Who are you against Israel or Palestine?: First off, I want to start by addressing Shaherbano’s comment on Muslims being the oppressors for 1500 years. Although there are a lot of examples of “Muslim” kings doing genocide against their own people, it doesn’t mean that all
Anti-Semitism: what it is and is not – by Alan Hart: “An anti-Semite used to be a person who disliked Jews. Now it is a person who Jews dislike “ Those are the words of my dear Jewish friend, Nazi (Auschwitz) holocaust survivor Dr Hajo Myer. They are taken
فسطائی قبیلہ اور دھشت گردی: نوفسطائی قبیلہ اور دھشت گردی لیل و نہار/عامر حسینی ہمارے ہاں بہت سے ایسے لوگ موجود ہیں جو دھشت گرد تنظیموں کے وجود کے جواز کے لیے اپنے قلم اور زبان کو رواں رکھے ہوئے ہیں-ان کے پاس سوفسطائی
The fascist struggle in Pakistan — by Naveed Afridi: We have seen the fusing of religious symbolism in the narrative of modern Pakistan, the worship of the armed forces and promotion of adventurous militarism from TV personalities as well as in charismatic figures like Zaid Hamid. We have