An Ahmadi Muslim’s open letter to Pakistani media
Dear friends in the media,
I’m a Pakistani Ahmadi Muslim. I know you haven’t read these three words in a single sentence because of an amendment made to the constitution of our country that precludes the composition of such a statement; legally! Still, I have to be what I am. This trinity of nationality-sect-religion is experienced by most of you but I am the only one who is not allowed to venture in this domain of nomenclature. While many of you can easily be Pakistani Sunni Muslims or Pakistani Shia Muslims or even Pakistan Braelvi Muslims and Pakistani Deobandi Muslims, it’s me who is referred to as a Qadiani or a Mirzai without any difficulty and without even knowing that these titles are derogatory and discriminatory and even offensive in your writings and on your nine o’clock TV shows.
I know you are all good law abiding citizens my dear friends, and the second amendment of 1974 prevents you from calling me an Ahmadi Muslim but does not ask you to label me as traitor, conspirator, Zionist, infidel, apostate etc which you knowledgeably or otherwise often do.
My second concern arose when all of you, yes essentially all, while reporting the barbarous incident of May 28, 2010 called our mosques “places of worship”. Yes they were places of worships where our community members were offering the Friday prayers as the terrorists struck while the Friday sermon was underway. We also offer the prayers of Fajar, Zohar, Asar, Maghrib and Isha in the same “places of worship”. You’ll also be amazed to know that we pray both the Eids there and the building incidentally faces the Holy Kaa’ba in Makkah and has grown a Minaret and a Dome which was visible in the background as they filled the ambulances with the dead bodies of my brothers. But as I said there is a law that has to be followed.
The clause that apparently stopped you from calling a spade a spade was introduced by General Zia in 1984 and now is proudly the Section 298(B)(1)(d) of the Penal Code of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
I’ve copy pasted this section of the law below:
298-B. Misuse of epithets, descriptions and titles, etc., reserved for certain holy personages or places:
(1) Any person of the Quadiani group or the Lahori group (who call themselves ‘Ahmadis’ or by any other name who by words, either spoken or written, or by visible representation-
(d) refers to, or names, or calls, his place of worship a “Masjid”;
shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to three years, and shall also be liable to fine.
Now my law-respecting friends please read the above clause. The law only stops me from calling my mosque a mosque and suggests a three year prison term for this crime. You as a ‘Constitutional and Full Muslim’ are allowed doing so but you didn’t.
I urge you to please get off the band wagon that is being driven by the Mullah Cult and is hell bound. I ask you to please respect my religious sentiments and not act immaturely because further oppressing the already oppressed will gain you nothing.
I have been facing such columns and TV shows, well actually my parents have been facing them and soon my children will be facing the same anchors, writers and analysts. It hurts. Yes it hurts when you flow your blood in the roots of a country to defend it, when you speak for hours and hours in the UN General Assembly to acquire a diplomatic superiority for your motherland, when you sit in the frozen labs of Italy to pin a Nobel Prize to the green flag, when you use your ink and quill to create the best literature and poetry and bring pride to you and all those fellow citizens who side with the pen. If you are who side with the pen my friends then please also be among those who side with it justly.
Yours Faithfully,
Citizen of Pakistan | A victim of State and Media oppression | An Ahmadi Muslim
Atif S. Ahmad can be reached at @atifahmads
mein yeh kis ke nam likhun jo alam guzar rahe hein (Obaidullah Aleem)
Source: Pakistan Blogzine
An honest and bold letter. Will Pakistani journalists and liberal activists boldly write Ahmadiyya Muslims and Ahmadiyya mosques and highlight the ongoing persecution of Ahmadi Muslims?
I totally support you & your community dear friend. May the conscience of the common man awake and they overcome the fear of the Govt & the inhuman hypocrites.
Saluting Humanity
The amount of scorn and hatred the Ahmedi Muslims face at the hands of “average Pakistanis” is utterly disgusting.
They suddenly become unreasonable bigots whenever someone talks about the Ahmadiyya community
what an excellently written letter…So proud of you..i am going to regulate your letter..might bring a change 🙂
We are human first and then it is totally up to every individual that what religion he likes to follow…but unfortunately we are not living in Islamic Republic of Pakistan but we are living in JAMAT ISLAMIC REPUBLIC oF NAPAKISTAN….but it seems now that shadows of Dark are fading and truth is emerging from every corner of Pakistan and it will be the truth which will prevail at last….Ahmedis have full right to call them selves as Muslim….
An honest letter which aptly drscribes the plight of ahmedi muslims in pakistan.. something for us all to reflect upon and change in us to make our nation progerss as whole lest our hatred drowns us in oblivation
Someone can not be a traitor just because he/she does not believe in what you believe. And no one has right to snatch lives of KAFIRS, while they are busy in their daily routine.
Those of my brother who are supporting so called ‘Ahmedi Muslims’ must first realize, what the definition of a Muslim is. One who accepts ALLAH S.W.T as his creator, Hazrat Muhammad P.B.U.H as his prophet and accepts the finality of Hazrat Muhammad P.B.U.H as the last messenger of ALLAH S.W.T. Ahmadis are clearly non-muslims since they reject the final clause and call Qadyani as last Prophet (Nauz billah). So clearly first thing is stop calling them Muslims
Do you think deobandis are Muslim?
Deobandi meaning of Khatam-e-Nabuwat
What about these scholars?
Khatam-e-Nabuwat and Islamic Sufis
Also all these sects are kafir too so why not treat them the same way?
fatwa, deobandi kafir, brelvi kafir, ahle hadith kafir, kuttay, wahabi کافر
@Omer you follows the religion of HADHRAT MUHAMMAD (SAW) or MULLAH brand of Islam…now let me tell you one thing that during the time of Muhammad (SAW)when any one declare himself or her self as Muslim was only saying Kalma Shahada …there was nothing like finality of Hazrat Muhammad P.B.U.H as the last messenger of ALLAH S.W.T and secondly all Amedies believe finality of Hadhrat Muhammad (SAW)…but at the same time they believe Hadhrat Mirza Sahib as the promissed Messayah and MEHDI in the light of professy of Hadhrat Muhammad (SAW)….but you the follower of MONKEY MULLAHS can not understand these things…keep on following your Monkey Mullahs like Tariq Jameel and other Wahabies but please dont spread hatred about others,,this is what every Pakistani wants today……
Love for Prophet Muhammad (utmost peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and the belief in the finality of His Prophethood is supreme, dearest to us. Qadiyanis are totally non-Muslims, period.
Love for Hadhrat Muhammad (utmost peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and the belief in the finality of His Prophethood is supreme,Every Ahmedi loves Hadhrat Muhammad ,more then there children,there parents,there all humane relation and status of Hadhrat Mirza Sahib as per my understanding is a status of Mehdi and promissed masseih…while other 72 sects of Islam believe that Hadhrat Issa is alive till today and sitting some where in heaven and will come some time to help Muslims…this is the only difference between Ahmedi and Non Ahmedi Muslim…please correct me if i am wrong….
BBC: London mosque accused of links to ‘terror’ in Pakistan
I proved to be an Ahmadi