Saleem Shahzad Archive

سلیم شہزاد کے خاندان کو انصاف کی امید نہیں: پاکستانی صحافی اور شدت پسندی پر ایک کتاب کے مصنف سید سلیم شہزاد کو 29 مئی 2011 کو اسلام آباد سے اغوا کیا گیا۔ بعد میں ان کی تشدد شدہ لاش ملی جس نے ملک بھر میں بڑی تعداد

Did Ali Dayan Hasan (of HRW) recant statement against ISI?: The newly appointed Director General of the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) may have attained an understated and unsung victory for his intelligence agency considering the recent and highly surprising statement by Human Rights Watch’s Pakistan head Ali Dayan Hasan that

Lies and secrets — by Salman Tarik Kureshi: In the coming week, the nation will commemorate the thirty-third anniversary of the day on which Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto’s soul was forcibly separated from his body. For more than sixty percent of the population who came into this world

Stratfor emails about Saleem Shahzad: Some lessons for Pakistani journalists: Here are some quick comments on the Stratfor emails (via WikiLeaks) that point towards late Saleem Shahzad’s possible affiliation with two intelligence agencies, ISI (previous affiliation) and CIA (affiliation at the time of his murder). Despite our unconditional and

We condemn Pakistan army’s harassing and threatening statement against HRW: Pakistan army’s media wing (ISPR) has issued a press release (16 Feb 2012) titled “Human Rights Watch (HRW) Report on Judicial Commission on Saleem Shehzad Murder Case Not Correct” hitting back at Human Rights Watch (HRW) for its news release claiming

Saleem Shahzad Commission results marred by free ride to ISI: Government has to Take on Military and Intelligence Services and end Impunity (New York) – The Pakistani government should redouble efforts to find the killers of the journalist Saleem Shahzad, following the failure of the judicial inquiry commission to

Hamid Mir, the murderer!: Hamid Mir, Jang Group/Geo TV’s star anchor and columnist, is not only known for sympathetic views for Deobandi and Salafi terrorists (Al Qaeda, Taliban, Sipah-e-Sahaba aka ASWJ), he also played a direct and indirect role in the murder of

We reject judicial commission’s report on Saleem Shahzad murder case: We reject the judicial commission’s report on the Saleem Shahzad murder case, which gives a clean chit to Shahzad’s murderers and instead blames the victim. Shahzad was abducted while driving from his house to a television station in Islamabad

Here we go again -by Saroop Ijaz: We have reached a point where inside information, rumours and political analysis have lost significance or even the morbid thrill, primarily because it is becoming impossible to tell them apart. The president leaving the country is not supposed to

Why Pakistan’s media needs a code of conduct?: Pakistan’s media landscape has exploded over the last decade. But it is still the most dangerous place on earth to be a journalist and there are now calls for a strict code of conduct to protect the press and

Attacks on journalists and media freedom – by Imtiaz Alam: Media Commission Pakistan held its second conference on 15th October in Islamabad on “attacks on journalists and media freedom”. About 150 editors and leading journalists attended the conference. Following are excerpts from the declaration issued by the conference. The

Ali Dayan Hasan’s (HRW) statement to Saleem Shahzad Inquiry Commission: Statement by Ali Dayan Hasan, Human Rights Watch, To Syed Saleem Shahzad Inquiry Commission 9 August 2011 I. Human Rights Watch Human Rights Watch is a nongovernmental organization that monitors human rights in more than 80 countries around the world.

Why the military is the problem in Pakistan —by Fahd Ali: In some ways the military follows the same occupant/conqueror mindset that was followed before 1947 and the British concept of ‘us’ and ‘them’ is still followed — only now it has been replaced with the ‘civilian and non-civilian’ binary

Why Pakistan wants to keep that $800 million in aid, after all: A day after Pakistani military officials shrugged off news that the US was cutting $800 million of aid for materiel and expelled military trainers, Pakistan’s prime minister expresses ‘concerns’ and its spy chief visits Washington. By Howard LaFranchi In

CARTE BLANCHE: Defaming Pakistan —by Mehmal Sarfraz: It is said that a wounded animal is most dangerous. Our military is behaving like a wounded animal and trying to shut down all dissenting voices. The military operation in Balochistan is a clear example of how the army

NYT urges Washington to get ISI chief removed: Asserting that the ISI has become inimical to the interests of the US and Pakistan, The New York Times has asked Washington to seek the removal of Lt Gen Ahmed Shuja Pasha as its chief and slap sanctions against

Ikram Sehgal: Please answer now -by Waseem Altaf: Mr.Ikram Sehgal in his article “Image of the uniform” published in the news of July 7th, 2011 writes with the following catch line: “The armed forces took a massive pounding because of the May 2 Abbottabad incident, but recent

Asma Jahangir urges civilians to challenge army: Pakistan’s civilian leaders should capitalize on public anger with the military and try to ease its grip on power, a leading human rights activist and lawyer Asma Jahangir said. The army’s image has been dented by a number of

Is Pakistan “more shameless” than the US? – by B. R. GOWANI: The author Christopher Hitchens, a former leftist turned US patriot, in an article in the July issue of the Vanity Fair, blasts Pakistan for the various ills bedeviling that country. Another of his point is that Pakistan is extracting

Dysfunctional, incapable or extra clever?: The Pakistani Army and it’s leadership is facing worst sort of credibility crises and increasing criticism of poor administrative and defense practices, and right now practically it finds itself in the midst of a inferno, particularly after Osama Bin

Book Review: A thousand and one tales of terror- by Dr Mohammad Taqi: The book is a news reporter’s entry into the world of analyzing current affairs and to an extent geopolitical forecasting. Off the bat, the author rejects the prevailing western understanding of al-Qaeda being on the ropes Book review: Inside

