Transparency International Archive

Adil Gilani of Transparency International Pakistan condemns new contempt of court law: Editor’s Note: LUBP has previously published quite a few posts highlighting the dubious role of Adil Gillani and his fraudulent Transparency International, which is always there to promote agendas and discourse of the Military Establishment. Gilani’s current stance on

Transparency International Pakistan’s mindlessness – targeting remittances: Pakistan is a country that refuses to fail despite of all the efforts of those who can’t see it perform, albeit with hiccups. In last few years, Transparency International Pakistan has become a nuisance in connivance with Jang Group

How to make a great story on “krupshion” – Ansar Abbasi-Adil Gilani 101!: I was always weak in mathematics. Numbers were never my forte and hence, I remained a not so bright student. Work wise, I play with numbers and like analyzing them. I wonder, if I had a better grip on

Is military the least corrupt institution in Pakistan? A comment on Adil Gilani’s TIP report: Related posts: LUBP archive on Adil Gilani LUBP archive on Transparency International Pakistan LUBP archive on corrupt generals Transparency International Pakistan (TIP) has included the military for the first time in a survey that shows the defence being amongst

Pakistan improves in global Corruption Perceptions Index 2011: According to the latest figures released by Transparency International, Pakistan has improved its score there by becoming a ‘little less corrupt’. Pakistan improved its score from 2.3 last year to 2.5 this jumping 9 spots from 143 to 134.

Pakistan on Global Indexes – by Dr. Niaz Murtaza: Things in the good old days were simpler—there were just lies, damned lies and statistics. Today we also have an ever-growing range of indexes comparing countries on diverse dimensions, ranging from governance to economic competitiveness. Pakistan unfortunately lags behind

Transparency International’s head in Pakistan abetting corruption – by Rauf Klasra: Related articles: Transparency International Pakistan Chairman’s son resigns after charges of corruption LUBP Archive on Adil Gilani The following report by Rauf Klasra confirms the blackmailing role of the Transparency International (Pakistan Chapter). NICL scam: Behind-the-scenes deal uncovered A

Is Transparency International a CIA Agent?- by Farhad Jarral: Following are the converted Images of a ‘PDF’ Document, Originally published at website of Embassy of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to the UK and Ireland Here’s the Video Clip of Mubashir Luqman’s Show ‘Point Blank’ in which he openly

Transparency International Pakistan Chairman’s son resigns after charges of corruption: TIP chairman’s son resigns from PNSC board membership Fear of being caught red-handed led Transparency International Pakistan (TIP) Chairman Syed Adil Gilani’s son Sohrab Adil Gilani to resign from his position as a board member of the Pakistan National

No contradiction when it comes to Gen. Kiyani – by Adnan Farooq: One expression of hegemony that in Antonio Gramsci’s view sustains rulers in power, is self-censorship practiced by mainstream media professionals. Here is a case in point: Noted Geo-anchorperson and Jang-columnist, Hamid Mir, in his column last week (November 04)

Who fixes corruption index and why? – by Shiraz Paracha: A senior manager of the World Bank who served in the organization at a time when the Bank’s policies led Africa and Latin America into debt, destruction and extreme poverty, later on established the so-called Transparency International (TI) —

Government must act to address perceived corruption – by Fasi Zaka: No proof of perceived corruption Consistent suo motu actions by the judiciary, Transparency International’s (TI) raising of Pakistan’s rank as a corrupt country and the media howling fiduciary murder every few days is rattling the PPP. The prime minister recently

Aman ki Whatever- by AYK: The advertisement starts with an old man’s fingers raised in air; a subtitle explains that it is set up at India-Pakistan border. A poor Pakistani, cheered on by a group of people sitting outside tents, is making some weird

Yet Another Corruption Perception Index – Transparency International’s mindless logic: A press conference is going to take place today in which the high and mighty, Syed Adil Gilani, Chairman of Transparency International Pakistan is going to thunder that “Pakistan 2010 Corruption Perceptions Index Score is 2.3 against 2.4 in

A critical analysis of Adil Gilani’s National Corruption Perception Survey 2010 – by Ahmed Iqbalabadi: After my initial response to the report that was published in various newspapers (, I downloaded the National Corruption Perception Survey 2010 by the Transparency International-Pakistan (TIP). The report is biased without an iota of doubt. Some of the

Adil Gilani and his Transparency International Pakistan must be transparent about their political agenda – by Ahmed Iqbalabadi: I try to focus on what is published in Jang as it is the most widely read newspaper while its news is also relayed through Geo News. In essence, Jang and Geo News are opinion formers in the country.