Bashir Bilour Archive

Consent and coercion in ‘Takfiristan’ — by Dr Mohammad Taqi: Both urbicide and ghettoisation of the Shia, especially that of the Shia Hazara in Quetta, remain underway in Pakistan as the politicians smoke the peace pipe with the Taliban/LeJ/ASWJ After the assassination of its brave leader Bashir Bilour, the

تیز ترک گامزن منزل مانددور نیست: جہاں آرا منظور وٹو ۔۔۔۔: بالآخر پاکستان کی سیاسی تاریخ میں پہلی مرتبہ عوام کی منتخب آئینی، جمہوری حکومت اپنی آئینی مدت پوری کرنے جا رہی ہے۔ جمہوریت جس کے چراغ آج دنیا بھر میں روشن ہو رہے ہیں، جس کو آج دنیا بھر

The sickly smell of surrender: By Zarrar Khuhro Published: February 9, 2013 The writer is editor of The Express Tribune Magazine [email protected] On April 21, 1996, Chechen separatist leader Dzokhar Dudayez was killed by missiles fired from a Russian aircraft. The missiles had locked

Shaheed Bilour: immortalized, not silenced — by Ammara Ahmad: Mr Bilour was the only mainstream politician who dared to take a clear position against terrorism. The greatest victory of a politician and activist like Bashir Bilour is to be known for his cause during his lifetime and afterwards.

Silence is no option; bole kay lab azad hain tairay! -by Dr Amjad Cheema: Firstly I would like to salute Bashir Bilour & all those who continue to make ultimate sacrifice while standing up against forces of darkness. Day in & day out humanity is being massacred by these forces of evil. Make

Lack of state-protection enabled Benazir Bhutto’s murder, same is enabling Shia genocide – by Rusty Walker: Part 2 Part 1 of this article can be read here: How would Benazir Bhutto view Shia genocide today? – by Rusty Walker Where were the promised security forces for protection of Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto Shaheed upon her triumphant

ANP condemns Shia genocide: Awami National Party (ANP, Sindh Chapter) has condemned Shia genocide taking place in all parts of Pakistan, particularly in Karachi, at the hands of Takfiri terrorists who are also target killing moderate Sunni Muslims, Ahmadis, Christians and other communities.

Is it still not our war? -by Shama Junejo: “When they are united from Afghanistan to Karachi, then why we are still scattered and reluctant to own that this is not out war. They say that it is only ANP’s war. ‘No’ now they are killing us first,

Shaheed Basheer Bilour’s historical speech against Taliban, Al Qaeda and Deobandi mullahs: Here is a historical speech by Shaheed Bashir Ahmed Bilour in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Provincial Assembly in which he criticizes Takfiri Deobandi mullahs (clerics) of the JUI, Sipah Sahaba and Taliban. In particular, Shaheed Bilour boldy names and condmens

Deobandi activists of Sipah Sahaba are celebrating brutal murder of Bashir Bilour: Summary: In the aftermath of the murder of Bashir Ahmed Bilour which was shamelessly accepted by the Taliban, Deobandi activists of the Sipah Sahaba Taliban are currently busy in justifying and celebrating the brutal murder. The following is

Deobandi militants in Peshawar Pakistan kill the Lion of Pashtuns Bashir Bilour Shaheed: قتل گاہوں سے چُن کر ہمارے علم اور نکلیں گے عشاق کے قافلے جن کی راہِ طلب سے ہمارے قدم مختصر کر چلے درد کے فاصلے کر چلے جن کی خاطر جہاں گیر ہم جاں گنوا کر تری دلبری