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Self-serving narrative of military apologists: Every 10 years when a military ruler is discredited, we suddenly see a loud chorus of dyed in the wool pro-establishment voices attempting to cleanse the military’s reputation as an institution from the taint of the unpopular dictator. As

Extremists with caliphate on their minds, not bombs in their belts – by Sally Neighbour: Originally published in The Australian: Islamist organisation Hizb ut-Tahrir eschews violence, but it has no problem with incendiary rhetoric about the demise of Western democracy WITH his neat beard, wire-rimmed glasses and woollen suit coat over a checked sweater,

Ishtiaq Ahmed and the Lahore massacres – by Sabizak: Note: This excellent and timely article is cross-posted from the blog Silsila-e-Mah-o-Saal I have thought about it quite frequently since the attack on Ahmadi mosques in Lahore, but after the Data Darbar massacre it has taken even more concrete

The News stoops even lower – by Eqbal Alavi: The News is no alien to yellow journalism. The whole Jang Group has an immense history of publishing concoted stories based on the unknown sources of investigative journalist in-charge Ansar Abbasi, the imaginations of Saleh Zafar and the conspiracies

Pakistan and terror – by Anas Abbas: Cross posted from Anas Abbas’ blog Attacks reminiscent of DAATA DARBAR and Ahmedi bombings have been a norm in Afghanistan and Pakistani Tribal Areas since the last 20 years. One must not forget the sufferings of Afghans and Pashtuns

Salim Akhtar – a Pakistani hero: From The News: Data Darbar volunteer sacrifices his life preventing bomber LAHORE: A volunteer at Data Darbar set an example of courage when he sacrificed his life in trying to prevent the bomber here late Thursday night. Salim Akhtar,

The longest war: Pakistan’s perspective – by Qudrat Ullah: No other nation or any ethnic community, in the known world history, has ever been entrapped in the longest protracted conflict as the Hindus and Muslim of sub-continent are, since 712 AD, when the legendary Muslim general Muhammad Bin

Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto: a man who cannot be described in words – by Tasbeeh Fayaz: Thousands of orators and writers all across the world have praised the charisma of Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto. Mr. Bhutto was undoubtedly a lion-hearted, indomitable and a tireless leader. He was the man of millennium perhaps a plucky political

Open Letter to Prime Minister of Pakistan on Kalabagh Dam – by Marvi Memon: Published on Marvi Memon’s website In the present budget session we have been witness to very unfortunate exchange of allegations on KBD. None of the speeches have been able to respond to the Technical Committee and Parliamentary Committee report

Interview: Dr Gulfraz Ahmad, Former Secretary, Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas: Source Newsline Magazine (May 2010): The Iran-Pakistan pipeline agreement, inked in March, is the latest step Islamabad has made in the long-running negotiations with its neighbour over the trans-boundary flow of compressed natural gas to this energy-stressed nation. By

Beyond Madrasas: assessing the Links Between Education and Militancy in Pakistan – report by Rebecca Winthrop and Corinne Graf: Report published by the Brookings Institute: Overview: Increasing educational attainment is likely to reduce conflict risk, especially in countries like Pakistan that have very low levels of primary and secondary school enrollment. Education quality, relevance and content also have

The anti-Islam vote in the Netherlands elections – by M Amer Morgahi: Published in Dawn Blog: The enormous success of the right wing anti-Islam party in the recent elections in the Netherlands indicates a widespread schism within the Dutch and wider European societies where the presence of the Muslims as equal

The other way – by Raza Rumi: Published in The News: Much has been written about corruption and how there seems to be no way out of the morass we find ourselves in. The recent survey of Transparency International and other such tools indicate that most

Business as usual (Part 2 of 2) – by Shahid Kardar: Published in The News. Read Part I here The estimate that the government will be able to a) raise Rs19.4 billion from privatisation, given the security situation within the country and the pro-active role played by the courts in

A Profile of the Taliban’s Propaganda Tactics – by Abdulhadi Hairan: Published in Huffington Post “The latest sad news is that the Christian Crusaders (Americans) have burned a copy of the Holy Quran in Wardak province and have thus shown their enmity with Islam and the Muslims… The saddest aspect

Business as usual – by Shahid Kardar: Published in The News: The budget for 2010/11 has been presented at a time that the economy is struggling and the government’s fiscal position is under severe stress. This PPP government had inherited a precarious situation, which was compounded

Why terrorists get acquitted – by Chaudhry Fawad Hussain: Published in The News: Hundreds of people arrested on terrorism charges during the army operations in Swat and other areas remain in custody without being produced in court. This is in violation of Article 10 of the Constitution relating

Reinstate Sajida Mir: As a result of her dispute last week with Fauzia Behram, Sajida Mir has been dismissed from her role as president of the Lahore chapter of the women’s wing of PPP. Talking to reporters, Mir said she did not

