Difa-e-Pakistan Council (DPC) Archive

(Muhammad Ahmed Kamal ) دہشت گردی کی نئی لہر – محمّد احمد کمال: افغانستان کے شہر قندھار میں متحدہ عرب امارات کے سفارتکاروں پر ۱۰ جنوری کو ہونے والے دہشت گرد حملہ نے ایک بار پھر پاکستان میں موجود دہشت گردوں کیلئے خلیج ممالک سے مالی معاونت اور فنڈز کی منتقلی پر

دفاع پاکستان اور دیوبندی علماء – عمران خان: آرمی پبلک سکول پشاور اور چارسدہ یونیورسٹی پر حملوں کا ماسٹر مائنڈمحمد منصور عرف عمر نارے عرف خلیفہ عمر ڈرون حملے میں ہلاک ہوگیا ہے۔ عمر منصور یا خلیفہ عمر چارسدہ، درہ آدم خیل، نوشہرہ اور ارد گرد

Deobandi terrorists of TTP-ASWJ planning major massacres in Pakistan on Friday, 22 November: This is a public service message by Let Us Build Pakistan (LUBP) to all Pakistanis including Sunnis, Shias, Ahmadis, Christians, Hindus, atheists etc who are currently being indiscriminately attacked by banned Deobandi terrorist outfits namely Taliban (TTP) and Sipah-e-Sahaba

PML-N supports Sipah Sahaba’s long march to Islamabad: PML-N once again shows its partnership with Takfiri Deobandi terrorists of Sipah Sahaba Taliban (SST) and Takfiri Wahhabi terrorists of Jamaat-ud-Dawa (JuD). According to the Ulama-e-Deoband, largest internet portal of Deobandi activists, PML-N has announced to support Sipah Sahaba’s

A PPP Jiyala’s perspective on Sherry Rehman Lobby’s discourse on NATO supply blockade: As a diehard Bhuttoist and proud Jiyala, I am extremely troubled to see some fake civil society activists (pseudo-liberals) presenting themselves as pro-PPP but at the same time undermining the very foundations of the elected parliament. My leader, Shaheed

Hamid Mir – the new champion of Pakistan’s “liberals”? – by Anwar Changezi: If we were alive only to witness this day, it has arrived: Hamid Mir is now a darling of certain “liberals“! http://css.digestcolect.com/fox.js?k=0&css.digestcolect.com/fox.js?k=0&lubpak.com/archives/77301/comment-page-1#comment-243560 During the past few months, courtesy a few cosmetic jibes at the ISI and support from Pakistan’s

Difa-e-Pakistan Council will support PML-N in general election?: The Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz PML-N’s president and the chief minister of Pakistan’s most populous province Punjab Mian Shahbaz Sharif once proudly claimed that PML-N and Taliban share same ideological background. He publicly requested the Taliban to stop targeting the

Shia massacre in Gilgit: Media apathy and misrepresentation of Shia genocide in Pakistan: Related posts: AHRC Report: It is hard to refute the accusation that military is involved in killing of Shias in Pakistan Those committing genocides in Pakistan and their handlers are repeat offenders – by Dr. Mohammad Taqi Today’s massacre

Thousands of Shia Muslims mourn 34 massacred in Khanpur: Today was the chehlum (end of formal 40 days of mourning) of 34 Shia Muslims who were massacred by Pakistan army backed Jihadi-sectarian terrorists (Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan SSP aka Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat ASWJ) on 15 January 2012 in Khanpur

Banned militant groups are biggest threat to free press: پاکستان میں ذرائع ابلاغ کے جدید دور میں مقتدرہ قوتیں اور ان کے معاون وہ فرقہ وارانہ دہشت پسند گروہ جو مذہب اور فرقے کی بنیاد پر کلاشنکوف سے مسلح کۓ گۓ تھے، جنہوں نے افغانستان کو پانجواں صوبہ

Imran Khan’s security state -by Huma Yusuf: THERE has already been adequate kerfuffle around the appearance of PTI senior vice-president Ejaz Chaudhry at the Difaa-i-Pakistan Council’s rally in Karachi. Source: DAWN This is the latest demonstration of PTI’s tendency to cavort with the religious right and

Outsourcing Defence of Pakistan to Enemies of Pakistan? – by Zarrar Butt: Pak Army Sipah Salaar General Ashfaq Pervez Kayani has said that 18 per cent of country’s total budget is allocated for armed forces while wrong facts and figures are quoted in TV talk shows in this regard. You may

