Bangladesh Archive

Media Blackout: Why Is the World Not Acknowledging Shahbagh?: Posted on February 19, 2013 | When I was a little girl, I always wanted Bangladesh to be famous. I did not like that whenever people asked me where I was from I would have to explain, “Bangladesh, this

In Appreciation of Laal: I. A. Rehman (Chairperson Human Rights Commission Pakistan): Bravo! With you in this. Fahmida Riaz Lahore, Pakistan: Piary Bhai. I am with you, tell me to do anything and I will be ready to do it. What

توہین رسالت کے نام پر توہین رسالت – از حق گو: شاہ باغ سے بادامی باغ تک…. کتنا ہی وقت گزرا ہے… کتنا ہی سما بیتا ہے… دسیوں سال بیت گے… مگر ہم ابھی وہیں کے وہیں کھڑے ہیں… سنتالیس میں جو ملک بنگالیوں سے مل کر بنایا تھا…..اسے انہی بنگالیوں

Laal is voice of the oppressed, not a populist movement -by Taimur Rahman: Laal has never worked merely for popularity but always to raise the concern of the oppressed classes. In this new work, which is a collaboration between Laal and El To Somoy (Bengali comrades who have made the video), we

LUBP condemns murder of Bangladeshi blogger, pen name Thaba baba, by Islamists and fake liberals: A Bangladeshi blogger who had been critical of the Islamofascist groups (Jamat Islami etc) responsible for Bengali genocide has been killed, prompting the protesters in Bangladesh to continue their round the clock sit-in vigil demanding death penalties for 1971

Contrasting Bangladeshi liberals with Pakistani “liberals” – by Sidq Maqaal: Hundreds of thousands of young protestors are occupying Shahbag junction in Dhaka. They are protesting against radical Islamists. It is indeed very heartening to see masses in a Muslim majority country rallying to the call of secularism, which means

Bangladesh and the Crises of Pakistan – by Hamza Alavi: Source: Socialist Register, 1971 Abstract The cyclonic fury with which the Pakistan Amy struck against the people of East Bengal exactly two years to the day on which the regime of President Ayub Khan had fallen and General Yahya

Memri Report: Calls to put Pakistan on genocide watch – by Tufail Ahmad: Source: Memri Table of Contents Introduction Persecution and Genocide Of Shi’ite Muslims Persecution Of Christians Persecution Of Hindus And Sikhs Persecution Of Ahmadi Muslims Conclusion Introduction [LUBP Editor’s comment: In recent years thousands of Shiite Muslims, dozens of Ahmadiyya

Rope being tightened around parliament’s neck: Awan: Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) senior leader Babar Awan has said that rope has been tightened around parliament’s neck. Addressing at a press briefing on Friday, Babar slammed PML (N) chief and former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif for moving the

Genocide of Bengal 1971: All India Muslim League was founded in Bengal, Pakistan Resolution was forwarded and presented by Late. Maulvi Fazle Haq but his name is not on the Minar-e-Pakistan, Lahore. The vote of Bengalis was 62% for Pakistan. In a memorable

Carving out new federating units for stronger federation: What is Federalism John Kincaid, Professor at Lafayette College in Pennsylvania and director of the College’s Meyner Center for the Study of State and Local Government gave a useful definition of federalism: Federalism is essentially a system of voluntary

Pakistan’s first two militant Islamist groups, Al-Badar and Al-Shams – by Nadeem F. Paracha: Violent ghosts Ever since 2009, the secular Awami League government in Bangladesh has been moving the country’s law enforcing institutions and courts against various members of the Bangladeshi Jamat-i-Islami and other (mostly Deobandi and Salafi) rightist groups. The League

Pakistani heroes of Bangladesh – by Hasan Mujtaba: بنگلہ دیش اور اس کے پاکستانی ہیرو بنگلہ دیشی حکومت اور عوام کی طرف سے ان کی حمایت کے لیے مانے اور جانے والے اس وقت کے مغربی پاکستانی سیاسی رہنماؤں اور دانشوروں میں جو نام ہیں وہ ہیں

Lost out – by Waseem Altaf: The Report: After the fall of Dacca, eight days later, on Dec 24, 1971, the then President of Pakistan Mr.Zulfikar Ali Bhutto set up the War Inquiry Commission, commonly known as the Hamood-ur-Rehaman Commission. It examined 213 witnesses, mostly

