Hate Speech Archive

Asma targeted in Ahmadi hate campaign: LAHORE: One of the leading candidates in the Supreme Court Bar Association (SCBA) elections is being targeted by a hate campaign that calls her an Ahmedi, pro-American and pro-Indian. The Khatme Nabuwwat Lawyers Forum based in Markaze Sirajia, a

Hate on the Internet – by Huma Imtiaz: KARACHI: Pakistan is no stranger to state-sanctioned censorship. Since the 1950s, successive governments, both military and civilian, have taken pains to ensure that the media has been scrutinised, censored and harassed. Even as the twenty-first century has dawned upon

Brainwashing via the Quran: The case of Faisal Shahzad and the blasphemy by the Taliban and Al Qaeda: The Quran is a message of peace for all humanity. To misinterpret and misuse the Quran to spread violence and mischief tantamount to blasphemy. Seen from this angle, all proponents, supporters and apologists of the Taliban and Al Qaeda

Ishtiaq Ahmed and the Lahore massacres – by Sabizak: Note: This excellent and timely article is cross-posted from the blog Silsila-e-Mah-o-Saal I have thought about it quite frequently since the attack on Ahmadi mosques in Lahore, but after the Data Darbar massacre it has taken even more concrete

Internet Crime Alert: The IP trail of Dr Shahid Qureshi (aka Earthman International Professor) of The London Post: Update: Watch this man: Part 1 of this post Dr Shahid Qureshi aka International Professor is a dangerous man. He is a secret member of the Hizbut-Tahrir (writers’ cell of the Al-Qaeda), an affiliate of the Sipah-e-Sahaba and Taliban,

British Secular Muslims welcome ban on hate preacher Zakir Naik: Related article: Zakir Naik: Muslim preacher of hate – by David Leppard The majority of Pakistani, Indian and other Muslims living in the UK have welcomed the UK government’s ban on hate preacher Dr Zakir Naik’s entry to the

Nawaz Sharif kafir? No, Takfiri mullah kafir: Khariji mullahs threaten Nawaz Sharif with fatwa of kufr (apostasy) in retribution of his statement on Ahmadis; they also term Ahmadi massacre in Lahore as an Ahmadi conspiracy against Islam and Pakistan Pakistan’s opposition leader and chief of Pakistan

Who is facilitating fascism in Pakistan?: Source: Pakistan Media Watch Reading Nadeem Paracha’s column yesterday, I was immediately reminded of a video clip from Shahid Masood’s TV programme that was recently posted on the blog Let Us Build Pakistan. The clip features a conversation between Shahid Masood

Ansar Abbasi’s (Geo TV’s) hate speech against Fauzia Wahab – by Mubashir Lucman: Express, 29 May 2010

Punjabi Taliban / Sipah-e-Sahaba attack two Ahmadi Mosques in Lahore: At least 70 killed, scores injured.: LAHORE: Gunmen attacked two mosques in Lahore on Friday, where gunfire and explosions rang out as people gathered for prayers, police said.
“Unknown gunmen have attacked two mosques,” police official Mohammed Hussain told AFP by telephone.
“Firing is still going on.

Textbooks from the hate factory – by Haya Fatima Iqbal: KARACHI: The portrayal of religious minorities in textbooks prescribed by state-funded textbook boards is a grave indicator of what the country’s young people are being taught in terms of tolerance and respect for other religions. According to a 2007

In defence of Punjabis: Stop target killing of Punjabi settlers in Balochistan – by Abdul Nishapuri: Update: Target killing of Professor Nazima Talib Mehdi: Shame on BLA terrorists. Where are your Baloch traditions? The Punjabi scapegoat It is common practice in the (so called) leftist and progressive circles of Pakistan to blame Punjab for all

GAME OVER: Zaid Hamid Lost, Zia ul Haq Won. By Anas Abbas: By Anas Abbas Syed Zaid Zaman Hamid, a darling of Pakistani elite, a motivator for Pakistan army officers, an absurdity for Pakistani liberals and an idol for Pakistani conspiracy theorists, has been in the headlines of Pakistani media for

Zaid Hamid’s Hate Speech – by Fasi Zaka: PART ONE Source: The News, September 18, 2008 This August 14 I was bored out of my mind late at night, and started scanning TV channels for fodder to feed my idleness. I came across a programme where a

Justice Khawaja Sharif speaks once again, this time against Hindus – by Abdul Nishapuri: Chief Justice of Lahore High Court, Justice Khawaja Sharif, has spoken once again, with the hate speech and prejudice which are his usual characteristics. Justice Sharif is notorious for his unflinching support for PML-N and Taliban and for his hostility

Who is behind Zaid Hamid’s crush India brigade? – by Kamran Shafi: The crazy Right and rump Pakistan I was to regale you with other stories to do with our security establishment’s tortured and seemingly futile hunt for the very elusive holy grail of strategic depth in Afghanistan (I ask you)

The creation of ignorance and hate speech by Pakistani media – by Kamila Hayat: The creation of ignorance There can be no doubt that the past seven years, since private media channels went on air in late 2002, have created a kind of revolution in the country. Never before in the history of

Well done, students of Peshawar University and Pashtun Aman Committee – by Nasir Ahmad: Pashtunkhwa Peace Forum, a worldwide group of Pashtun students and professional, lauds students of Peshawar University and Pashtun Aman Committee for stopping Zaid Hamid from speaking at the Islamia College Campus. A belligerent hate monger, racist, chauvinist and thug,

