Blogs Cross posted Archive

Courage to Differ: 10 Historical Facts that our Textbooks forgot to mention – by Abdul Majeed Abid: Editor’s Note: We are pleased to cross post this well-researched debunking of narratives, which in our opinion, have been disastrous for the country. More power to Abdul Majeed and his blog for writing this and we look forward to more of

پاکستان میں شدت پسندی کے چالیس سال۔ بی بی سی اردو: آصف فاروقی، ظفر ملک: پیش لفظ: بی بی سی اردو پر شائع ہونے والے اس آرٹیکل کا خلاصہ لکھنا مقصود تھا لیکن اس جامع مضمون میں کٹوتی کرنا نا انصافی ہوگا۔ پیش ہے ہم پاکستانیوں کا اعمالنامہ جس سے صاف ظاہر ہے کہ

Pakistan floods: Want to help – By Beena Sarwar: Pakistan was still reeling from the devastating floods of last year when fresh disaster struck. “The situation is worse than reported,” messaged the journalist and activist Aslam Khwaja, back in Karachi after a recent five-day visit to six rain-hit

Activists slam rights organization statement as ’very weak,’ lacking integrity – by Ahmadiyya Times: Related posts: Bold statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission on Shia massacres in Pakistan under the patronage by Pakistan army An open letter to Kenneth Roth, Executive Director of HRW: A call for help from Pakistan Ahmadiyya Times

Politics of recognition -by Mushtaq Gaadi: OF all the claims for the creation of new provinces, that of the Seraiki demand has the most potentially constructive consequences for state, democracy and federalism in Pakistan. If and when a Seraiki province is carved out of Punjab

UN humanitarian chief appeals for funds to help Pakistani flood victims: The top UN humanitarian official on Monday added her voice to the global appeal for donors to fund a $357 million plan to help the Pakistani Government provide vital assistance to more than five million people affected by massive

Sandesh: How to publish a Hindu newspaper in Pakistan: Pakistan’s One Man Hindu Newspaper: The Message Is Peace A rural bootblack with an antiquated PC spreads the good word. Print lives. Source: Take Part On your next visit to southern Pakistan, look up Harji Lal. Lal is a

Sobia Ali: An Interview With Nadeem F. Paracha: Editor’s Note: We are pleased to cross-post Nadeem F. Paracha’s interview to Sobia Ali and Raza Raja Habib from Huffington Post. The interview is an articulate discussion of politics, sociology and culture. Such interviews are needed to highight the mindset

An Ahmadi Muslim’s open letter to Pakistani media: Dear friends in the media, Salutations, I’m a Pakistani Ahmadi Muslim. I know you haven’t read these three words in a single sentence because of an amendment made to the constitution of our country that precludes the composition of such

Book Review: Maleeha Lodhi Juggling a Dream – By Dr. Ayesha Siddiqa: Source Maleeha Lodhi’s edited volume is one of the few books that Pakistan military’s Inter-Services Public Relations’ head Maj. General Athar Abbas recommends to his visitors. The value of this book for Pakistan’s armed forces and establishment is

Sophistry of our policy elites: Unicode version افغانستان اور پالیسی ساز اشرافیہ کے تصوّرات تحریر؛ علی ارقم پاکستان میں سول اور عسکری ہیئت مقتدرہ کے غالب کردار اور سرد جنگ کے دور کے زیر اثر چلے آرہنے والے قومی سلامتی کے تصوّرات اور

Pakistan and America: Pyrrhic victory – By Dr. Niaz Murtaza: The gods of fate have a wicked sense of humor. When they want to destroy someone, they make their dreams come true but then soon turn them into nightmares. So they did to the odd couple, the American and

Defending MQM – Imran Khan, IOPYNE: Source My reaction to Altaf Hussain’s marathon press conference was one of sympathy. Sympathy that I felt not for the beloved leader but for thousands of his otherwise rational followers, who have now been entrusted with the Herculean task

A wandering Jew pulls away the veil over Pakistan – by Paul Rockower: Editor’s note: We are pleased to cross-post this excellent article by Paul Rockower which he wrote for the Jerusalem Post. Paul visited Pakistan in 2007 and wrote an article for the Jerusalem Post on Pakistan’s more cosmopolitan side. Let

Why Fata cannot be a province – by Ali Begum: CHANGE is inevitable and it has to come in Fata. The area has to be brought into the national mainstream. While the FCR in the NWFP and Balochistan was replaced with the Act of 1935 in one go, the

An Islamic Predicament -by Eqbal Ahmed: Any historian of Islam would shudder at what passes in Pakistan for instruction in Islamic history. Some Years ago, I queried an M.A class in this subject at a major Pakistani university. None of the 25 odd students there

1965, Adventurism and Ejaz Haider’s Fiction – Shahid Saeed: Cross posted from تاریخ نامہ The article was written in response to Mr Ejaz Haider’s article It’s not just Mr Tharoor! maligning Pakistan’s civilian leadership and perpetuating the lies about the 1965 Indo-Pak war that continue to occupy our

Constructing a ‘Secular’ Jinnah: New Project for Pakistani Liberals -by Marvi Sirmed: Originally Published at: BAAGHI As a firm believer in cultural roots rather than oneness through religion, August gives me hope. Flags adorn the cities and marketplaces fill up with the echoes of milli naghmas (patriotic songs) sung in the

Guilty by Domicile – Imran Khan: Editor’s Note: The PML N leadership sees no double standards when lecturing PPP about Karachi and putting pressure on it to call the army into Karachi with its own shambolic performance with regards to the Law and Order situation in Punjab.

