Abuse of religion Archive

بس کر او یار- از عمار کاظمی: مینار آسمان تک لے جانے ہیں جیسے آخری منزل کی کھڑکی کھولتے ہی حور کے کمرے میں داخل ہو جائے گا۔ مگر کسی غریب کی ایک کمرے کی چھت نہیں ڈالنی کہ اس کے لیے اللہ ہی کافی ہے۔

چارلی ہیبڈو، اسلامو فوبیا، آزادی اظہار اور اقدار انسانی – عامر حسینی: سب سے پہلے تو میں بیروت سے شایع ہونے والے عربی روزنامہ الاخبار کے انتہائی سئنیر صحافی یازن السعدی کا شکر گزار ہوں کہ انھوں نے مجھے فرانس کے ایک انتہائی متنازعہ نام نہاد سٹیریکل جریدے چارلی ہیبڈو کے

Perversion of Faith and Secularisation – by AZ: The war of religion has always been a part of human history. Hence, it is hardly surprising if even today the acts of terrorism are perpetrated by people motivated by an abuse of religion. It is a perversion of

Pakistan: A dangerous country for religious minorities -by Nasir Saeed: Pakistan has become “a more and more dangerous country” for religious minorities. These were the words of the HRCP’s (Human Rights Commission of Pakistan) Secretary General, Mr I A Rehman, at the launch of the commission’s annual report. Mr

Morphology of Human Intellect – by A Z: We all know, whether it be the execution of a policy, the determination of the price of commodity, the optimal use of space, or the pursuit of a degree, knowing is always a phase of life and

Prisoners at the palace: Saudi princesses plead for help as they claim they are being held by the king against their will – by Damien Gayle: Two daughters of the King of Saudi Arabia claim they and their sisters have been held prisoner in the royal palace for 13 years. Princesses Sahar, 42, and Jawaher, 38, said that they are being kept against their will

The class based religious activity – by H.A Khan: Yesterday I and my friend had to attend the Qul Khani (A Religious Activity) at two places to commemorate the sad demise of our dear ones. In the evening as I returned from these activities I was in deep

Rational Thought And Religion – by A Z: The religion often distrusts rational thought because of its inability to build the essence of religious or mystical experience into a conceptual framework. However, not only can rational thought accommodate the intuitive knowledge of metaphysical reality manifested by

EU Council conclusions on Pakistan: Summary: 18 July 2011, Brussels – Council of the European Union 3106th FOREIGN AFFAIRS Council meeting conclusions on Pakistan The Council adopted the following conclusions: 1. The EU reaffirms its commitment to building a strong long-term partnership with Pakistan,