Monthly Archive:: May 2010

S Waziristan as I saw it – by Ayaz Wazir: Source The News: Believing that the government was now making genuine efforts to improve things in Waziristan, I was always hard put to believe visitors returning from Waziristan who told me horrifying tales of the problems they faced travelling

Bhuttoism ought to be a part of school syllabus – by Ahsan Abbas Shah: A thought provoking article on inculcating the principles of Bhuttoism in Pakistan as a part of school syllabus.

Hanged Man – Gibran Peshimam: Source The News: The past week ought to be celebrated – and enthusiastically so – in Pakistan. Not just by the common man, but also by political and armed forces. After all, we apparently stand on the threshold of

BB murder probe: telecom record allegedly changed – Mohammad Asghar: Source Dawn: ISLAMABAD, May 2: The Special Investigation Group of FIA investigating Benazir Bhutto’s murder case has detected that the telecommunication record book had been tampered with and interviewed three officials of the police telecommunication wing on Sunday, besides

No senior policeman was present at Liaquat Bagh – Azaz Syed: Source Dawn: ISLAMABAD, May 1: Tampered telecommunication record has been presented before the Joint Investigation Team and the three-member committee inquiring into the assassination of Benazir Bhutto, reliable sources told DawnNews on Saturday. A decision has been taken to

Perfect Karma – by Omar Khattab: LUBP Exclusive The Rottweiler of Islamofascism is cannibalized by his own ilk By Omar Khattab in Islamabad Khalid Khawaj’s bullet-ridden body thrown onto a rubbish mound in Waziristan reminds one of William Shakespeare’s central theme in his tragedies: Evil

PPP’s Core Committee and Jang Group’s concern – by Ahmed Iqbalabadi: In The News and Jang of Sunday, May 2, 2010, Tariq Butt has presented a report captioned “Zardari holds power through Core Committee” available on The report talks about a Core Committee being formulated of the closest aides

Textbooks from the hate factory – by Haya Fatima Iqbal: KARACHI: The portrayal of religious minorities in textbooks prescribed by state-funded textbook boards is a grave indicator of what the country’s young people are being taught in terms of tolerance and respect for other religions. According to a 2007

Misfortunes of the Pakistani Left — by Dr Mohammad Taqi: The Pakistani neocon media have stoked this urban Pak-nationalist zealotry — whose detonator is Saudi Islam — and helped the grotesque fascist mediocrities like the Brothers Sharif, complete their chokehold on Pakistan’s political economy “With the development of interest-bearing

Asif Ezdi: Establishment’s latest weapon against politicians and democracy: Asif Ezdi (whose columns appear in notorious Jang Group / The News indeed) has surfaced as the establishment’s latest tool in its war against politicians and democracy in Pakistan. Pakistan Media Watch has written an article on Mr Ezdi,

Keeping the Profit in Oil and Persistent War – by Peter Chamberlin: Source: No sunglasses The accelerating pace of events in south and central Asia suggest that we are nearing the end of the “nice guy” phase in the terror war, where the need to keep-up appearances is overridden by military

The Final Solution – by Tariq Saeedi: Just in case our readers haven’t seen the following articles by Tariq Saeedi et al (News Central Asia), presenting an extensive investigative (and speculative) assessment of the situation in Afghanistan, Pakistan and the broader region, we encourage our readers

In Support of BBC: Lift the Ban Immediately: BBC ‘concern’ over Urdu FM news ban in Pakistan The BBC World Service has expressed concern that 24 out of its 34 FM partner stations in Pakistan have been told to halt BBC Urdu news broadcasts. The decision was

Fatima Bhutto’s book : Fact or Fiction??: Dr Ayesha has never failed to impress me. She has rightly pointed out that BB was not a leader because of her father, she was a leader due to her own struggle. Murtaza Bhutto thought it was his right

Who murdered Benazir Bhutto? – by Christina Lamb: Bhutto was transformed when reunited with her supporters (Paul Rogers/The Times) Benazir Bhutto was brought back to Pakistan from exile as part of an international deal. Then she was killed — and all traces of evidence were immediately swept

Sipah-e-Sahaba responsible for Khalid Khwaja’s murder – by Amir Mir: Killers of Khwaja wanted custody of Afghan Taliban, not release Sunday, May 02, 2010 By Amir Mir LAHORE: The Asian Tigers’ demand for the release of some key commanders of the Afghan Taliban, including Mulla Omar’s second-in-command, in exchange

