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Two interesting articles from a leftist perspective: Our contributor Irfan Urfi has sent us two interesting articles, one by Noam Chomsky and the other by Arundhati Roy (translated into Urdu by Manzoor ul Hasan Hashmi) The Corporate Takeover of US Democracy – by Noam Chomsky (originally

Hamid Gul callling Baitullah Mehsud and Faqir Muhammad “Mujahids”: Watch this video clip (submitted by Zalaan) which shows Hamid Gul in 2008 calling Baitullah Mehsud and Faqir Muhammad “Mujahid” and well wishers of Pakistan. Isn’t this treason? Now explain how and why our talk show hosts persist in

Dangerous Conspiracy Theories – by Peter Chamberlin: Dangerous Conspiracy Theories By: Peter Chamberlin How could a bunch of “lone wolf” researchers be considered dangerous to the United States? The official explanation given is that we confuse those who hear or read what we have to say,

Yet another report to never see the light of day: At this blog we have previously discussed the case of the Gojra report which, while commissioned and produced by the one-man tribunal of Justice Iqbal Hameed ur Rehman and submitted to the Punjab government in October 2009, has yet

Amin Fahim clarifies terms of Afghanistan-Pakistan transit trade agreement: Published in The News By Makhdoom M Amin Fahim Afghanistan is a landlocked country and we are obliged to provide it with access to seaports under our international treaty obligations. Before I start writing on the issue, it would

Dawn News Reporter – Pakistan Military’s support for militants: Dawn News recently aired a very bold show discussing the Pakistan army’s support for militants. It examined the historical ties with groups such as Jaish-e-Muhammad, Jundullah and the Taliban and whether these ties still exist. Of special note is

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa revises curriculum to teach peace – by Iqbal Khattak: Published in Central Asia Online PESHAWAR – “Soft words” are replacing “strong words” as schools and colleges in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa discard old textbooks that critics say promoted radicalism and violence. An effort is under way nationwide to modify school

Blast from the past – Imran Khan celebrating Shariah in Swat: Thanks to our co-author Farhan for this video:

Flood devastation in Balochistan: where is the government and the media?: Source The Baloch Hal QUETTA: Tens of thousands of people remained marooned as vehicular traffic and train services in the flood affected region remained suspended for the third consecutive day on Saturday. Almost six districts of Eastern Balochistan received

Command and control of war – by Ayesha Siddiqa: Published in the Tribune The writer is author of Military Inc and a visiting professor at Johns Hopkins University, US [email protected] Pakistan’s army chief has received the much-desired extension. The decision of the civilian government was applauded by all

Who is behind target killings in Karachi – by Kashif Aziz: Cross posted from Chowrangi Blog It is sad to watch the largest city of Pakistan, one that generates the largest chunk of revenue and provide jobs and shelter to Pakistanis from every nook and corner (and even across the

Where is the Gojra report? – by Laila Ebadi: Pakistan has a history of compiling reports on controversial issues and then deciding not to make them public. An example is the Hamood ur Rehman Commission report which took 26 years to see the light of day. Another such

HRCP alarmed over action targetting HEC chair’s family: Source Daily Times LAHORE: The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) has expressed serious concern over the manner in which action has been taken against relations of Javed Leghari, chairman of the Higher Education Commission (HEC), at a time

Views on news – by Sindhyar Talpur: This is an essay not on the News itself, but presentation of news and the power of media. The question I’d like to put up is whether our electronic media showing responsibility? On 19th July 2010 Pakistan and Afghanistan

Kya glass aadha bhara hua hai – by Iqbal Hyder: Originally published in Jang (with thanks to our contributor Irfan Urfi)

Taliban attack convoy in Kurram agency, killing 18: In an ambush attack on a private convoy of vehicles in Kurram agency, 18 people have been killed. The convoy was under military escort, headed to Peshawar from Parachinar on the route that had previously been declared cleared of

Inqilab-e-roos – by Ahmed Salim: First published in Monthly Sada-e-jumhoor (With many thanks to our contributor Irfan Urfi for the link)

I cried for Jalib – by Malik Siraj Akbar: Published in The Baloch Hal Finally, I have no option but to delete 03003823908 from my cell phone. This was the phone number I often used to dial or get calls from. “late” Habib Jalib, secretary general of the

بلوچستان میں سیاسی ہلاکتیں: ٹائم لائن: Source BBC Urdu یوں تو صوبہ بلوچستان میں گزشتہ چند برسوں میں اہم سیاسی و سماجی شخصیات کے علاوہ سکیورٹی فورسز، اساتذہ اور اقلیتوں کے بےشمار لوگ مارے گئے ہیں لیکن سیاسی شخصیات کی تفصیل کچھ یوں ہے۔ دو

On Abu Bakr Naji’s “Edarat al-Wahsh” (Government in the Wilderness) – by Sehar Tauqeer: Who killed the brave Son of Baluchistan fighting for his Rights today ? Who killed 100s of Baloch Nationalists , Punjab Settlers and Hazara Shias , all 3 big Entities of Baluchistan ’s Demographics in recent years ? Who