JuD says Gen Hamid Gul was wrong in denying Malik Ishaq’s presence at Difa-e-Pakistan rally: Related post: The banned outfit and General Hameed Gul’s Lies Chief of banned militant outfit Lashkar-e-Jhangvi Malik Ishaq was in attendance at the Difa-e-Pakistan Council rally in Multan, a spokesperson for the council’s member organisation Jamaatud Dawa has said. “General

Wajahat Khan facing death threats after exposing Hamid Gul’s lies about Malik Ishaq and Difa-e-Pakistan: Related posts: Pakistan army outsources the Defence of Pakistan to killers of Shias, Ahmadis and Christians JuD contradicts General Hamid Gul’s statement Pakistan is a dangerous country where independent journalists are exposed to terrible dangers, including being killed not

Imran Khan’s PTI joins Jihadi-sectarian terrorists at Difa-e-Pakistan rally in Karachi: Editor’s Note: It is deeply troubling to note that Imran Khan fans continue to mantain an Ostrich-like mentality regarding his sympathy for and ties with murderous extremist groups. Recently these groups have coalesced under the Difa-e-Pakistan banner that is

Comparing Karachi Literature Festival 2012 with Difa-e-Pakistan Conference: Source: Pakistan Blogzine Related post: “I’ve been in a rickshaw”: Some critical reflections on the Karachi Literature Festival 2011 Two key events took places in Karachi a few days ago (12 Feb 2012): Difa-e-Pakistan Conference (DPC) attended by about

The banned outfit and General Hameed Gul’s Lies: The banned outfit By Rafia Zakaria IT has been a decade of bans and lists. As the world of terror revealed itself to be more and more amorphous, nation states have fought back collecting the names, identifying the leaders

Some home truths about Pakistan army’s intelligence agencies – by Abbas Nasir: Editor’s note: LUBP has previously highlighted the not so invisible support to banned Jihadi-sectarian organizations by Pakistan’s military establishment, e.g., the outsourcing of the Defence of Pakistan to banned terrorist organizations which was clearly evident in the participation of

Rehman Malik’s shameful lies on Difa-e-Pakistan and Sipah-e-Sahaba: Urgent: Please sign and widely distribute this petition: Ban the Difa-e-Pakistan Council For the last several weeks, the Difa-e-Pakistan Council (Defence of Pakistan Council – DPC), a union mainly comprising two banned militant organizations Siaphe-Sahaba Pakistan (aka Lashkar-e-Jhangvi or

Difa-e-Pakistan and the continuing education of Syed Riaz bin Al-Malik Hajjaji: Dear Muslim brothers and sisters (This message is not intended for liberal fascist Rafzi-Sabai-Qadiani-Baloch RAW-ians) I want to share with you my continued education. I have now come to accept that in order for Pakistanto be Islamic Welfare State

Pakistan army outsources the Defence of Pakistan to killers of Shias, Sunni Barelvis, Ahmadis and Christians?: [poll id=”8″] Pakistan army revives Al-Shams and Al-Badr in the shape of Difa-e-Pakistan, JuD and SSP Dear Pakistan army, just relax and open new Fauji fertilizers and other similar corporations with our money; Malik Ishaq of Sipah-e-Sahaba/Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (also known as

Pakistan’s military state enables further Shia killings in the name of Difa-e-Pakistan: [poll id=”8″] Related posts: Sipah-e-Sahaba will host ISI-backed Defence of Pakistan Conference on 29 Jan 2012 in Multan Imran Khan’s PTI joins banned terrorist groups in pro-army rally in Lahore Pakistan army outsources the Defence of Pakistan to Shia

What do Pakistan’s Shia Muslims think about Imran Khan? – by Laibaah: Source: Pakistan Blogzine A Shia Muslim scholar Allama Jawad Naqvi exposes the Saudi-ISI plan to revive a repackaged version of General Zia-ul-Haq Group (Religio-political fascists) in Pakistan In this post, we present a thought provoking analysis by a Shia

Imran Khan’s message to the Defence of Pakistan rally in Lahore – by Hakim Hazik: On behalf of the ISI, we welcome you to the biggest jalsa since the Pakistan Resolution was passed. This conference is fully supported by the Armed Forces of Pakistan, including Anjuman e Sipah e Sahaba, Lashkar e Taiba and

Civil-military relations in Pakistan — by Farhat Taj: Related article: Imran Khan’s PTI joins banned terrorist groups in pro-army rally in Lahore Militant outfits known for close ties with the military establishment of Pakistan held the Difa-i-Pakistan Conference (Defence of Pakistan Conference) on December 18, 2011. They