Western Media Archive

حلب نامہ – قاری حنیف ڈار: شام کے شہر حلب میں مظالم نے اسرائیل کے شقی القلب یہودیوں کو بھی پیچھے چھوڑ دیا ھے ،، ھر ملک اپنی اپنی جنگ شام میں لے آیا ھے اور قیمت شامیوں کا خون ادا کر رھا ھے ،

Citizen Journalism on Syria – by Janice Korthamp: I knew this trip would be an emotional roller coaster…and I had no idea. I have been in non-stop meetings with goverment ministers, high level officials as well as talking with soldiers, office workers, taxi drivers etc. thanks

The unspoken truth is that America is supporting Al Qaeda: Heavy propaganda rages in the battle for Aleppo. The terrorists are portrayed as “Freedom Fighters”: Heavy propaganda accompanies the strategic battle in Aleppo between the Syrian Army and its allies (Russia, Iran, Hezbollah and other militia) and the Saudi-Turkey-NATO backed terrorist groups (Jabhat al Nusra, Jaysh al Islam, Ahrar as Sham and ISIS).

Western media break their silence on Aleppo with flagrant lies, omissions, obfuscations: Syrian News: “Abdulrahman was killed by a terrorist rocket on his way home back from school today (April 25).” -Eva Bartlett, In Gaza (republished at SOTT.net, Uprooted Palestinians) Terrorists mortars, rockets, and Hell Cannon-fired gas canister bombs continue

Western and Wahhabi channels give sectarian colour to Iraqi Shia and Sunni united front against ISIS: Western TV channels eg BBC, CNN along with Salafi Wahhabi channels Al Jazeera and Al Arabiya are parroting the ISIS-AlQaeda-ASWJ propaganda describing Iraqi Security Forces (ISF) and Popular Mobilisation Units as sectarian Shia militas. These idiots or thugs

Understanding the Malala Affair – by Shiraz Paracha: A large number of Pakhtuns unconditionally and wholeheartedly support Malala Yousafzai. To them Malala is a symbol of Pakhtun pride and identity. Such people see Malala as a kindle of hope because they feel frustrated by the negative image

عراق اور شام کو وہابی خلافت میں بدلنے کا منصوبہ ،دولت اسلامیہ عراق والشام کی کہانی —از قلم محمد بن ابی بکر: دولت اسلامیہ عراق والشام نے عراق کے سنّی اکثریت والے صوبے انبار کے بعد سابق عراقی صدر صدام حسین کے آبائی شہر تکریت اور موصل پر بھی قبضہ کرلیا اور موصل بغداد شہر سے صرف 90 کلومیٹر کی دوری

Veteran Pakistani journalist Nazir Naji weighs in on the Saudi-CIA war on Syria: In his Urdu column in daily Dunya newspaper, Pakistan’s senior columnist Nazir Naji writes on the situation in Syria in his usual eloquent and simple style. His column is translated and summarized here: Our sympathies for the Syrian people

Woolwich Beheading: Educating the West about the Wahhabi brand of terror – by Rusty Walker: Photo: Proof of Salafist connections to terrorists are often missed, as the press use generic terms like, “Jihadist.” The Wahhabi connection is more evident in this photo of Anjem Choudary, British-based Wahhabi-Deobandi hate preacher, pictured with the Woolwich terrorist

War with NATO, suicide for Pakistan – by Shiraz Paracha: A low-intensity military conflict between Pakistan and the United States is going on in Afghanistan and along the Pak-Afghan border since the U.S. military invasion and occupation of Afghanistan. Both sides have been using proxies and guerrilla war tactics

Iran isn’t an enemy of the Jewish people – by Shiraz Paracha: World bullies threat Iran often on the basis of biased, politicized and incorrect reports of the International Atomic Energy Commission (IAEA). Such reports are prepared on false assumptions and estimates usually in collaboration

Gaddafi’s bloodied body will haunt imperialists! – by Shiraz Paracha: A dear friend of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto and a supporter of the people of Pakistan, Muammar Gaddafi of Libya was killed in the most violent way by NATO and its Al-Qaeda mercenaries. The U.S. President Barack Hussein Obama and

American Empire takes over American Republic—-By Shiraz Paracha: Warmongers in the Empire of America are preparing for their ‘Pakistan Adventure’ as helpless but peace loving citizens of the Republic of America watch with horror how a very powerful group of people and institutions is pursuing a murderous agenda in the

Pakistan and the Search for Identity (Part 1) – by Rusty Walker: About the author: Rusty Walker is an Independent Political Analyst, educator, author, Vietnam veteran-era U.S. Air Force, from a military family, retired college professor, former Provost (Collins College, U.S.A.), artist, musician and family man. Rusty Walker is an ardent

British double standards–by Shiraz Paracha: Last week, hundreds of the BBC World Service employees gathered outside the Bush House in London to demonstrate against the detention of one of their colleagues, Urunboy Usmonov, in Tajikistan for his alleged links with an extremist militant group,

U.S. aggression against North Korea and China – by Shiraz Paracha: The United States and its faithful allies within NATO would demand invoking the Article 5 of NATO’s charter if China had conducted joint military exercises with Cuba or Venezuela in the international waters near the U.S coast. But the

Western information contradicts facts – by Shiraz Paracha: Five years ago, when hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans in the United States, the rich and affluent people of the city escaped in big cars, leaving behind hundreds and thousands of mostly poor African Americans to drown and die.

China-Pakistan relationship and opacity of Western Media: Pakistan is always in the news for reasons not necessarily as important as it may seem. By considering Pakistan an ally to the US in “War on Terror”, it is assumed that Pakistan has been taken on lease