Author Archive

Not So Economical: Its somewhat frustrating and very tedious when repeated lies by local takfiris are parroted verbatim by International Media. And that too by a respectable publication like Economist; and something exactly like that happened on the online article published under

No Country for Young Children: It has been a while since I posted something for LUBP and after a prolonged absence I have decided to pen something. Not that I was not paying attention to the political scene in Pakistan, but the apathy which

Imran Khan and illusion of a Messiah: Up till now I always thought very harshly of Imran Khan, my opinion of him was that of a simpleton who lacked any political acumen. His public appearances are usually crass and full of vulgarities in which he often

Pakistan and Nelson Mandela: I am in no position to write an obituary for a historic personality like Nelson Mandela, and my words might not do justice to such a personality. Mandela may not have been a perfect person as we might believe

Rawalpindi riots and the original sin: So as my previous post goes, slowly the information has started to trickle down and we are getting to the see a much clearer picture of what really happened on the day of Ashura in Rawalpindi. By the way

Banned Deobandi outfit’s pre-planned attack on Ashura procession in Rawalpindi: So here we are again, another Ashura Juloos and another incident, details of which are slowly coming out (especially on how the banned Takfiri Deobandi terrorist outfit Sipah Sahaba aka ASWJ Rawalpindi had preplanned the carnage). But do not

Raza Rumi’s War on Bloggers !: For past few weeks or so Raza Rumi of TFT has been slurring and threatening online activists with dire consequences, even going as far as threatening the families of HR activists. Now one may ask why a seemingly soft

Mushtaq Minhas’s War!: Analyzing Pakistani politics through the prism of conventional political lens is an extremely difficult and fruitless task, matter of fact same holds true for India. Unlike these two South Asian neighbors ,What people living in developed countries experience ,

Institutional decay!: Pakistan is a country suffering from within and outside, but mostly from within, and with years of ineffective governance and complete breakdown of law and order, it comes as no surprise that the society has lost its moral compass,

Much needed honesty on Takfiri Deobandi militants!: Few months back before the Abbas Town Massacre we had couple of political parties namely JUI(F) & ANP hold two different APCs to demand that government of Pakistan negotiate with the TTP. The news media which primarily is dominated

Where is Pakistan Heading ?: So few weeks back after the Abbas Town tragedy perpetrated by the usual suspects (see Takfiri Deobandis) ; i decided to browse through different Pakistani talk shows hoping for some much needed honesty. You would at least expect some self reflection