابی کی حیثیت

Then the ISI came for me -by Babar Sattar: Related article: Can anyone control Pakistan’s ISI spies ? Aamer Ahmed Khan on his own ISI experience Mr. Babar Sattar recalls being called to ISI HQ to “discuss” an Op-Ed he wrote on “reforming khakis”. The pall of gloom,

In the Memory of My Teacher–Professor Saba Dashtyari—Part 1- Kamber Ali Baloch: Blog Cross Post : Baloch Hal On the 1st of June 2011 at 23.58 EST, my mobile phone beeped while I was reading an online article. When I clicked to see the message from my cousin in Karachi, the

Saleem Shahzad murdered by Pakistani security service: Saleem Shahzad had warned that the authorities might act against him and revealed a previous threat. by Andrew Buncombe A surge of outrage and grief jolted Pakistan last night after the discovery of the body of a journalist who

Not doubting, just concerned – Raja Fatah Ali: Blog Cross Post :Frequency Fellow What about our Nukes? Are they save enough? Who were they? They belong to CIA, MOSSAD, even RAW. They can’t be Al-Qaida. Well after claiming the responsibility, if someone say, “How claiming the attacks

Indo-Af-Pak and the “strategic depth” – by BR Gowani: Source: The Humiliation First the US Navy Seals came in the dark of May 1st night and killed Osama bin Laden, living a couple of miles drive from Pakistan’s capital Islamabad. Two weeks later, in the country’s biggest

Shehrbano Taseer in UK speaks out against radical political Islam: by Lizzy Millar Religious seminaries Madarash in Pakistan are raising a new generation of children to propagate hatred in the wake of bin Laden’s assassination. Shehrbano Taseer, the daughter of Salman Taseer, the governor of Pakistan’s Punjab region who

Voices of Pakistan: Why do Pakistanis Have Such Mixed Opinions About America? – by Sobia Ali: Source: HuffPost World I belong to the minority of people who actually know the correct pronunciation of “Abbottabad,” unlike President Obama, or Jon Stewart because I grew up there. While I have always taken interest in socio-political issues in Pakistan,

Outsource defense of Pakistan -by Waseem Altaf: It is now proven beyond doubt, after Sunday’s incident at PNS Mehran that after years of meddling into matters which do not relate to them, our so called valiant armed forces have been rendered, completely neutralized to take on

Pakistan: The narratives come home to roost – By Omar Ali: Editor’s Note: The following post by Omar Ali (cross posted from 3 Quarks Daily) is a timely reminder of how the security establishment has run the country into the ground. Unable to protect their own sensitive installations that are

Message to Pakistan: China Will Not Replace U.S. Aid – by Daniel Wagner: The current debate in the U.S. Congress about whether and how to continue economic and military aid to Pakistan is understandably problematic. On one hand, Congress is mindful of Pakistan’s long history with the U.S., its unique geostrategic location,

No sir you can’t have it both ways – by D. Asghar: Source: Viewpoint Going a bit further, what did Mr. Bin Laden do for Pakistan in the first place? Did Mr. Bin Laden build schools, hospitals, mosques, pharmacies, colleges, universities or flood control canals? No Sir, no such thing.

Pakistani Ex-Servicemen Help Imran Khan Block Supplies to NATO Forces in Afghanistan – Arif Jamal: Cross Post : Jamestown As the date for the drawdown of NATO troops in Afghanistan nears, some Pakistani ex-servicemen and cricket hero turned politician Imran Khan are working on a two-pronged plan to prevent the movement of logistical supplies

Iftikhar Chaudhry, the man who betrayed Balochistan – by Malik Siraj Akbar: Editorial of the banned Balochistan Newspaper, The Baloch Hal The Baloch anguish is not merely justified because they are receiving the bullet-riddled dead bodies of their smartest and most talented democratic youth almost on daily basis but they also

Dara Shikoh: The Sufi Prince: Editor’s Note: At a time in its history when the Pakistani State is hostage to the Anti-India Jihadi enterprise of its security establishment, we the people of Pakistan can look to such universal heroes like the seventeenth century Mughal Prince,

Pakistan did its part -by Asif Ali Zardari: Pakistan, perhaps the world’s greatest victim of terrorism, joins the other targets of al-Qaeda — the people of the United States, Britain, Spain, Indonesia, Afghanistan, Turkey, Yemen, Kenya, Tanzania, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Algeria — in our satisfaction that

Mukhtaran Mai verdict: Where the court went wrong – Abira Ashfaq: With thanks : Tribune Human rights activists are rightfully outraged that the Supreme Court (SC) has upheld the acquittals of five of the accused in Muktar Mai’s case, except Abdul Khaliq. (The State v. Abdul Khaliq, Criminal Appeals No.163