Constitutional obligations of judiciary — by Mohammad Azhar Siddique: A constitution is the aspirations of the people. It is the experience of the past, the present desires of the nation, and last, but not the least, a hope for the future. A constitution is a document for all

Asif Zardari and ‘concerned’ journalism – by Nadeem Paracha: What to say of an electronic media some of whose channels, for example, decided to place the cosmetic Shoaib-Sania saga at the top of their main 9:00pm news bulletins on the day the 18th Amendment was passed by the

A salute to martyrs of Pakistan’s war on terror – by Nazir Naji: شہیدوں کو سلام….سویرے سویرے …نذیرناجی 30 اپریل کو شہدا کا دن قرار دیا گیا ہے۔ یقینی طور پر اس کی وجہ سوات‘ ملاکنڈ اور قبائلی علاقوں میں کثرت سے شہادتیں پانے والے وہ فوجی جوان اور افسر ہیں‘ جنہوں

The PPP government’s new labour policy 2010 – by Abdul Nishapuri: Consistent with its election manifesto, the PPP government has finally taken a step in the right direction by announcing a new labour policy (effective 1 June 2010). The policy comprises a number of appreciable elements in order to protect

After LNG case Transparency International Pakistan asks DHA to implement Public Procurement Rules 2004: Source The News: ISLAMABAD: After the Supreme Court judgement in LNG case which referred to Public Procurement Rules 2004, the Transparency International Pakistan (TIP) has asked Defence Housing Authority (DHA) to implement the rules as these were also applicable

Punjab on knife-edge as extremists take hold: Taseer: Punjab Governor Salman Taseer is consistently showing his concern on the rapid progress of Sipah Sahaba under the patronage PML-N punjab provincial government. Recently I observed Maulana Ahmed Ludhinvi banners all over Gujrawala city which was quite alarming for me . We

Javed Hashmi vs Amin Fahim – by Muhammad Amjad Rashid: It is a common thought in Pakistan that both the big political parties of Pakistan have not done good with their 2nd tier leadership who were running the parties during the Musharraf’s reign when the top leadership of both

From Presidential Dictatorship of Army Generals to Judicial Dictatorship of Bureaucrats – by Junaid Qaiser: Pakistan was conceived by its founder as a parliamentary democratic country. Political forces in Pakistan have a consensus on the parliamentary form of democracy, which the two constitutions of the country, 1956 and 1973 drafted by the two respective

Bangladesh’s Quest for Closure – by Salil Tripathi: Source Caravan Magazine: A QUARTER CENTURY AGO I met a man who calmly told me how he had organised the massacre of a family. He wasn’t confessing out of a sense of remorse; he was bragging about it, grinning

Ansar Abbasi, the undeclared spokesperson of Iftikhar Chaudhry – by Ahmed Iqbalabadi: Is Ansar Abbasi a journalist or is he the chief spokesperson of Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry? Let us have a quick look at today’s daily Jang (1 May 2010) and you see his two analyses on the front page.

Khalid Khwaja’s death – by Ahmed Iqbalabadi: I am saddened by the killing of former ISI officer, Mr. Khalid Khawaja, by the so called “Asian Tigers” (Punjabi Taliban) after having abducted him more than a month ago. Even though I have strong differences to the point

New version of SC verdict placed on website: Source: Dawn By Khawar Ghumman Saturday, 01 May, 2010 ISLAMABAD, April 30: A judgment posted on the Supreme Court’s website on Wednesday was replaced within an hour with another version. As a result, details carried by the media of

Favorable Judgment of LHC to a fake degree holder: The Lahore High Court Judgment on Ajmal Asif is such a blatant example of discrimination by judges. On same account Nazir Jutt ( former MNA and election candidate from NA-167 ) was disqualified only because he was PPP ticket

No ‘good’ Taliban – by Zafar Hilaly: The regularity with which the military claims to be killing as many as 30-40 militants in a day may be gratifying, but the frequency with which the Taliban are bombing schools and police stations and killing friendly tribals, police,

Tirah massacre: insensitive state response — by Farhat Taj: The Pakistan army simply does not have the tradition to punish its rank and file, unless the aggrieved party is also from within the army Recently, Pakistan Air Force fighter planes bombed Sra Vella area in the Tirah Valley

IJT thugs assault PU security officer: * Activists retaliate after guards prevent them from distributing pamphlets outside campus mosque following Friday prayers * PU admin had banned distribution of pamphlets on campus * Varsity spokesperson says admin seeking FIR against those involved in the violence