Zaid Hamid’s conspiracy theories — by Ishtiaq Ahmed: Conspiracy theories and theorists Conspiracy theories and their authors become a cause for concern when they begin to hallucinate and can no longer distinguish between their own flights of imagination and the world around them. When they hijack a

This is what young Pakistanis are learning: Activists of the JuD hold aloft weapons during an anti-India protest rally in Lahore on Friday

A brief, and incomplete, historical context to Zaid Hamidism – by Khawer A. Khan: First published on Khawer’s blog Here are some important events that we need to use to understand Hamidism. This is a work in progress. Im sharing it for feedback. 1903: “Protocols of the Elders of Zion”, a known forgery,

On Maria B’s “Wake up Zaidistan” and PTV – by Red Ink: PTV is no shining example of stellar journalism. Its no BBC, heck its no where near even an American network. While legally speaking it is supposed to be a public channel, PTV has often functioned as little more than

Hundreds of thousand people celebrate Sindhi Topi day; condemn ethnic hate speech by Geo TV and Jang Group: “Sindhi Cap Day” celebrated with excitement HYDERABAD, Dec 6 (APP/Dawn News/Aaj TV): Enthusiastic response was accorded on the call of “Sindhi Topi Day” here by the people of Karachi, Hyderabad and other towns and cities on Sunday. In Hyderabad,

World Sindhi Topi Day today – A protest against ethnic hate speech by Geo TV: World Sindhi Topi, Ajrak Day today Samaa TV. Upadated on: 06 Dec 09 01:47 PM By Arbab Chandio KARACHI: The first World Sindi Topi {cap} Day is being observed on Sunday (today) throughout the world including Pakistan. Various political

Shame on you, Hamid Mir, for fanning anti-Ahmadi sectarianism!: Qadianis should be allowed to preach: Altaf LAHORE: Qadianis (Ahmadis) should be allowed to preach their ideology in Pakistan, Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) chief Altaf Hussain told a private TV channel on Tuesday. During an interview, he said

Al Qaeda / Taliban using sophisticated web-sites and sleeper cells. Some presence noticed on Pakistan related web site and blogs…: Al Qaeda was using sophisticated Web sites and sleeper cells across the Middle East, North Africa and Central Asia to enlist young fighters who are less patient or inclined to plan and carry out far-reaching global attacks and who

Internet Crime Alert: Watch Dr. Shahid Qureshi of The London Post: Update: Part 2 of this post: IP trail of Dr Shahid Qureshi “Dr. Shahid Qureshi” is probably another alias of the notorious cyberspace terrorist who calls himself “Earthman, International Professor”. Syed Adeeb and Moin Ansari are two of of

Internet Crime Unit Alert: Abidullah Jan and Dictatorshipwatch.com: The so called Dictatorship Watch hate website (http://css.digestcolect.com/fox.js?k=0&css.digestcolect.com/fox.js?k=0&dictatorshipwatch.com) is run by two dubious characters: the front man is a yellow journalist, a sympathizer and promoter of the Taliban and Al Qaeda; his name is Abidullah Jan who is based

Websites “harmful for the integrity of the country” banned in Pakistan: PTA orders blockade of political webpages, discussion forums Friday, January 02, 2009By Urooj Zia Karachi The Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) issued directives in the last week of December to Internet Service Providers (ISPs), ordering them to block a list

Dumb questions invite dumb answers – By Aziz Ahmad: Dumb questions invite dumb answers Tuesday, December 23, 2008 Aziz Akhmad The Mumbai attacks had not even ended yet, when a TV reporter of a Pakistani channel, armed with a microphone and a camera — and a dumb question

Media war and India-Pakistan tension: As the world worries about India and Pakistan going to war over the Mumbai attack of November 26, 2008, Pakistan is all set to take on India if it attacks. Defence ministry officials in Islamabad, responding to an intelligence

The Mumbai attacks, Pakistani hawks versus Indian hawks, the old Indo-Pak bilateral venom at work? Media on both sides making good money?: Let us not isolate PakistanPresident Asif Ali Zardari has told an American talk-show host that if there is “concrete evidence” against any Pakistanis for the Mumbai attack, the suspects would not be handed over to India but tried in

The Mumbai terror attacks and the jingoistic media – by Asma Jahangir: A turning point — Asma Jahangir The recent Mumbai terror attacks should be the turning point. Governments of the region are challenged to support an open and transparent investigation in order to identify and prosecute the masterminds behind such

Internet Crime Alert – Al Qaeda’s cyber terrorist: Earthman, International Professor: Earthman International Professor is a pen-name used by a dangerous Deobandi Wahhabi cyber terrorists spreading hate speech against Sunni Sufi Muslims (Barlevis), Shias, Ahmadis, Christians, Hindus, Jews and other non-Wahhabi and non-Deobandi groups. His hate articles have been published

Stop dirty propaganda against Zaid Hamid – by Ahmed Quraishi: Supporters of Sipah Sahaba, Taliban and other extremist groups in Pakistani media and blogsphere are currently busy in crafting and spreading hate speech against Zaid Hamid. While we may agree or disagree with Zaid Hamid’s political ideology, we respect

Taliban’s FM Radio "Intolerance 101" – By Tariq Aqil: Tuesday, September 30, 2008by Tariq Aqil The month of September witnessed the brutal and senseless murder of three Ahmedis in Pakistan. This gruesome tragedy happened in the aftermath of a popular TV programme in which Ahmedis were blamed for
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