Ahmed Ludhianvi of Sipah-e-Sahaba hits back at PPP: Some important points: 1. Ahmed Ludhianvi accuses 25 PPP MNAs including Qamar Zaman Kaira, Faisal Karim Kundi and Jamshed Dasti of taking the support of Sipah-e-Sahaba in their election campaigns. According to him, there is an equally long list

Reporting on the Economic Survey of Pakistan: The Economic Survey of Pakistan is available for download on the Ministry of Finance website. The executive summary of the Economic Survey is also available to read online via the Associated Press of Pakistan. Recently there have been a

Gas attacks on schoolgirls in Afghanistan: As of May 2010, there are 2.5 million Afghan girls enrolled in school which is a sharp contrast to 2001 when female education was banned across the country. However, Afghan schoolgirls stay in school in the face of extreme

Several perspectives on the FCR and FATA reform: It might be worthwhile to read two differing perspectives on the FCR and the FATA reform in order to come to an informed conclusion on a complicated issue that the government is likely to be dealing with in the

Amnesty: Tribal Pakistan is a ‘rights-free zone’ – BBC: Note: you can download the full Amnesty International report referenced in this article here Source BBC Millions of Pakistanis live in a “human rights-free zone” in the country’s north-west, Amnesty International says. Residents of tribal areas face Taliban abuse

2010-2011 budget in brief from the Ministry of Finance website: The PDF document is available to read here Some useful tables from the document:

Why Pakistan can’t convict terrorists: Part II – by Eqbal Alavi: Link to Part 1: Pakistan defence forums has posted a very interesting discussion thread on the reasons for the extremely low rate of terrorism convictions in Pakistan. Here is the thread header, but it’s also worthwhile to read

Hundreds witness Pakistan Taliban public execution: Source BBC Up to 700 people in a tribal region of north-west Pakistan watched the Taliban publicly execute a man accused of killing two brothers, officials say. Masked militants shot the man, blindfolded and bound, dead at a football

Thank you Sherry Rehman: Sherry Rehman has been one parliamentarian who has consistently taken a brave stance against all forms of extremism and bigotry. In February she brought to attention the activities of banned organizations in the Punjab by-election: ”It is shocking to

Is Dr. Shahid Masood ready for “Rule of Law”?: From this report in Dawn it seems that it has come to the notice of the Public Accounts committee (headed by Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan) that when Dr. Shahid Masood tendered his resignation from PTV, he did not provide

Official admits militancy has deep roots in Pakistan – New York Times: Source New York Times LAHORE, Pakistan — Days after one of the worst terrorist attacks in Pakistan, a senior Pakistani official declared in a surprising public admission that extremist groups were entrenched in the southern portion of the nation’s

Democracy in Pakistan: the chasm – by Haris Gazdar: Source Economic and political weekly (With thanks to reader Hussain Bux Mallah for providing a link to this article) With the passing of the 18th constitutional amendment in April 2010, democratic Pakistan’s journey for political stability came within leaping

Why can’t Pakistan convict any terrorists? Part I – by Rabia Shakoor and Eqbal Alavi: Let’s consider the acquittals in high profile terrorism cases in May 2010 alone: On May 30, Maulana Abdul Aziz of Lal Masjid was acquitted in the Children’s Library case. On May 25, the Supreme Court dismissed the appeals filed

The Zardari we do not get to know – by Shahzad Jillani: First published in the Express Tribune: KARACHI: Considered as one of the most powerful personalities of the country, President Asif Ali Zardari in his private life presents a picture very different from what is portrayed by both the national

We have done well, so far – by Meekal A. Ahmed: Source Express Tribune The ongoing stabilisation phase of economic adjustment has gone well but as always there are nuances and reservations. The economy’s twin-deficits are better contained although there appear to have been some slippages on the fiscal side

Politics over national interest – Daud Khattak: Source Daily Times The JUI-F cares more for saving the skin of its leadership than national interests. By signalling a parting of ways with the Centre, the JUI-F leadership wants to convey to the Taliban its ‘hate’ towards the

News updates on Hunza lake (various sources): Outflow from Hunza Lake imminent (Express Tribune): Assistant Commissioner Hunza, Zamir Abbas told The Express Tribune that water from the lake would start emptying out thriugh the spillway soon. The government shifted displaced people settled in about 400 camps

Cotton yarn export duty conflict (various sources): No solution to yarn duty issue in sight – Nasir Jamal (Dawn): LAHORE, May 27: In their separate meetings with the federal textile minister and the finance adviser in Islamabad on Thursday, the value-added textile producers renewed their demand

Do not apologize Fauzia! – By Gulmina Bilal Ahmed: Source Daily Times: Fauzia Wahab’s statement and the resultant reaction have exposed our religious-political confusion. Religion is a private matter whereas politics is public. The constitution is the mother of all laws. All man-made laws that is The entire

Ansar Abbasi has incited violence against Fauzia Wahab: Yesterday Jang group published an article in which they claimed that more fake tapes would soon be coming out against senior Jang group journalists. It claimed that several journalists including Ansar Abbasi and Saaleh Zafar were on a “government