Parachinar: the valley of massacre – by Riaz Toori: Originally published in Express Tribune Blogs Parachinar was once paradise on earth but it has been burning in the fires of terrorism for years. The prices of commodities have sky-rocketed, poverty has made life hellish, and hospitals lack medicines

Shame all around – by Kamran Shafi: First published in Dawn At exactly 23:12 i.e. 12 minutes past 11pm last Thursday night, my mobile telephone rang. My old friends of ‘Private Number Calling’ infamy were at the other end. “Aap aaj XYZ embassy gaye they —

A collection of Taliban “night letters” to Afghan women: As the Taliban in Bajaur blew up another girls’ primary school just yesterday it might be relevant to look at some details of Taliban threats against women as documented in a recent Human Rights Watch report Many people are

Khursheed Nadeem:میڈیا اور اہل سیاست کی کشمکش: (With thanks to our contributor Irfan Urfi who submitted this article) اہلِ ساست کے فکر و عمل کا یہ تضاد ہر اس شخص کے لیے بھی ناقابلِ فہم ہے جو ان کے لیے کلمہ خیر کہتا ہے۔ اگر پنجاب

FATA, overlooked, ignored – by Riaz Toori: First published in Express Tribune Blogs Sixty three years have gone by but Pakistan could neither bring FATA in the mainstream of the country, politically or constitutionally nor improved the life of common man there. Twenty first century’s innovations,

Contextualizing corruption in Pakistan – by Asad Sayeed: A report published by the Collective for Social Science Research [PDF Link] Here is the conclusion of the report The Way Forward That corruption is pervasive and endemic in Pakistan is without doubt. As we have seen not only

Suicide bombing: a “reaction” one day and Blackwater conspiracy the next – by Farhan Q: Today in Jasarat (JI newspaper ) Moulna Aslam Shaikhopuri, a well known Deobandi Aalim in Karachi (graduated from Jamia Binoria) justified suicide bombings because of not having “Khilafah ” اگر مسلمانوں کا کوئی خلیفہ ہوتا تو انہیں خودکش حملے

Would you permit me – by Nizar Kabbani: (this poem was originally shared on our forum by our esteemed contributor Javed Sheikh. You can join the discussion about it here) Would You Permit Me? نزار قباني Nizar Kabbani في بلاد يغتال فيها المفكرون، ويكفر الكاتب وتحرق الكتب،

The Angraizi Complex – by Hafsa Khawaja: Cross-posted from her blog Aamna Haider Isani had written an article for Instep by the title: ‘A New Body Language For Cricket!’. In it, she mentioned the joy of watching a win for Pakistan but something she wrote triggered

11 simple question for the ISPR. Will it reply?: The Punjab government has submitted a 52 page report questioning the role of the army and intelligence agencies in the course of two specific terrorism cases on army personnel – the suicide attack on the Surgeon General of the

The Best Revenge – by Erum Haider: Cross-posted from her blog I just returned from watching “Bhutto” at the National Geographic in Washington DC. It takes me back to that moment, when I was getting my hair blow dried in the TV studios on my way

Why Pakistan can’t convict any terrorists: Part III – by Eqbal Alavi: See Part I of this series here, Part II here What the Government ought to do?: The ATO has to be amended and earlier introduced provisions should be discussed in Parliament and become Acts of the Parliament as soon

Saleem Safi’s about-face – no one should be surprised: In the past, LUBP has posted several articles by Saleem Safi in which he exposed the hypocritical nature of many Pakistanis’ support for Jihad – i.e. that Jihad was good when it was fought in Afghanistan but not good

Pakistan’s competing jihadists – by Praveen Swami: First published in The Hindu “My sister, this should explain much,” begins London-raised Dhiren Bharot’s 1999 chronicle of his life as a jihadist: “cross the line,” he urged her. Bharot’s The Army of Madinah lashed out at the jihad

In defence of the uneducated – by Iqbal Jafar: Originally published in Dawn A FALSE, even perverse, assumption, if allowed to go unchallenged for a period of time can become part of conventional wisdom. If it is significant enough it can even find place as an accepted premise

ریاض سہیل – بریلوی دیوبندی تاریخ اور اختلافات: Source BBC Urdu برصغیر میں بریلوی اور دیوبند مسالک میں اختلافات کا سلسلہ تو کئی دہائی پرانا ہے مگر ان میں شدت پاکستان کے قیام کے بعد دیکھی گئی ہے۔ دونوں مسالک کی بنیاد ہندوستان میں پڑی یعنی دیوبند

Well done Nawaz Sharif!: Well done, Nawaz Sharif for speaking out in favour of a neutral Afghan policy which respects the wishes of the Afghan people and their elected leaders. We will always remember your brave attempt at peace with India in your

Nationalism: inclusive versus exclusive – by Ishtiaq Ahmed: Part I published in the Daily Times: As an ideology and political doctrine, nationalism is a claim set forth on behalf of a body of people claiming to constitute a nation to establish a sovereign state over a specific

Stability or bankruptcy – by Dr Ashfaque H Khan: Published in The News: Pakistan entered a new fiscal year a week ago. Will 2010-11 be a year of stability or bankruptcy? That will depend entirely on the political leadership, in particular the federal and provincial governments. If they