Deep state Archive

ملٹری اسٹبلشمنٹ،تزویراتی گہرائی اور تکفیری خارجی عسکریت پسندی-آخری حصّہ: یہ سب محض اتفاقات نہیں ہیں بلکہ اگر ہم پاکستان اور سعودیہ عرب کے درمیان ان واقعات کو ذھن میں رکھتے ہوئے سٹریٹجک تعلقات کی ازسرنو استواری،پاکستان میں سعودی وزیر دفاع سے لیکر اہم ترین سعودی اعلی عہدے داروں

ملٹری اسٹبلشمنٹ،تزویراتی گہرائی اور تکفیری خارجی عسکریت پسندی-پہلا حصّہ: پاکستان کی ملٹری اسٹبلشمنٹ کی جانب سے افغانستان کو اپنی کالونی بنانے ،اںڈیا سے کشمیر کو حاصل کرنے ،انڈیا سے مشرقی پاکستان کی علیحدگی کا بدلہ لینے اور پاکستان کو ہمسایہ ملکوں کے اندر ایک ڈیپ ریاست بنانے کے

It is okay if Taliban kill our soldiers? A comment on the slaughter of 15 FC personnel in Waziristan: Related post: A month since Taliban executed 15 Pakistani soldiers, yet no outrage. Now watch the executions; perhaps… Editor’s note: In the following article published in Daily Times, Farhat Taj highlights a case of selective morality and hypocrisy recently

Riyasat mein riyasat -by Nazir Qaiser: اردو اور پنجابی کے معروف منفرد تیکھے لہجے اور بلند آہنگ شاعر اور ادیب نذیر قیصر روزنامہ مشرق کیلئے روزانہ قطعہ لِکھ رہے ہیں۔ ہم آج کا قطعہ قارئین کی خِدمت میں کراس پوسٹ کر رہے ہیں سیاست میں

The ANP and revenge attacks —by Farhat Taj: If terror attacks in Pakistan is Pakhtun revenge, then the ANP must be involved in the attacks. Surely, ANP and non-ANP victims of terrorism share the same culture and social setup By now the notion that several of the

Najam Sethi parrots Deep State’s lies by equating Pashtuns with Taliban – by Salma Jafar: Related posts: Najam Sethi’s support for Pakistan army and their Haqqani Network – by Lakshmi Khatri Najam Shady ringing alarm bells – Dilshad Chandio LUBP must not consciously malign Najam Sethi On LUBP’s apology to Najam Sethi club: Why

Aiders and abettors – by Kamran Shafi: Related posts: Maleeha Lodhi and her services to the Deep State LUBP Archive on Maleeha Lodhi The Deep State is not alone in its enterprise of trying to fool all of the people all of the time for its

Najam Shady ringing alarm bells – Dilshad Chandio: On wednesday night ( September 21st, 2011) in his show, Najam Sethi alluded to a joint ghairat brigade assault on the PPP govt given deteriorating relations with America on the Haqqani network issue. His analysis went thus: the US

Debate on USIP-JI report on Afghanistan and Moeed Yusuf’s testimony to US Congress – by Marvi Sirmed: There has been a discussion on Pakistan Press google group on the recent report about a mythical ‘endgame’ in Afghanistan, produced by Jinnah Institute and USIP. While one has many questions on the report’s contents, the discussion was suddenly

In support of Shahbaz Taseer: We are extremely perturbed to hear the news of the kidnapping of Shahbaz Taseer and our thoughts, prayers and wishes are with his family in this trying hour. In trying to make sense of this disturbing and depressing event,

Shia Hazaras of Queta: Entrapped in deep state’s delinquent and obedient proxies – by Farrukhzad Ali: Initially, I was amazed at the media attention Syed Ibrar Hussain’s recent assassination in Quetta received, but I could rationalize it quickly – it wasn’t Syed Ibrar Hussain (or Ibrar Agha as he was known) who was being eulogized

Saleem Shehzad’s killing; Media: Wake up and smell the coffee!: This is the height of it. You find anyone who doesn’t tow the line of our “deep state” or becomes a potential threat to those linked with the “deep state” are not just beaten, but are killed. Syed Saleem

Clean Bowled: Deep State and Osama bin Laden – by Kamran Shafi: “BY golly some of our great anchors are something to behold after the springing of Master Raymond Davis from jail … foaming at the mouth; trembling with white rage …” — yours truly in this same space in March,

Utter shame PM Gilani and Rehman Malik: It is utter shame how Prime Minister Gilani and Rehman Malik have been behaving like a ‘Devil’s Advocate’. More than two hundred young men from Parachinar have been camping outside the National Press Club in Islamabad for the past

Salman Taseer: Another victim of the deep state, its ideological and political faces – by Shaista Aazar: Related article: A plan well executed Governor Punjab Salman Taseer is assassinated by his own guard from the Punjab Police Elite force, Malik Mumtaz Hussain Qadri. He very proudly confessed it before the security officials, saying that he has

Blasphemy laws: The shape of things to come – by Omar Ali: Taking Sides : The Liberals and the Right The decision of a lower court to award the death penalty to a poor Christian woman accused of blasphemy has ignited a wide debate over Pakistan’s blasphemy laws. Liberals have asked

Beyond the Deep State: Prospects of Pak India relations – By Omar Ali: A friend from “Critical PPP” asked for an article about the current crisis in Pakistan and got me thinking on the question: Is there something peculiar about the crisis in Pakistan or is it similar to all the other