Remembering Ahmed Faraz: A Voice of Dissent – by Arjumand Ara: Kisi aur des ki or ko, suna hai Faraz chala gaya. sabhi dukh samet ke she’hr ke, sabhi qarz utaar ke she’hr ka. (They say that Faraz has left for some other land, Taking with him all the sorrows

Increase in armed reprisals and police violence against journalists: Reporters Without Borders firmly condemns three recent attacks on journalists – two of them by policemen – in Peshawar, the capital of the northern province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. A reporter was badly injured when a TV crew was ambushed

Washington Post’s report on Geo: The Washington Post’s Islamabad correspondent Karin Brulliard reports on Pakistani leading media group’s bias, irresponsible reporting, negativity against modern liberal concepts, anti American views, it’s pro religious extremist approach and anti democratic agenda. KARACHI, Pakistan — In a nation

Nusrat Javeed on Zaid Hamid: lal topi wala maskhara: Source: Daily Express ——– PS: Apparently General Kayani was a bit generous with the truth. He too seems to have good relations with Zaid Hamid who was specially invited to PMA, Kakul, Osamaabad Abbottabad – in 2010

Is the youth in elite universities in Pakistan radical? – by Dr. Ayesha Siddiqa: Abstract This is a study of the socio-political attitudes amongst youth in elite universities in the three major cities in Pakistan: Islamabad, Lahore and Karachi. The primary objective was to see whether better education and access to resources made

Exposing Real Faces – by Imran Khan: Cross Posted from: IOpyne On this 14th of August, most Pakistanis did two things on facebook; first they wished everyone a happy independence day, and after that, they shared a video titled: “The real face of Dr. Amir Liaquat”.

NAB failed in combating corruption: According to Auditor General of Pakistan’s report National Accountability Bureau(NAB) miserably fails to check and combat corruption. The report states that the performance of NAB is utterly miserable, and main purpose to establish the anti corruption body has failed

Polaroid Progressiveness: A rebuttal to Yasser Latif Hamdani: Blog Cross Post : I Opyne “God has created men and women to be partners in the development of civilization. They are the two wheels of humanity’s carriage which cannot run on one wheel alone”. (Khan Abdul Ghaffar

A Pakistani renaissance -By Mian Raza Rabbani: The 1973 Constitution given by Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto was democratic, federal and parliamentary. It had a vision of Federalism in terms of fiscal devolution, ownership of resources, participation in policy formation and collective decision making. This was a

National Anthem of Pakistan -by Anwer Sen Roy: پاکستان کا قومی ترانہ انور سِن رائے بی بی سی اردو ڈاٹ کام، کراچی ایسا لگتا ہے کہ پاکستان میں جہاں مذہبی حلقے، شدت پسند سمجھے جانے لگے ہیں وہیں خود کو روشن خیال، لبرل اور سیکولر کہنے

In Defence of Asif Ali Zardari – by Abdullah Zaidi: What comes to your mind with the mention of Asif Ali Zardari? “A cunning, vile, and corrupt man,” said my 19 year old cousin. This was a good summation of what the urban middle-class thinks of him. The more

The System Works: Related : Gilani announces Musarrat Hilali as first WOP Blogs Cross post :Individual Land It is a welcome precedence set by the Federal Ombudspersonfor Protection of Women against Harassment at Workplace, to dispose a case in two hearings and

Silence of the Liberal Lambs – By Dr. Taqi: Editor’s Note: In cross-posting Dr. Taqi’s article from Outlook India, we at LUBP stand vindicated on our blunt stance in exposing Fake Civil Society (FCS). This group of candle-holding Tweeples and urban elites have failed miserably in even confronting the bigotry of the

Assaulted for wearing a sleeveless shirt – by Amir Qureshi: Cross Posted from Express Tribune Blogs It was only a matter of time anyway. A few days ago, a police officer along with his squad burst into the Nairang Art Gallery and beat up the female curator for wearing

Pakistani troops aid Bahrain’s crackdown: Foundation linked to the Pakistani army has been providing Bahrain thousands of soldiers for its crackdown on protests. In March, as a government crackdown on pro-democracy protestors intensified in Bahrain, curious advertisements started appearing in Pakistani media. “Urgent requirement

Pakistan: Security forces ‘Disappear’ opponents in Balochistan: Government Fails to Confront Military, Intelligence Agencies on Abuses (New York) – Pakistan’s government should immediately end widespread disappearances of suspected militants and activists by the military, intelligence agencies, and the paramilitary Frontier Corps in the southwestern province of

Was Khar impressive in India? – Muhammad Saeed Akhter: Ms Khar’s elevation to the stature of the Foreign Minister of Pakistan has had a mixed response from the media. The far right found the decision ridiculous, the majority showing indifference taking it as another foolish decision of the

If your website’s full of anonymity, that might be okay: Hmm, lots of interesting responses to If your website’s full of assholes, it’s your fault, and even more interesting conversation about the topic of commenting culture in general. A few highlights from the last few days: My wonderful friend

Ghulam Nabi Fai admits to receiving money from ISI -by Huma Imtiaz: ALEXANDRIA: In a federal courthouse, nearly two and a half hours after his case was scheduled to begin, Dr Ghulam Nabi Fai was brought into Courtroom number 501, filled primarily with his supporters and journalists from the subcontinent. As

Mullah Omar is part of the problem, not the solution: The following worrisome development reflects the mindset and MCA (minimum common agenda) of imperialism in Pakistani establishment. Mullah Omar we know has blood of so many ethnic and religious groups (Tajiks, Hazaras, Shias) as well as other oppressed groups