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Third national #media conference by Individualland @individualland: The two-day of media conference entitled “Evolution of Media: requirements, facts and fears from a free, independent and responsible media’s (FIRM) perspective” arranged by Individualland(IL) in collaboration with Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung für die Freiheit (FNF), drew a large number of journalists

Journalism in conflict areas of Pakistan: Individualland Pakistan (IL-Pakistan) is an active non-partisan, not for profit registered civil society group. Since its inception, IL has worked on pertinent issues in respect to governance, rule of law, media communication skills, strengthening civil society and democratic development.

National media conference – by Arshad Mahmood: National Media Conference: The two-day of media conference entitled “Pakistan Media: Present and Future” arranged by Individualland(IL) in collaboration with Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung für die Freiheit (FNF), drew a large number of journalists from all parts of the country including a

National Media Conference: Pakistan’s media, present & future: The two-day of media conference entitled “Pakistan Media: Present and Future” arranged by Individualland(IL) in collaboration with Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung für die Freiheit (FNF), drew a large number of journalists from all parts of the country including a strong representation from

The System Works: Related : Gilani announces Musarrat Hilali as first WOP Blogs Cross post :Individual Land It is a welcome precedence set by the Federal Ombudspersonfor Protection of Women against Harassment at Workplace, to dispose a case in two hearings and

Fard launched: Individualland is literally a cyber space where the world’s largest minority, the individual is considered the most important. Media is called the mirror of a society. But do our media work on this principle? The grotesque images of people

Report on reviewing the decade long counter-terrorism struggle: 2001-2010: Throughout the decade the greatest apprehension for the citizens, government and other concerned authorities remained security. During the year 2009, when 11704 people lost their lives among which 2324 were civilians, 991 were security personnel and 8389 were terrorists.

Govt urged to devise proper anti-terror policy: ISLAMABAD: Speakers in a daylong discussion titled “Joint efforts and terrorism” urged the government, media, civil society and educationists to join their hands against terrorism, as, they argued, unity is the only option to expunge the menace from the

The whole, not the part —by Gulmina Bilal Ahmad: Gone are the days when we could afford to be irresponsible. Irresponsibility is a luxury that we do not have any more and the sooner our social and political leadership understands this, the better. For the past week I

Finalization of APNS-CPNE Media Codes Urged: Related Articles: “Ethical Codes for Media: Yes or No?” Free, independent and responsible media -by Farhad Jarral QUETTA: All Pakistan Newspapers Society (APNS) and Council of Pakistan Newspapers Editors (CPNE) would have to play their role to curb non-professionalism in media

Free, Independent and Responsible Media- by Farhad Jarral: Pakistani Media is now considered as fourth Pillar of State. Its fact that the media is now the power pillar of State but there should be some ethics for media to make discipline within this department. Let me talk