The “Ideology” of Pakistan and Bangladesh: anti-thetical or compatible? – by Shahid Ilyas: The following message depicts exactly – as far as historical records are concerned – the vision of Jinnah for a Pakistani state: “Pakistan not only means freedom and independence but the Muslim Ideology which has to be preserved, which

Altaf Hussain: Pakistan’s prize bluffer —by Dr Mohammad Taqi: “Mussolini is the biggest bluffer in Europe. If Mussolini had me taken out and shot tomorrow morning, I would still regard him as a bluff. Get a hold of a good photo of Signor Mussolini sometime and study it.

Another Martial Law? – by Omar Ali: Pakistan is in the grip of one of its periodic eruptions of speculation about impending martial law, or at least, it looks like that on TV. For weeks, the largest news channel in the country has been shamelessly promoting

Bangladesh’s Quest for Closure – by Salil Tripathi: Source Caravan Magazine: A QUARTER CENTURY AGO I met a man who calmly told me how he had organised the massacre of a family. He wasn’t confessing out of a sense of remorse; he was bragging about it, grinning

Do we need secularism? — by Dr Khalil Ahmad: For Libertarians, religious freedom is an inseparable part of this natural personal freedom that the Constitution of 1973 so purposefully protects. Protecting religious freedom as a fundamental right is not only morally, spiritually, and intellectually of greater merit but

Secularism triumphs? Bangladesh Supreme Court sets an example – by Farooq Sulehria: Secularism triumphs? The Supreme Court of Bangladesh, on January 3, not only bucked an apparently prevalent trend in the Muslim world, but also dismissed a stereotype: Islam’s incompatibility with secular democracy. By ordering a ban on the abuse of

The debate of national language: Famous Sindhi writer and Urdu columnist Amar Jaleel who recently appeared on Wussatullah’s show on Dawn News Urdu Service started a debate by saying that Jinnah was dragged or cornered into making the following speech, and somehow told Bengalis

Secularism does not mean atheism or la-deeniat: Here are two excellent articles on this topic. The first one has been written by Anand Krishan in Indonesian context, and the second one by Munno Bhai in Pakistani context. Promoting faith-based secularism Anand Krishna Jakarta – 01/18/2010 When

Iftikhar Chaudhry, do you have courage to emulate your Bangladeshi counterpart?: Bangladesh hangs Mujib’s killers DHAKA: The five killers convicted of murdering Bangladesh’s founding president Sheikh Mujib-ur-Rahman were executed late on Wednesday night at Dhaka’s central prison, the deputy law minister said. The Supreme Court of Bangladesh had dismissed the

After the Bangladesh Model…: By Aliarqam Durrani The very much debated NRO and the SC judgment about it has clearly indicated the tendencies of our political class and the non political forces of a journey in the circle. Unfortunately biases and prejudices have

Who broke Pakistan? – by Hamid Mir: The grandson of late Bengali leader Abul Hashim wrote me a letter about my last article on Lahore Resolution published in this newspaper on March 23. Abul Hashim was the Secretary General of Muslim League in United Bengal before

Pakistan: From 1971 to 2009; Some lessons for ISI, media, and oridnary public…: A page from history: How did Pakistan Army, dominated by the so called Islamic chauvinists from Punjab, treat their Bengali colleagues in 1971? And the people in Punjab remained unaware/insensitive to the plight of their Bengali brothers and sisters

The creation of Bangladesh and the role of Pakistani media: On December 16, 1971 the Pakistan army in Bangladesh unconditionally surrendered to the joint Indian and Bangladeshi forces. With the signing of the Instrument of Surrender, Bangladesh came into being and united Pakistan was at an end. However, in

Mullah Military Alliance conspiring to bring the Bangladesh model of democracy to Pakistan: Mullah Military Alliance (Imran Khan, Qazi Hussain Ahmad, JUI, and ISI) are conspiring to bring the Bangladesh model of democracy in Pakistan – By Abbas Ather Nawaz Sharif and Zardari and their

Bangladesh: familiar trajectory?: Begum Khaleda Zia of the Bangladesh National Party (BNP) has been freed and become the party’s permanent chief. She was in jail for a year on corruption charges, which are still in place. Her son Tariq Rehman is known
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