Over a coffee: Alcohol is thicker than blood —Dr Haider Shah: The courts should remain defenders of fundamental rights and personal liberties. When the Facebook ban was issued, the court appeared to be playing to the gallery of populist radicals A long time ago, when I was a college student

What an egomaniac our CJP is! Appoints same judges as Commission heads!: To say our Chief Justice, Iftikhar Chaudhry is an egomaniac would be an understatement. While he remains trigger happy to humiliate the sitting government over one thing after another, either through his suo-moto notices or through his “spokesmen” in

Missing Daniel Pearl – Jang Group’s dirty role: While our entire nation reels under the influence of extremism, with no one’s life safe, our journalists have been at the receiving end of targeted killings and terrorism like all of us. With the mushrooming of electronic media in

Saleem Shahzad, Al Qaeda and ISI: Murdered journalist’s findings show Al Qaeda is winning in nuclear Pakistan more effectively than in Somalia and Yemen By Khaled Ahmed Anyone who has read Inside Al Qaeda and the Taliban: Beyond Bin Laden and 9/11 by Saleem Shahzad

Hamid Mir Wars – by Danial Lakhnavi: کہتے ہیں کہ حج کے موقع پر منٰی میں شیطانوں کو کنکریاں مارنے کی موقع پرضعیف العمر بڑے میاں کنکریوں کے بجائے شیطانوں کے ٹیلے کوچپّل اٹھا اٹھآ کے ماررہے تھے کسی نے کھا ابّاجی! چپّل نہیں کنکریاں ماریں؟

Extra-judicial killings in Pakistan: By Abdus-Sattar Ghazali Disappearance of innocent citizens, extra-judicial and target killings are not uncommon in Pakistan but last Wednesday’s brutal killing of young Sarfraz Shah by para-military Rangers in Karachi has shocked the nation. The trigger-happy Rangers mercilessly sprayed

Another open letter to General Pasha – by Ejaz Baloch: Dear General Pasha The Affix with my name “Baloch” do not entitle me to communicate directly to you as our people have no idyllic past experiences of your institution. My personal observations about you are based on your gestures

An open letter to General Pasha -by Ejaz Haider: Dear General Pasha, I write this letter to you in the wake of the gruesome and gratuitous murder of Syed Saleem Shahzad, friend to many, including myself. The Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) Directorate, the agency you head, is being accused of Saleem’s

Pakistan journalists walk razor’s edge: Reporters often put themselves in harm’s way as they try to dig up the truth about Islamic militant groups, shadowy intelligence agencies and the possible links between the two. One reporter recently ended up dead; another has a harrowing

Mission silencing: State bans Saleem Shahzad’s book: The killing of Syed Saleem Shahzad is brutal confirmation that Pakistan is the world’s most hazardous place for journalists, whistle blowers and Independent thinkers. Saleem Shahzad’s kidnapping a week ago and his later brutal murder sparked off speculation that

Pakistan’s spy agency and terrorism -by Mansoor Ijaz: Mansoor Ijaz says the real danger inside Pakistan is its powerful spy organization, Inter-Services Intelligence—and that an even more notorious outfit is an ISI-affiliate called S-Wing. The murder of a prominent Pakistani journalist, Syed Saleem Shahzad, who was kidnapped

Can anyone control Pakistan’s ISI spies ? Aamer Ahmed Khan on his own ISI experience: Related Article: Then they came for me -by Babar Sattar Pakistan’s dreaded spy agency, the ISI, is back in the spotlight, accused of murdering journalist Saleem Shahzad. The agency’s engagement with the media has become progressively more virulent as

Human Rights Watch calls for Independent Inquiry into Saleem Shahzad’s killing: Inter Services Intelligence suspected of involvement has long been above the law. All aspects of this crime, including the possibility of links to the ISI, need to be independently investigated and prosecuted. The ISI and other military and intelligence-related

Then the ISI came for me -by Babar Sattar: Related article: Can anyone control Pakistan’s ISI spies ? Aamer Ahmed Khan on his own ISI experience Mr. Babar Sattar recalls being called to ISI HQ to “discuss” an Op-Ed he wrote on “reforming khakis”. The pall of gloom,

Jang’s dirty and confusing role continues – Hamid Mir, Saleh Zafir, Ansar Abbasi, et al: The Abbottabad Saniha Commission has been under the scanner from day one. Firstly the government was being lambasted for not creating the commission and when it finally did under the chair of a “senior judge” of our azad adliya,

Syed Saleem Shahzad’s Courage: The Pakistani journalist Syed Saleem Shahzad knew he was a marked man. Mr. Shahzad, who covered national security and terrorism, had received repeated threats from Pakistan’s powerful spy agency. Yet he courageously kept doing his job — until somebody

Hameed Haroon backs HRW claims on Saleem Shahzad murder: A leading newspaper publisher in Pakistan and the president of the nationwide newspapers body has reacted sharply to charges by the Inter Services`Intelligence Agency (ISI) that allegations by Human Rights Watch of the intelligence agency’s involvement in the abduction

سلیم شہزاد کی ہلاکت – ایک بار پھر ایک لمحہ فکریہ – by Naveed Ali: صحافت ایک پیشہ نہیں بلکہ ایک بھاری ذمہ داری ہے، یہ ریاست کا چوتھا ستون شمار ہوتی ہے، صحافت ریاست اور اس کے اداروں اور افراد کے احتساب کا سب سے بڑا ذریعہ ہے ساتھ ہی ساتھ شہریوں کو
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