Young Doctors Archive

YDA Islamabad stands suspended -by Saif RK: Islamabad: The Chief Commissioner of Islamabad, in exercise of his magisterial powers, has ordered the suspension of all activities of the Young Doctors Association (YDA), Islamabad, and has warned the association of legal action in case

Hail Shoukat Basra: The Punjab deputy opposition leader is attacked by police of Chief Minister who consider attending assembly session not worth enough. Deputy provincial opposition leader was attacked when he went to show solidarity with protesting young doctors who were facing brutal crackdown from police

We condemn violent crackdown on young doctors by PML-N led Punjab government: Pakistan Peoples Party’s provincial leadership strongly condemns the severe crackdown on public dissent and use of excessive force by the Punjab government against peaceful young doctors gathering for pro-health reforms at the Metro Bus Service inauguration ceremony in Lahore.

تم خادم پنجاب نہیں، ہٹلرپنجاب ہو: تم خادم پنجاب نہیں۔۔۔۔۔۔ہٹلرپنجاب ہو عامر کے قلم سے یہ ینگ ڈاکٹرز کا بھوک ہڑتالی کیمپ تھا-کل رات سے پورے پنجاب سے ینگ ڈاکٹرز اس کیمپ میں جوک در جوک آرہے تھے-اکثر ان میں سے بھوک سے نڈھال تھے

ینگ ڈاکٹرز ،گوجرانوالہ تشدد کیس اور اصل حقائق — لیل و نہار /عامر حسینی: ہم نے تین روز قبل ٹی وی چینلز پر ایک فوٹیج چلتے دیکھا-اس فوٹیج میں گوجرانوالہ ڈسٹرکٹ ہسپتال میں ایم ایس کے کمرے کا ایک منظر تھا اور اس دوران ینگ ڈاکٹرز کی تنظیم وائی ڈی اے

Shahbaz Sharif’s Pakistan doesn’t deserve me – by Usman Tahir: My name is Dr Khan, I am 26 and a government officer of BPS 17 working in Lahore in the largest hospital of Asia. I stood second in the medical college entrance test, out of 40,000 people. I studied

Do we want doctors to leave Pakistan? – by Dr Anis Rehman: First it was Dr Aftab Qurieshy from Hyderabad, who was kidnapped and then brutally murdered. Yet again we see another doctor, Dr Rahim Bux who was murdered cold bloodedly while he was working at his clinic in Karachi. Such

LHC must not stop young doctors from exercising their fundamental rights: Related : Doctors’ Strike and Moral Justification – by Awais Aftab Its a fundamental right of all employees to demand service structure , career protection and decent wages. Unfortunately , LHC accepted a petition seeking revoking license of all protesting

Doctors’ Strike and Moral Justification – by Awais Aftab: During the strike of doctors last year in Pakistan, I wrote a post as an effort to make sense of the issue of whether a strike by doctors can ever be morally justified. I am reposting it with relevant

An interview with Dr. Maroof Vaince, President YDA Faisalabad: پاکستان میں ڈاکٹرز کی پوری دنیا میں سب سے کم تنخواہیں / ڈاکٹر وینس صدر وائے ڈی اے تحریر اہتمام: رضوان اختر، ارتقاء قادر چنگاری ڈاٹ کام پنجاب بھر میں ڈاکٹرز سروس سٹرکچر جاری کروانے کے لئے پنجاب حکومت

Health Professionals given their due right – Thank you Peoples’ Government: On 1st August, 2011, LUBP’s author, Dr. Saif ur Rehman, wrote an article titled “CSHP for Federal Health Professionals: Thanks to Peoples Government”. The article very clearly presented facts about the Career Structure of Health Personnel (CSHP) for those

Young Doctors and Punjab Government – by Hafiz Soofi: نوحہ مسیحائی اگلے روز پنجاب اسمبلی کے سامنے جس بیدردی سے نوجوان ڈاکٹروں کو پیٹا گیا ہے اسنے “بلڈ پریشر” وزیر اعلی اور اسکی لولی لنگڑی طرز حکمرانی کا پردہ فاش کر دیا ہے- پرایویٹ ہسپتال اور حکومت عرصہ